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Pakistan Rejects Indian Request to Open Air Space

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Pakistani Economy is on crutches, but rejects revenue earned from its arch enemy...
My analogy is perfect.
Like I said, keep it up Pakistan!

You really have a too pessimistic view of Pakistan's situation. What's Pakistan's loss in this case? Maybe $100 million per year? Is that amount so huge to cripple the Pakistani economy? I don't think so.

What you really should have said is that "let us allow a repeat of the 26 Feb. strikes inside Pakistan so that we can save face." That is not hard to understand given your posturing of staging fighter jets near Pakistan. And Pakistan is simply asking for de-escalation. Not an unreasonable demand?

That India is looking to strike Pakistan to save its face itself is a proof that the Indian narrative of the Feb. 2019 events is not only rejected by the world but also by the Indians themselves.

Just de-escalate guys. "Let it go. Let it go." as Rambo said in First Blood. You didn't get a mortal blow. And neither did Pakistan when the Atlantique was shot down by India. Move on.
Do you really think some petty cash is something we will lose our sleep over? Our geopolitical and strategic gains are much bigger.

Our enemy is begging us to open our airspace for its struggling Airliners. And we are enjoying this helplessness shown to us by our adversary. Remember, its India who is begging.

What is the strategic gain here? Or tactical for that matter? (At this point in time, 5 months after the skirmish)
Are you going to stop Indians from traveling because of this? Are you going to bring our economy to our knees or hurt our economy in any way shape or form because of this?

On the other hand, perhaps this 100 million (or plug whatever number) would definitely be a net gain for Pakistan on the back of its enemy.

To me, the best way to treat an enemy is to profit off him/her during peace time.
But that’s just me.

You can feel free to think otherwise.

@Meengla sorry didn’t see your response when I wrote this. But this is my POV to your post as well.
Pakistani Economy is on crutches, but rejects revenue earned from its arch enemy...
My analogy is perfect.
Like I said, keep it up Pakistan!
Why do you worry about Pakistan .if that is the case as your explained then isn't it much better and would expidite the destruction .
Why when you need air space to open you say Pakistan needs it more then us because they need revenue .
When Pakistan say play asia cup in Pakistan then you say no we don't , we don't want to give Pakistan any revenue . What a stark contrast in your statements
You really have a too pessimistic view of Pakistan's situation. What's Pakistan's loss in this case? Maybe $100 million per year? Is that amount so huge to cripple the Pakistani economy? I don't think so.

What you really should have said is that "let us allow a repeat of the 26 Feb. strikes inside Pakistan so that we can save face." That is not hard to understand given your posturing of staging fighter jets near Pakistan. And Pakistan is simply asking for de-escalation. Not an unreasonable demand?

That India is looking to strike Pakistan to save its face itself is a proof that the Indian narrative of the Feb. 2019 events is not only rejected by the world but also by the Indians themselves.

Just de-escalate guys. "Let it go. Let it go." as Rambo said in First Blood. You didn't get a mortal blow. And neither did Pakistan when the Atlantique was shot down by India. Move on.

Only thing I agree with your post is the demand of de-escalation is reasonable.
But opening air space itself is an act of deescalation. What you’re referring to is blackmail.

But answer honestly, would Pakistan do this if The roles were switched and India was blackmailing you into removing your army from the frontlines? Or for that matter asking you to make any concessions on what you consider your posture on national security?

Well either way, You guys not opening up your air space is your prerogative, same way moving our frontline fighters out or not is our option. At the end, the juice has to be worth the squeeze.
Do you really think some petty cash is something we will lose our sleep over? Our geopolitical and strategic gains are much bigger.

Our enemy is begging us to open our airspace for its struggling Airliners. And we are enjoying this helplessness shown to us by our adversary. Remember, its India who is begging.
He must be suffering himself. The price of his flight is doubled.
This is directly effecting the life of a common Indian . I met some people in Uzbekistan and they were crying, literly crying that 40k ticket is now 80 k .
And so people in UK are making huge fuss .
This is the only way where hurting Indian people would force their Govt to stop this false aggression and bravado against Indian .

Yes Pakistan don't need war.
Even in current situation we did everything that full scale war won't erupt . We never fan the public anger in India . We even returned abhinandan as a good will gesture . We have given our reply well quietly.
But has we shown more agression which we can and should it would be an all out war and we actually stopped it.

Only thing I agree with your post is the demand of de-escalation is reasonable.
But opening air space itself is an act of deescalation. What you’re referring to is blackmail.

But answer honestly, would Pakistan do this if The roles were switched and India was blackmailing you into removing your army from the frontlines? Or for that matter asking you to make any concessions on what you consider your posture on national security?

