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Pakistan’s nuclear and missile assets -- myth vs reality

^ this type me thread worth decade of discussion.

Btw India try to catch up with both china and Pakistan and need to mass produce missiles
That Nawa-i-Waqt "news" sounds like BS to me.

Firstly, Babur is not an Air-to-air missile and secondly, babur is nuclear capable. I think they are trying to cover up their earlier blunder and since when have Brahmos missiles become Inter-continental?

Frankly speaking I have little trust in Urdu newspapers in general especially when it comes to technical things they have little knowledge of. What a crappy piece of journalism!

Nawa-i-waqt places 2nd behind jang in posting "mirch masala".
I remember back in 2001 they were headlines on this very paper claiming America has readied nukes for launch against Pakistan.
And that some sort of thermo-plasma that eats up all the oxygen will be launched on every Pakistani City.. so we all suffocate and die...
The only good that comes out of these papers are the few established and distinguished columnists who do write some moving pieces.

But then again, they are still better than a few very old Indian news sources who still claim our missiles are in the testing phase and all of us sport foot long beards.

Ive heard about the missile programs from the founding fathers themselves at regular intervals...and suffice to say we are evenly matched in tech.. Ive had the argument time and time again on the difference between being able to test a technology to the need to actually field it..
Our disparities are in the conventional sphere and are now at dangerous levels.. levels which god forbid war breaks out will certainly lead to a Nuclear exchange.

And I hate to "rain" on your parade their rain.. but if the Indian is not obsessed with Pakistan, i certainly am sick and tired of always seeing something related to Pakistan whenever I flip through CNN-IBN,zee news on the tele.. The only thing that seems to have precedence over Pakistan is bollywood, and not too much happening there either..
(I hate love stories :tdown::tdown::tdown::tdown:)
Nawa-i-waqt places 2nd behind jang in posting "mirch masala".
I remember back in 2001 they were headlines on this very paper claiming America has readied nukes for launch against Pakistan.
And that some sort of thermo-plasma that eats up all the oxygen will be launched on every Pakistani City.. so we all suffocate and die...
The only good that comes out of these papers are the few established and distinguished columnists who do write some moving pieces.


They were partially correct----the poor souls just didnot have the right words to explain---they were talking about the american THERMOBARIC WEAPONS----a fuel air bomb---so---yeah---that would suffocate the people and in populated areas it will run havoc in death and destruction.
pakistan is not like afghanistan that the taliban will get hold of the country...pakistan has a population of 170million and only about half a million are taliban...now yu cannot expect that stark contrast to make a problem.??and to deliver a nuclear bomb you have to arm it, get the launch codes,have a delivery system and hence forth alot of other technicaly challenging things which the taliban are not capable of....ramming a commercial jet after recieving a flying training at a school is one thing but this is a whole other level....this situation arises only after the taliban have overthrown the govt and military and taken control of the country....pakistan has fought india in 71' and now how can an army of 7 lac and with surplus of 2000 tanks and and 200 state of the art tanks be defeated by a meagre guerilla faction witha strength of 50000 ??? he americans should face the facts and not their supposed thinkings.
pakistan is not like afghanistan that the taliban will get hold of the country...pakistan has a population of 170million and only about half a million are taliban...now yu cannot expect that stark contrast to make a problem.??and to deliver a nuclear bomb you have to arm it, get the launch codes,have a delivery system and hence forth alot of other technicaly challenging things which the taliban are not capable of....ramming a commercial jet after recieving a flying training at a school is one thing but this is a whole other level....this situation arises only after the taliban have overthrown the govt and military and taken control of the country....pakistan has fought india in 71' and now how can an army of 7 lac and with surplus of 2000 tanks and and 200 state of the art tanks be defeated by a meagre guerilla faction witha strength of 50000 ??? he americans should face the facts and not their supposed thinkings.


When you are talking about how an enemy thinks---then you need to put yourself in their shoes and look through their eyes and feel their concerns---that is the quality of a good general---a good analysts---and a good researcher.

America is not looking at the number of pak millitary---it is looking at what the millitary has done against the taliban---that is all---all rhetoric set aside---pak millitary's response is pi-ss poor against this resource---.

Pak millitary had been caught with their pants down----the taliban were dancing and prancing 30---50 miles away from the pak capitol.

Pak millitary is made up of gamblers----they have been gambling that they could take the taliban out anytime tghey want to---and in doing so have made a monster out of a miniscule.
Pakistan Nuclear Weapons
Pakistan's Atomic Energy commission was founded some 15 years after the Indian program. In 1965, President Ayub Khan took some initial steps in response to the emerging of Indian nuclear threat. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was the founder of Pakistan's Nuclear Program, initially as Minister for Fuel, Power and Natural Resources, and later as President and Prime Minister. Pakistan's nuclear program was launched in earnest shortly after the loss of East Pakistan in the 1971 war with India, when Bhutto initiated a program to develop nuclear weapons with a meeting of physicists and engineers at Multan in January 1972. In 1974 India successfully tested a nuclear "device." Bhutto reacted strongly to this test and said Pakistan must develop its own "Islamic bomb."

Pakistan lacks an extensive civil nuclear power infrastructure, and its weapons program is not as broad as India's. Much of its nuclear program is focused on weapons applications.

Initially, Pakistan focused on the plutonium path for building a nuclear weapon. Plutonium can be obtained from fuel that has been reprocessed from nuclear power plants, and in October 1974 Pakistan signed a contract with France for the design of a reprocessing facility for the fuel from its power plant at Karachi and other planned facilities. However, over the next two years Pakistan's international nuclear collaborators withdrew as Pakistan's nuclear ambitions became more apparent. The French were among the last to withdraw at the end of 1976, following sustained pressure from the United States.

