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Pakistan should be named 'People's Republic of Pakistan'

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These people you have mentioned in your post were the real freedom fighters, the Muslim Leegis were a bunch of opportunists who were only interested in their own interests - like, more quota in jobs for our not so talented barkhoordars (have no idea why a son is called barkhordar) who are unable to compete with the more educated Hindus. Khudaikhidmatgaran, under the leadership of Bacha Khan, fought tooth and nail for their freedom from the British Colonialists and shed their blood to achieve freedom. Just google "massacre Qissa Khwani Bazar" and see the level of their tolerance, discipline and sacrifice. No wonder events like these failed to find place in mutala e Pakistan - the most misguided comic book every written by human beings.
those should be hindu religious books:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Well, I think most people in Pakistan do stand somewhere in the middle as regards to ideologies. We should really be focusing on real problems that are plaguing Pakistan i.e. disintegrating economy, poverty, disease and corruption.
Everything should fall into place itself once the people are content with their nation and their lives!

And we need to only worry about ourselves alone and only mind business thats related to us.
If the two terms "Islam" and "Republic" some how reconcile each other without much violating their literal meaning and as long as the spirit of liberty is carefully respected and taken care of by it's rulers if I were a Pakistani I wouldn't have felt much urge to change the present name to anything else. It will not change anything substantial at all.
Killing is wrong. I personally don't feel anything for Indian Muslims. They are coping the fruit of their own decisions.
what were their decision I mite ask ???
they supported ur cause and for some reason cudnt reach the pakistani borders. i wud rather say their legitimate concerns for their safety was thrown to the dustbin by Mr. Jinaah after he got his baby, Pakistan.
if i m not wrong, the whole state of pakistan (east n west pak) was for indian muslims, rite ???
If the two terms "Islam" and "Republic" some how reconcile each other without much violating their literal meaning and as long as the spirit of liberty is carefully respected and taken care of by it's rulers if I were a Pakistani I wouldn't have felt much urge to change the present name to anything else. It will not change anything substantial at all.

This is the best post of this thread. ;)
Because Pakistan was not a republic until 1956. Until then we were under the british crown. The name Islamic republic of Pakistan was chosen in the constitution of 1956 when Pakistan became a republic.

The Bottom line is, that Pakistanis will decide what our country would become. Majority of Pakistanis desire a functional Muslim state. We may become communists, secularists or a Sharia state, its no one's business. This is our country and we will decide its future.

Lastly, since Muslims are the majority, our laws and way of life will prevail. Millions of our ancestors paid with their blood, wealth and honor so we could have a choice they didn't have. If 3% minorities have a problem with our country's name, it means that they have a problem with Muslims, our way of life aspirations and Islam.

If they have a problem with the majority and their aspirations, the majority can tell them go and smoke bong! - just because we 'can'. The Christians and Hindus didn't have any significant role in our freedom movement, they paid no price for our freedom. They got it as a result of the blood sacrifice of our forefathers....and whoever has the power to give also reserves the right to 'take it back'.
But Why White Color as based in Pakistan Flag .
what were their decision I mite ask ???
they supported ur cause and for some reason cudnt reach the pakistani borders. i wud rather say their legitimate concerns for their safety was thrown to the dustbin by Mr. Jinaah after he got his baby, Pakistan.
if i m not wrong, the whole state of pakistan (east n west pak) was for indian muslims, rite ???

Most of them were mislead by Maulana Abul-Kalam Azad.
He has been banned from the thread for a day for posting graphic content.

Killing is wrong. I personally don't feel anything for Indian Muslims. They are coping the fruit of their own decisions.

We are no one to talk about their decision,the consequences relies on them.But what's wrong in condemning?
So you are locking out Bangladeshis from posting in this thread because you think it is none of their business !!

Without the strong support of Bengalis , Pakistan would have never come into existence in the first place

In 1954 elections , Bengalis rejected conservatives and elected nationalists and socialists. The elections resulted in a landslide victory for the United Front which won 228 seats in a House of 309 (including nine reserved seats for women). On the other hand, the Muslim League, the party in power directly or indirectly ever since 1937, managed to get only 7 seats .

Muslim League then had no option but to use Islam as a tool against Bengalis

1956 constitution was rightly declared as "a prostitution of Islam for political ends." by President Iskander Mirza

In 1964 presidential elections , Bengalis once again proved to be more loyal to Jinnah and his vision when Fatima Jinnah swept East Pakistan . Ayub`s "Basic Democracy" tactic saved him , but now the establishment from East Pakistan knew that they would have to try harder . It was the time when the term "Nazriya e Pakistan" (Ideology of Pakistan) was introduced for the first time by a narrow minded general .!!! Ironically Pakistan was born 20 years before "Nazriya e Pakistan"

And the whole world knows that how this ideology was later used against Bengali people !! And now it is being used against Ahmadis , christians , Hindus and other minorities of Pakistan (including Shia)

The Ahmedia Muslim was the only community that supported Pakistan movement en masse !!
The Communist Party of India (the most secular and non communal institution in South Asian polity) wholeheartedly supported the Pakistan movement in 40`s .
The Mullahs opposed ML and Pakistan movement on all fronts as much as they possibly could
And today Mullahs are the "representatives and protectors" of ideology of Pakistan , Communists are traitors , Ahmedis are "Wajib ub Qatl" apostates !!

Unfortunately our educated classes have buried their heads in sand !! The mention of word "Islam" turns off their brains and they choose to stay silent ......

`Only if` your understanding of history is restricted to "Sarkari distorted version" ... and no doubt , ignorance is a bliss !!
Oh Chacha even u dont know history......the things yr mentioning did happened but the way yr putting them is in a wrong context. Those Mullas were congressi Mullas like Abdul Kalam Azad.
Most of them were mislead by Maulana Abul-Kalam Azad.
personally, i dont think they were mislead by anyone.
i ll put the blame on ignorance and poverty. most of the ppl who stayed were oblivious of pakistan on the first place ...for eg farmers in rural areas.
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