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Pakistan’s nuclear and missile assets -- myth vs reality

Mr America is not GOD that it could do everything it couldn't even defeat Taliban what else you want a super power getting beaten up by those guys who don't have even proper shoes to wear
Grow up dude, plz grow up.

what Pakistan needs to do is take a stand and if America attacks hit back and hit back hard America will do nothing because first it don't have guts secondly it can't afford the war with Pakistan it will be disaster for USA
why are you so desperate about a PAK-US conflict.
We should hit back hard, hahaha. You must be kidding dude. And who told you that american will do nothing.
They have the guts, might, ability and capability and they don't need to prove that to kids in defence forums.
The nuclear bombing of Japan in WWII till recent OBL operation clearly shows to what extent US may go to safeguard its interest.
i found something interesting:


Nice reply to those pro American dudes.
It shows from their replies that they are very poor people mentally.
Under estimating Afghanistan and comparing Pakistan with Libya is a show of the ignorance force.
One cannot overlook the ground realities of a nation led by a military trying to justify its power and a civilian leadership hell bent on maintaining the status quo of feudalism and corruption. Any "massive carrot" will go straight into the pockets of these power players, the nation will gain little in the process and we will be back at square one. If there is one thing Pakistan has shown over the years, is that it can create a loss out of a position of strength, mainly because the leadership looks to secure itself first and foremost. If we are to ever relinquish nuclear weapons, which is the right thing to do in my opinion, there has to be some level of accountability on the Pakistani side...something we have lacked since inception.

The day Pakistan relinquishes it's Nukes it will be made another Iraq/Afghanistan. Is this what you want?

On one side everybody has the rant that 'Nations do not have permanent friends or enemies, only permanent interests', then, how can you say that the nations that are your friends today can protect you tomorrow. What if their interests change tomorrow?

Self-reliance is the best defence in my view.
do u really think that pak will soon have more nukes than india and china loll


'Pak will have 200 N-warheads in a decade'

Washington: Pakistan has the world's fastest-growing nuclear stockpile and it could achieve 150-200 warheads in a decade despite the political instability in the country, two top American atomic experts have said.
Pakistan is in the process of building two new plutonium production reactors and a new reprocessing facility to fabricate more nuclear weapons fuel, wrote nuclear experts Hans M Kristensen and Robert S Norris in the latest issue of Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.
In their paper 'Pakistan's nuclear forces, 2011', the authors estimate that if Pakistan's expansion continues, its nuclear weapons stockpile could reach 150-200.
"Despite its political instability, Pakistan continues to steadily expand its nuclear capabilities and competencies; in fact, it has the world's fastest-growing nuclear stockpile," they wrote.
"We estimate that Pakistan has a nuclear weapons stockpile of 90-110 nuclear warheads, an increase from the estimated 70-90 warheads in 2009," the paper said.
"It is also developing new delivery systems. Enhancements to Pakistan's nuclear forces include a new nuclear capable medium-range ballistic missile, the development of two new nuclear-capable short-range ballistic missiles, and the development of two new nuclear-capable cruise missiles," they wrote.
"With four new delivery systems and two plutonium production reactors under development, however, the rate of Pakistan's stockpile growth may even increase over the next 10 years," they warned.
"The Pakistani government has not defined the number and type of nuclear weapons that its minimum deterrent requires. But Pakistan's pace of nuclear modernization and its development of several short-range delivery systems indicates that its nuclear posture has entered an important new phase and that a public explanation is overdue," the experts said.
Pakistan may be producing 120-180 kg of HEU (Highly Enriched Uranium) per year, an amount sufficient for 7-15 warheads, they said, adding that the uranium ore is mined at several locations throughout Pakistan, with more mines scheduled to open in the future.
The revelation that Osama bin Laden was hiding for years in Abbottabad, only 16 km from a large military weapons depot with underground facilities, raised new questions about the security and control of Pakistan's nuclear weapons.
"Outside Pakistan, observers wondered if the nuclear arsenal was secure from potential terrorist theft; inside Pakistan, observers wondered whether the arsenal was safe from a possible US or Indian incursion," the article said.
"Exactly how Pakistan safeguards its nuclear weapons, and what type of use-control features its weapons have, is unclear," they wrote, adding that the weapons are thought to have some basic use-control features to prevent unauthorized use.
"Its facilities and weapons are said to be widely dispersed in the country with most of the arsenal located south of Islamabad. Furthermore, the weapons are thought to be stored unassembled, with the cores separate from the weapons and the weapons stored away from the delivery vehicles," the report said.

'Pak will have 200 N-warheads in a decade' - Pakistan News - IBNLive
Nuclear Weapons: Who Has What at a Glance | Arms Control Association

Global nuclear arsenals

China Israel FrANCE & uk are under 300 warheads

india 100

Pakistan 70-90

you are wrong sir. Last year I visited back home Pakistan and then we went to India for a wedding. While I was there I counted them personally. Pakistan had 100 ready to go plus 5 were in the last stages (Just arrived from China were being painted made in Pakistan). While in India you guys had only 60 and were not been able to make more because of Civil Nuclear Deal with lord allmighty good ol US Of A.

I try to take some home in Pakistan but security guard would not let me. He wanted Dollars instead of Pakistani Rupee. He would not accept my American Express card either because he said American Express charges a high transaction fee (5%) as compare to Visa and Master Card. Too Bad. I left all of my other cards home.
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