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Pakistan Revolution: Another lie busted! Drones still flying!

There will be no revolution in Pakistan. Revolution needs leaders and most of all, the people should also be willing for a revolution.

After so many recent developments in Pakistan, it seems like the bourgeoisie is content with the course of events. Moreover, there's no Gandhi/Jinnah/Mandela/Martin Luther King in Pakistan.

Hence, revolution in Pakistan is a stuff of fantasies confined to internet forums and youtube videos.
All revolutions require bloodshed.

"Police humein dukhe marey hai to inqilab kaisay karenge?"

F***ing idiots. Now I understand what "burger bucha" means...
All revolutions require bloodshed.

"Police humein dukhe marey hai to inqilab kaisay karenge?"

F***ing idiots. Now I understand what "burger bucha" means...

Unnecessary dude, this is actually the impressive thing about that kid. He's obviously from a privileged family upon whom the regular problems of Pakistan don't necessary fall upon.

Nowhere did he point out that he's backing out of the revolution just because there is a chance of bloodshed. But its right to protest the abuse of his rights to protest peacefully.
Look for other part.

April-17th, Pakistani's from Europe coming...!!!

Look for other part.
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Will Zaid hamid and Imran khan supporters clash in a protest? I mean both sides will scream out their leader's agenda of either secular or khalīfah and both these systems are totally different from each other.
You can say that about me, but Imran Khan is on the streets! So you're wrong again.

You did not answer my previous posts about Imran Khan not wanting Zardari to go yet and the fact he does not want to be the leader of the state today or else he would be forced to do the dirty work (obey western masters) and thus he would be exposed. At the moment he is just gaining popularity by opposing every single thing about the government because he know thats what awam wants to hear to satisfy their ego.
In terms of $$$$$$$$ no dough IK is way less corrupt then any Pak politicians but that alone is not enough. He has to be practical about what he says. He is making a joke out of a super power and he thinks he can reject their policy on his own without any repercussion to the country.
The government could not even prosecute a CIA contractor, I think you know the answer to 'will it order the PA and PAF to shoot down US aircraft.

Protection of airspace is a given, but wikileaks indicate that an unofficial agreement between Pakistan and the US exists on the issued of drone strikes - I believe Zardari was quoted quite explicitly in favor of US operated drone strikes. As such, there is no doubt that the GoP needs to come clean with the Pakistani people and issue a clear command to shoot down the drones if the US does not stop drone strikes in Pakistan, and we can hold Kiyani and Rao Qamar Suleiman (ACM) responsible if those orders are no implemented.

Look - the Army has always derived its power and influence through the support of the people, and typically it has influenced the elected governments to support hawkish foreign and nuclear policies, that have the support of most Pakistanis.

The Army will have no power if it tries to force an elected government to implement policies that Pakistanis find deeply unpopular - Zardari and Nawaz Sharif would probably welcome such an attempt by the Army, since they could run to the media and bash it endlessly, and the Army would be helpless in the face of public pressure and outrage.

There can be little doubt that the PPP at least is supporting drone strikes, and the Army is going along under Kiyani.

Sure, and Gillani seconded him - so lets see Gillani issue an official statement for the US to end drone strikes or have them shot down. I will hold Kiyani and Suleiman responsible then if they refuse to implement the GoP's orders.

If you want proper change, then focus on the correct institution - the government. The Army is not running the show. Pressure the government to comply with the demands of Pakistanis, and then the ball is in the court of the military - will they respect the decision of the civilian government to take on the US or not? Until then there is no justification for criticizing the Army - they are not in power anymore, and we should stop acting like they are and force our elected leadership to be honest and straight with us.

Please see my previous posts on the fact that 'kicking out' does not have any feasible plans for a replacement government.

Do we want a proper democracy where every institution functions as it should or do we want to continue playing these games with ISI/Army subterfuge and lack of transparency in governance? Hold the PPP and PML-N responsible, they are the ones elected to do these jobs. If the ISI/Army does not cooperate, summon them to court and point it out and shame them and remove the leadership of those institutions for not complying with the law

Enough of this 'cloak and dagger' nonsense - lets focus on the fact that Pakistanis elected these people to govern, and they are failing miserably and we need to kick them out and bring in fresh faces. When the Army refuses to listen to the civilian government that Pakistanis elected, we can hurl , abuse and criticism at them as well. But not right now, when the Army is in fact acting constitutionally.

If the COAS see that the govt is evil they should step down and resigns from their seats...otherwise everybody is involved...nobody can blame others...If he can take pay ..he should resigns too...
He is not suppose to serve Presidents or Prime Ministers....but to the Public....I know cuz they cant resign cuz they need money to fill up their stomachs ...not to serve/save pplz...from the atrocities of their Goras masters....:woot::cheesy:
everybody knows that govt. is always corrupt and evil ..but now Army is involved too...now everybody is serving their evil Goras Masters openly....:hitwall:
Everybody who talks about Democrazy should be hung on the poles and their bodies be sent to their Goras masters....as a sovenir...:woot::cheesy:
I heavily praise those innocent tribal pplz..who r facing so many cruelities from our Goras Masterz...and couldnt help them to save them....Allah SBWT may help them to burry these evil Goras alive alongwith their brutality...:coffee:
Everybody who talks about Democrazy should be hung on the poles and their bodies be sent to their Goras masters....as a sovenir...:woot::cheesy:

democracy without accountability(politicians) and the ability(public) to elect the right people wont work. Try to have democracy the way it should be, then you will see it is a good thing.
democracy without accountability(politicians) and the ability(public) to elect the right people wont work. Try to have democracy the way it should be, then you will see it is a good thing.

Like American democracy?
democracy without accountability(politicians) and the ability(public) to elect the right people wont work. Try to have democracy the way it should be, then you will see it is a good thing.

I guess we should go for the Khilafat system cuz ..in democracy everybody starts blame game and get away with his evil deeds by confusing pplz ..but if their is only one Khalifa ..he cant run away and would be held accountable....:agree:
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