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Pakistan’s nuclear and missile assets -- myth vs reality

I am thinking about buying some wholesale water pipes from this company in China
but I am not sure if they are legal to bring in to the states? What are the laws on water pipes, bongs, and pipes?

We are not discussing that sort of a weapon...do that and let us know what happens :lol:
Well my dear indians, if you dont believe what we claim thn dont waste your energy here. no doubt you have more money more scientests and more high tech univ, still all of does not translate into your superiority over Pak in Defence related research. We are confident as we started with level zero and today we have more defense exports thn India. your denial wont change any thing!
Well my dear indians, if you dont believe what we claim thn dont waste your energy here. no doubt you have more money more scientests and more high tech univ, still all of does not translate into your superiority over Pak in Defence related research. We are confident as we started with level zero and today we have more defense exports thn India. your denial wont change any thing!

I truely agree that numbers dont translate to superiority.
Look at Israel, a small country and it has Defense Exports comparable to Russia.

However, I humbly Request you to enlighten me n Prove This :

we have more defense exports thn India.
Hi Fatman,

Indeed pakistan's nuclear program has reached that stage where a simple special forces or a so called joint action won't happen. But what if the world decides to offer a very bi carrot to pakistan.

Waive off, all of pakistan's debts, major investment in all the fields, heavy investment in the infrastructure, 250-300 first line multi role strkie aircraft etec etc etc. A pact with india of total non-aggression, solution of kashmir issue once for all and many more items.

Instead of printing articles that bring out anger and retaliation, the issue should have been discussed in a more friendlier manner and pakistan approached differently. But now the genie is out of the bag. There has been too much reaction from both the sides. For pakistan, there is too much at stake and america may have showed its hand too soon.

Mastan sb, well all these carrots can be offered but again Ghalib ka mashoor sher zehan mein ajata hai 'dil behlanay kay liyye khayal acha hai ghalib'.
we have more defense exports thn India.

However, I humbly Request you to enlighten me n Prove This :

Official claims big rise in arms exports (Dawn: July 18, 2008 )
In reply to a question, he said, Pakistan’s military exports were higher than India’s


Another interesting link.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arms_industry#World.27s_largest_arms_exporters
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Well my dear indians, if you dont believe what we claim thn dont waste your energy here. no doubt you have more money more scientests and more high tech univ, still all of does not translate into your superiority over Pak in Defence related research. We are confident as we started with level zero and today we have more defense exports thn India. your denial wont change any thing!

Well dear ****, In that case lets face some facts.....

Mere numbers doesnot mean superiority.....but then if we better tech univ and scientists and money power why do you think we will be lagging behind you guys. Also please understand the Indian psyche.....we are not concerned about you guys...either economically or militarily. Our targets are global powerhouses....our role models are successful countries like US, parts of Europe and New China.....We are behind China by atleast a decade but we are building a new India brick by brick....we will catch up slowly but surely. Today you are seeing the gradual rise of a new economically powerful India....tomorrow you will see this replication in military terms too...I am sure Pakistan would also be making gradual strides towards military modernisation.....But you must look at the big picture and move ahead on all fronts......get out of this India fobia....because India doesnot have a Pak fobia......our goals are higher our targets much bigger...we have our plans and action in place...yes we have our weaknesses too but we shall overcome.....we are determined...maybe another decade but we are rising and responding to our challenges:azn:
Actually Indians are obsessed with Pakistan. Pakistan has forces deployed in many parts of the middle east and defending Islam's secret shrines is our primary duty. India is another enemy that we are dealing with. Yes, we did defeat the Mighty USSR, in the first Afghan War, though with Saudi, US and NATO's help. We are also building defences to deal with other threats.

We are fighting a war and our ecomony is still growing 4-4.5%, but in the Musharraf's time, when we did not have a war, the economy was growing 7-7.5%. Pakistan is the 6th biggest country in the world with population close to 180 million now and we have many human resource assets.