A major advance jump to Pakistan's nuclear program was the arrival of Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan in 1975, who brought with him the plans for uranium enrichment centrifuges, and lists of sources of the necessary technology. On this basis, Pakistan initially focused its development efforts on highly enriched uranium (HEU), and exploited an extensive clandestine procurement network to support these efforts. A.Q. Khan evidently persuaded Pakistan to work with Uranium (as compared to Plutonium) because Plutonium involves more arduous and hazardous procedures and cumbersome and expensive processes. Pakistan's activities were initially centered in a few facilities. A.Q. Khan founded the Engineering Research Laboratories at Kahuta in 1976, which later to became the Dr. A. Q. Khan Research Laboratories (KRL).

When you are talking about how an enemy thinks---then you need to put yourself in their shoes and look through their eyes and feel their concerns---that is the quality of a good general---a good analysts---and a good researcher.

America is not looking at the number of pak millitary---it is looking at what the millitary has done against the taliban---that is all---all rhetoric set aside---pak millitary's response is pi-ss poor against this resource---.

Pak millitary had been caught with their pants down----the taliban were dancing and prancing 30---50 miles away from the pak capitol.

Pak millitary is made up of gamblers----they have been gambling that they could take the taliban out anytime tghey want to---and in doing so have made a monster out of a miniscule.

hello, i am not saying with due respect to your opinions that pakistan military is achieving all out success against the taliban...my point is that pak military has the resources neccessary to defend the nuclear installations and not saying that we are achieving success in the frontier. Capturing a territorry 50km from islamabad is one thing but capturing islamabad and the nuclear installations is another.....
Simple, Pakistan by now would have reliable (by your standards) nukes that can be deloivered by BM, SLBM and aircrafts. Period. Pakistan does not have reliable technology to miniaturise nukse that can be mated into cruise missiles. Even if you miniaturise, your engineers do not have infrastructure to test it, that means it is not yet reliable, so givne the resources , Pakistan might mate one or two nukes with cruise missiles, dont expect more...

come on man......pakistan has all the nukes needed to defend itself adn in a case when needed...to cause some serious damage to india cruise missile or not!.....PERIOD!!...pakistans military is purely on adefensive doctrine rather than a offensive one!....so why have cruise missiles fitted with nukes if you already have other missiles with a range of 2000km+ to deter india??

---------- Post added at 04:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:38 PM ----------

Simple, Pakistan by now would have reliable (by your standards) nukes that can be deloivered by BM, SLBM and aircrafts. Period. Pakistan does not have reliable technology to miniaturise nukse that can be mated into cruise missiles. Even if you miniaturise, your engineers do not have infrastructure to test it, that means it is not yet reliable, so givne the resources , Pakistan might mate one or two nukes with cruise missiles, dont expect more...

come on man......pakistan has all the nukes needed to defend itself adn in a case when needed...to cause some serious damage to india cruise missile or not!.....PERIOD!!...pakistans military is purely on a defensive doctrine rather than a offensive one!....so why have cruise missiles fitted with nukes if you already have other missiles with a range of 2000km+ to deter india??
Guys, you know what, Both India and Pakistan is prominent in developing Missile and Nuclear technology with or with out external assistance. With both being nuclear states with sufficient nuclear warhead in our arsenal, we are not going to conventional war with each other and a testing of a new nuclear weapon design is waste of hard earned money. From the angle where i see from, rather than fighting whose horse is bigger than the others. we can concentrate on areas where we can work with each other.
The GoP claims that it is a victim of Terrorism. To be a more stable state I would recommend that the PAK military structure be brought under the direct control of the Goverment elected by the people of Pakistan. The over-throwing of the civilian government by the miilitary in the past shows us the fact that the people elected GoP is not in control of its armed forces which is not a good sign of a stable state.
I want my brothers and sisters in Paksitan to have a stable governemt so that they can control any act of terrorism within their geographical state. A stable state of Pakistan ensures peace in the region and a better co-operation between the two states.

When you are talking about how an enemy thinks---then you need to put yourself in their shoes and look through their eyes and feel their concerns---that is the quality of a good general---a good analysts---and a good researcher.

America is not looking at the number of pak millitary---it is looking at what the millitary has done against the taliban---that is all---all rhetoric set aside---pak millitary's response is pi-ss poor against this resource---.

Pak millitary had been caught with their pants down----the taliban were dancing and prancing 30---50 miles away from the pak capitol.

Pak millitary is made up of gamblers----they have been gambling that they could take the taliban out anytime tghey want to---and in doing so have made a monster out of a miniscule.

pak army know two things...
first its very difficult to finish taliban unless america leaves
second if pakistan moves a big chunk of troops from indian boarder india would attack(its a reality just look at 71 , wasnt it an unprovked war!?)
third pakistan econmy might not be able to stand a full scale military movement against militants and life loses.especially when there are safe heavens in Afghanistan

therefore no troops have been moved from the eastern border at all
one single sentence
pakistan defense forces are fully capable of defending the country from any one xyz........ pak defense forces zindabad.

---------- Post added at 11:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 PM ----------

we can do any thing , we are simply the best army of the world.
we have proved this all over the world.
weapons and numbers do not have any value in front of pakistani soldiers,
we have a strong faith and belief on GOD and we have the courage to face death with smile for our country.
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