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Pakistan renews security assurance to Saudi Arabia

They can. They purchased those system and they are free to sell them or gift anyone as Jordan is selling is F-16s and I think KSA is more powerful and in terms of politics and financial resources than Jordan.
That's the worst part when you get deflated weapon systems from uncle sam sells with so much restrictions that's sickening..Poor end consumers.
I bought my car with hard cash but I own all the rights to do whatever I want, modify it beyond recognition, sell it, gift it or scrap it. Poor Arabs.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Moharram has arrived sooner than expected for the Ayatooooooolahs.

You posted the claims, you need to provide the sources. I do know some times when Saudis helped temporary but you are placing claims as if their is a gold pipeline running from Saudi to Pakistan. Ranks are based on number of posted comments not their knowledge, ago or education. Senior doesn't mean anything.

Ayatollahs killed Kashmir resolution to lick Indian boots until Indian's F'ed them in the UN, than Ayatollahs took a sudden U-turn on Kashmir.

I am not into Iranian Saudi mess, but these Iranian cannot be trusted.

How Iran saved India – in 1994

They did give us 1.5 billion dollars when we needed them 3 years ago.


There have been reports that Saudia funded Pak's nuclear program even though Pakistan has denied such reports.


And Saudia did gave Pakistan oil on deferred payments after nuclear tests.

Saudi Arabia had granted Pakistan a ‘free oil facility’ in 1998, in the aftermath of the nuclear tests and subsequent economic sanctions from the United States and Europe.


Even with Iran, Pakistan had excellent relations. Shah of Iran was a big friend of Pakistan. That all changed once Khomenie revolution hit Iran.
Well I'm thinking about the whole scenario now. This time it was not requested by KSA I guess, but Pakistan has reiterated/renewed the assurance on its own after the unfortunate bombings in two cities of KSA. However like in any relationship even between brothers or husband-wife, the stake-holders have to draw a line beyond which interference is not allowed by the other. We cannot blame everything on KSA since each country has some interests which may conflict with the interest of the partner country and its our responsibility to guard ours. KSA is dogmatically ruled by Wahabis and this is a quite aggressive sect in terms of its resistance to shiaism and also to replicate itself in every other country. That's what the state of Pakistan has to watch for and convey its concerns in an unambiguous and loud enough voice but for that we need men; not boys leading us. After ZAB, I don’t know of any man who ruled the country. If we take care of these concerns, friendship with KSA is only going to be beneficial for us. We can’t fight them since they control the most important cities and places but we can negotiate on graceful terms. The leadership needs to think and act selflessly and in the best interest of Pakistan and KSA.

Pakistan wants good relations with Iran also but those may not get as warm as we wish or expect because our expectations are unrealistic, far removed from the facts and based on emotions. Post-79, Iran is intrinsically sectarian in its constitution and being the leader of a minority group, it behaves in ways that antagonise the majority more often than not. Pakistan is perceived by Iran as a sunni-majority country with a sunni rule (which is factually wrong) and there’s not much Pakistan can do to change it. However relations can still be made better by taking better care of our internal security and not allowing any sectarian group to attack others verbally and physically, active diplomacy, signing bilateral agreements for economic and trade cooperations. But at the same time convey Iran in clear terms that no interference into Pakistan’s internal affairs will be tolerated and also Iran will be responsible for allowing the use of its land against Pakistan by any hostile agency especially RAW.

At some point Pakistan may help KSA and Iran to reconcile their differences and learn to coexist peacefully, better if they can have good relations or at least adopt a policy of ignoring each other.
so may idiots in one place....

Those who are targeting KSA dont even know 5% of what they did for Pakistan ( True they did screw us over sometimes ....& again) but they are actually the only nation Except China that came to help us when we were down... 2 times they saved our economy from defaulting... most of our country's military's research projects were funded by them... and even today the infrastructure we are building in out northern areas is 70% funded by Them & other GCC countries.... and our nukes believe it or not were actually funded by them.. due to the fact that our coffins were empty in mid 70's .... there are so many other thing most of which are actually National secrets that 99.99% people here don't even know about.

but since you have to prove your immaturity & you had to put your sect before your country you are speaking ill of them, quietly ignoring the fact that it was Iran who funded BLA, TTP & it is still Iran who is Helping India to cause unrest in Balochistan, & providing them a Launch pad in our backyard.

But Close your eyes & Bury your Head in the Sand..... since that is the best you can do.
Pakistan cannot go and defend saudis. Pak has to defend itself and is allied to China rather than

more than that KSA made pak a labour nation and purchased and did everything to destroy every institution of teh country except military which infact was needed by them. But God is saving Pak from the sheikhs. :lol:

Pakistan cannot defend the KSA, it has to defend itself and it is ally of China and not KSA.

those who make secret agreements and sell their nation will be prosecuted in times to come.

Future of Pakistan is Good and is in Safe Hands.

lol.. Chinese are Businessmen never expect them that they will be with you in Arm-to-Arm, IF they don't have anything that meet their needs.. Remember Kargil and 1971 war..
Chinese wants business which is not possible with Pak at larger level...