Please only worry about India and keep your lectures to yourself. Thanks but no thanks.:pakistan:
We have no money problem for missile tests, but we are having this problem.....

A pieace from Nawai Waqt New Paper's front page (Lahore), Date 26th Feb 2010

That Nawa-i-Waqt "news" sounds like BS to me.

Firstly, Babur is not an Air-to-air missile and secondly, babur is nuclear capable. I think they are trying to cover up their earlier blunder and since when have Brahmos missiles become Inter-continental?

Frankly speaking I have little trust in Urdu newspapers in general especially when it comes to technical things they have little knowledge of. What a crappy piece of journalism!
Well dear ****, In that case lets face some facts.....

Mere numbers doesnot mean superiority.....but then if we better tech univ and scientists and money power why do you think we will be lagging behind you guys. Also please understand the Indian psyche.....we are not concerned about you guys...either economically or militarily. Our targets are global powerhouses....our role models are successful countries like US, parts of Europe and New China.....We are behind China by atleast a decade but we are building a new India brick by brick....we will catch up slowly but surely. Today you are seeing the gradual rise of a new economically powerful India....tomorrow you will see this replication in military terms too...I am sure Pakistan would also be making gradual strides towards military modernisation.....But you must look at the big picture and move ahead on all fronts......get out of this India fobia....because India doesnot have a Pak fobia......our goals are higher our targets much bigger...we have our plans and action in place...yes we have our weaknesses too but we shall overcome.....we are determined...maybe another decade but we are rising and responding to our challenges:azn:

I think you said you are giving some facts:no:!!!! yous aspirations and thinking can not be labelled as FACTs, If you think so, i would say I dont buy it. Regarding the claim since whn i claimed that we are leading india, only said that we hav more defense related exports. Regarding indian Psyche: its indian who are obsessed with Pak, prove- see the number of indians on PDF and from attitude of most members of PDF shows who is having phobia of whom!

indians have their goals and objectives Pakistanis have theirs, but important thing is we are not making tall claims, its not our style, and you are constantly telling us what yours. Dear Sir, tell USA and China these thing if you want to compete with them not us.

Sorry for impolite language.
Pakistan needs to modernize its defence production facilities so that products of international standard could be produced and exported to the friendly countries. If Pakistan exports weapons worth US$ 2 Billion annualy it will significantly reduce the trade deficiet and improve forign exchange reserves of the country
Man selling missiles is not that easy.......R u ready to face International pressure?
Anyone know the latest development of this news?

"China will reportedly make a statement on its decision to supply two more nuclear reactors to Pakistan "

China-Pakistan nuclear deal: Why the surprise?

Warming up Pak-China relations

The real development of a country takes place once there is transfer of technology. In this context China has already helped Pakistan a lot in military and industrial fields. President Zardari’s visits to China have initiated discussions for cooperation in multiple fields. A concrete step forward is signing of accord at Shanghai on June 8, 2010 to set up two nuclear power plants at Chashma.

Although objections were mildly raised by the USA, China brushed aside all speculations by informing Nuclear Suppliers’ Group (NSG) during its recent meeting at Christ Church, New Zealand, of its decision to supply Chashma IV and V to Pakistan. There was no formal objection to the Chinese move. An arrangement for a soft Chinese loan to fund the construction has also been made. It is assumed that civil nuclear cooperation between the two countries fall beyond the purview of NSG as the broader agreement was reached before China join the NSG in 2004. That opens possibility of further cooperation between the two countries in nuclear field.
Man selling missiles is not that easy.......R u ready to face International pressure?

Missles cannot be exported legaly neither their tech...but who is going to claim if we happen to train some enginners in missle building intellact?? when there is a will there is a way..

We are probably capable to design our own reactors however lack an industrial base to manufacture it indeginously. :china:
Just one question.....

Whats the point of discussing 3 years old thread..???
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