Shaikhs need Pakistan Permanently, USA is changing her policies regarding the ME, and it can be expected that USA might also wants to bring Democracy in GCC countries after few years...

in last 60 years GCC invested more in Pakistan then China..

Here is your source man:

Delusional definition, having false or unrealistic beliefs or opinions.:rofl:

Oh by the Way @New World, it was Iran and Turkey that were with Pakistan on Kashmir issue none of the Arab countries ever have spoken in favor of Pakistan.
when DID this Happens..
Timing of this assurance is interesting. Anything to do with terrible recent bombings in KSA ?

However I do believe that KSA Armed forces along with their allies are powerful enough to defend their land.
Per intial investigation bomber is indian national
lol.. Chinese are Businessmen never expect them that they will be with you in Arm-to-Arm, IF they don't have anything that meet their needs.. Remember Kargil and 1971 war..
Chinese wants business which is not possible with Pak at larger level...
Shaikhs need Pakistan Permanently, USA is changing her policies regarding the ME, and it can be expected that USA might also wants to bring Democracy in GCC countries after few years...
in last 60 years GCC invested more in Pakistan then China..
when DID this Happens..

It is no more an issue of business after continuous militarization of the pacific by the usa allies and hence China needs a permanent strategic corridor in pakistan. GCC cannot protect pakistan rather GCC is a liability and whosoever allied to them.

Pakistan is something and does not need dependence on anyone. our country will begin progress the day we say bye bye to usa and ksa. 200 million is not a small thing that is currently working as a cheap labour market for others. damage done to pak by usa and ksa is 100 times much larger in size of their aid and investment. In short pak needs to be independent of the ksa and usa for the well being and prosperity of future generations. so china is a neighbour and has an edge over others when it comes to Pak.
so may idiots in one place....

Those who are targeting KSA dont even know 5% of what they did for Pakistan ( True they did screw us over sometimes ....& again) but they are actually the only nation Except China that came to help us when we were down... 2 times they saved our economy from defaulting... most of our country's military's research projects were funded by them... and even today the infrastructure we are building in out northern areas is 70% funded by Them & other GCC countries.... and our nukes believe it or not were actually funded by them.. due to the fact that our coffins were empty in mid 70's .... there are so many other thing most of which are actually National secrets that 99.99% people here don't even know about.

but since you have to prove your immaturity & you had to put your sect before your country you are speaking ill of them, quietly ignoring the fact that it was Iran who funded BLA, TTP & it is still Iran who is Helping India to cause unrest in Balochistan, & providing them a Launch pad in our backyard.

But Close your eyes & Bury your Head in the Sand..... since that is the best you can do.

You forgot they are also financing our space colonies throughout the space especially the one on Mars and jupiter, where we are researching the tech Saudies are financing. Not to mention big orders from saudies for our military hardware. I herd they are buying 100,000 jf17s and million Al khalid tanks.

$1.5 Billion was given to Make sure, Iran gas pipeline doesn't become a reality, do you even have any idea how many billions/ yr shortage of Natural gas cost our economy. But somehow money given to damage our economy is somehow a good thing for us.

How many billions have we lost, so far fighting terrorist financed by them? Take a wild guess.

For building couple or bridges, then I guess in that case we should be kissing the ground Japanese and western nations walk on as most of the infrastructure in Pakistan is paid or financed by them.

We sell more to United States then to combine GCC nations, but somehow Yankees are bad Saudis whose only interest in Pakistan is canon fodders or mercenaries army are good.

Yeah clearly we are the idiots.

Biggest joke of the century Iran is Financing TTP and BLA, 90% of the Wahhabi TTP targets were Pakistan Shia, majority of BLA leader ship resides in UAE.
You forgot they are also financing our space colonies throughout the space especially the one on Mars and jupiter, where we are researching the tech Saudies are financing. Not to mention big orders from saudies for our military hardware. Iherd they are buying 100,000 jf17s and million Al khalid tanks.

Economic help really! Because our trade with India is higher, then we sell to saudis. You are free to believe whatever you like that's fine, but please spare the rest of us from your Fantasies.

1.5 Billion was given to Make sure, Iran gas pipeline doesn't become a reality, do you even have any idea how many billions/ yr shortage of Natural gas cost our economy.

How many billions have we lost so far fighting terrorist financed by them? Take a wild guess

Building couple or bridges, then I guess in that case we should be kissing the ground Japanese and western nations walk on as most of the infrastructure in Pakistan is paid or financed by them.

We sell more to United States then to combine GCC nations, but somehow Yankees are bad Saudis whose only interest in Pakistan is canon fodders or mercenaries army.

Yeah clearly we are the idiots.

Biggest joke of the century Iran is Financing TTP and BLA, 90% of the Wahhabi TTP targets were Pakistan Shia, majority of BLA leader ship resides in UAE.
As I said before.... Close your eyes and Bury your head in the sand..

This happens when u know nothing but try to sound like an expert.

BTW 1 question what has Iran ever done for us?
When did this Happen..

On 19 November 2010 Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appealed to Muslims worldwide to back the freedom struggle in Jammu and Kashmir, equating the dispute with the ongoing conflicts of the Greater Middle East region.

Iran played an important role in the Indo-Pakistani war of 1965, providing Pakistan with nurses, medical supplies, and a gift of 5,000 tons of petroleum. Iran also indicated that it was considering an embargo on oil supplies to India for the duration of the fighting. The Indian government believed that Iran had blatantly favored Pakistan.After the suspension of United States military aid to Pakistan, Iran was reported to have purchased ninety Sabre jet fighter planes from West Germany, and to have sent them on to Pakistan.

A serious military cooperation between took place during the Balochistan insurgency phases against the aremd seperatist movement in 1974–77.Around ~100,000 Pakistan and Iranian troops were involved in quelling the separatist organisations in Balochistan and successfully put the resistance down in 1978–80. In May 2014, the two countries agreed to joint operations against terrorists and drug traffickers in the border regions.( give 5 10 more years and credit will be given to house of Saud by servents in Pakistan).

The Frontiers of Pakistan

Iran was the first country to recognize Pakistan as an independent state, and shah of Iran was the first Head of State to come on a state visit to Pakistan in March 1950"

https://books.google.ca/books?id=FP... support to pakistan on kashmir issue&f=false

Read the above link.

As I said before.... Close your eyes and Bury your head in the sand..

This happens when u know nothing but try to sound like an expert.

BTW 1 question what has Iran ever done for us?

I am not an expert on this subject by any means, but I do know that our foreign policy was hijacked by fundos, they destroyed our relations with the world to please ARABS.

The Almighty gave me a brain and eyes, not hard to read history, give it a shot you will be amazed what you learn. post number #47 might help.
Why we are behaving like a thankless nation, every one is talking what KSA should do for paksitan ... but no body is talking what pkistan has done for KSA? other than over seas expats working in GCC and sending back home the remittances which are a life line for our country's balance of payment, Saudis always helped pakistan, weather it is a time of sanctions like, back in 1998 when Pakistan was all alone after nuclear tests they did;t listen the world but almost bank roled pakistan, or if it is a time to fortified paksitani weapons industry they are right at top to provide the support ( Saudi Arabia remains the biggest importer of arms and ammunition from Pakistan).

the only thing which pakistan can offer them is the military might and historically pakistan did that, we already have very bad relations with our all neighbors and on international level we are becoming alienized with every passing day. we should stop this arrogant behavior and should enhance our relations with brotherly countries by providing the best possible help. because Americans have already shifted their attention from middle east to south east and far east asia and it is time for Pakistan to fill the space to maintain the balance in the region.

one more thing i wanna point .. the bilateral trade between only two nations i.e. india and KSA is about 40 billion US$ on the other hand bilateral trade between Pakistan and entire GCC is only 11 Billion $. for free trade agreement between Pakistan and GCC countries Saudi Arabia has already extend it support for pakistan. laykin agar ab ham khod he nooray banay howay hain to suadi kaya karain, every relation have right and responsibilities attached and it goes both ways???????????
Our government should have made one point very clear in black and white.
If Saudi Arabia is attacked from abroad then we will defend them.
If Saudi Arabia attacks another country we will not help them.
When things are not made clear, confusion arises. When things are clear, everything is fine.
Arey bhai this has already been conveyed, have you ever wonder as why we didn't participate in Yemen attack.
If it was possible our military and government would glue their faces to a$$holes of saudi monarchy. Saudis spend 10 times more in terms of military budget yet we have to assure their security.


You should thank Allah that even with all the set backs---your motherland is looked UP by many of your brethren for their security.

Isn't that a great reward a good muslim would ask from Allah---and isn't it a great reward by Allah given onto you so that you can help your needy friends.

For me---it a matter of pride and honor when a poor country like mine is asked to provide security and defence for the rich---.

You should have read your history---it is an East India Company moment for pakistan.

Do not reject Allah's graces and rewards---those who do---suffer greatly---.

Pakistan Army deployment is to protect Saud family and then KSA. In return, Pakistan gets oil supplied (incase of war with India) and Intelligence sharing. Thats it.
Dont expect more.

If Pakistan gets financed by KSA for weapons, then KSA would want those weapons for its own protection (from god knows what, oh wait, Iran!!!) but not to be used by Pakistan against India.

The KSA F-15's will never be used against IAF F-15's. Come to think of it, 86 F-15 C, 150 F-15 E, 70 EFT. Thats more than enough to crush IrAF. But will KSA ever wage war against Iran on its own? Never. It will ask GCC and others to join in.
Only adding UAE-AF to RSAF, its an over kill against IrAF.

Pakistan problem is Kashmir issue, KSA problem is shias of the world.


All the weapons procured by pakistan from saudi or emirati funds will be used against any enemy that pakistan sees fit to use against.

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