Well either way, You guys not opening up your air space is your prerogative, same way moving our frontline fighters out or not is our option. At the end, the juice has to be worth the squeeze.
Why do you worry about Pakistan .if that is the case as your explained then isn't it much better and would expidite the destruction .
Why when you need air space to open you say Pakistan needs it more then us because they need revenue .
When Pakistan say play asia cup in Pakistan then you say no we don't , we don't want to give Pakistan any revenue . What a stark contrast in your statements

I explained in my post above yours..

To me, the best way to deal with an enemy in peacetime is to gain monetarily from them.
The skirmish was 5 months ago.
You gain nothing by closing your airspace but gain money off your enemy by opening it up.
It’s like India paying Pakistan a tribute to use its airspace.
And given that Pakistan’s economy isn’t exactly a shining beacon, if I were in the decision making circles of Pak, I would think that way.

Also mind you, besides air India, which was close to bankruptcy even before feb 27th, only private airlines lose here. The Indian govt still gets its taxes and makes money, probably higher because the tickets cost higher. But aviation and Indians flying abroad isn’t going to stop.
So who’s loss is it? If you’re trying to hurt the Indian govt, it’s not really the intended effect I feel.

My view.
What is the strategic gain here? Or tactical for that matter? (At this point in time, 5 months after the skirmish)
Are you going to stop Indians from traveling because of this? Are you going to bring our economy to our knees or hurt our economy in any way shape or form because of this?

On the other hand, perhaps this 100 million (or plug whatever number) would definitely be a net gain for Pakistan on the back of its enemy.

To me, the best way to treat an enemy is to profit off him/her during peace time.
But that’s just me.

You can feel free to think otherwise.

@Meengla sorry didn’t see your response when I wrote this. But this is my POV to your post as well.

You ask for the strategic gain? Whole world watched how we dominated you lot during op swift retort, and still milking its after effects one of which is to punish you by closing our airspace. And now have made clear that airspace will remain close till we verify that India has moved it military assets to peace time location. So basically it's not going to open till Indian establishment comply. Humiliation after humiliation to our mortal is the order of the day. I keep on reminding you, its India who requested the closure to be lifted. We are perfectly happy with status quo. Clearly showing where the desperation lies. It's a similar situation to the military standoff during Musharraf era, where he famously said that let them stay at the border, we know what's hurting them. Perhaps Indian establishment needs to learn not to punch above its weight.

He must be suffering himself. The price of his flight is doubled.
This is directly effecting the life of a common Indian . I met some people in Uzbekistan and they were crying, literly crying that 40k ticket is now 80 k .
And so people in UK are making huge fuss .
This is the only way where hurting Indian people would force their Govt to stop this false aggression and bravado against Indian .

Yes Pakistan don't need war.
Even in current situation we did everything that full scale war won't erupt . We never fan the public anger in India . We even returned abhinandan as a good will gesture . We have given our reply well quietly.
But has we shown more agression which we can and should it would be an all out war and we actually stopped it.

He must be suffering himself. The price of his flight is doubled.
This is directly effecting the life of a common Indian . I met some people in Uzbekistan and they were crying, literly crying that 40k ticket is now 80 k .
And so people in UK are making huge fuss .
This is the only way where hurting Indian people would force their Govt to stop this false aggression and bravado against Indian .

Yes Pakistan don't need war.
Even in current situation we did everything that full scale war won't erupt . We never fan the public anger in India . We even returned abhinandan as a good will gesture . We have given our reply well quietly.
But has we shown more agression which we can and should it would be an all out war and we actually stopped it.

Who are you trying to teach a lesson to? Indian govt or Indian public?

You ask for the strategic gain? Whole world watched how we dominated you lot during op swift retort, and still milking its after effects one of which is to punish you by closing our airspace. And now have made clear that airspace will remain close till we verify that India has moved it military assets to peace time location. So basically it's not going to open till Indian establishment comply. Humiliation after humiliation to our mortal is the order of the day. I keep on reminding you, its India who requested the closure to be lifted. We are perfectly happy with status quo. Clearly showing where the desperation lies. It's a similar situation to the military standoff during Musharraf era, where he famously said that let them stay at the border, we know what's hurting them. Perhaps Indian establishment needs to learn not to punch above its weight.

Tried to browse through your diatribe and found no answer to the strategic gain.
What is the gain here? Ego?
I explained in my post above yours..

To me, the best way to deal with an enemy in peacetime is to gain monetarily from them.
The skirmish was 5 months ago.
You gain nothing by closing your airspace but gain money off your enemy by opening it up.
It’s like India paying Pakistan a tribute to use its airspace.
And given that Pakistan’s economy isn’t exactly a shining beacon, if I were in the decision making circles of Pak, I would think that way.

Also mind you, besides air India, which was close to bankruptcy even before feb 27th, only private airlines lose here. The Indian govt still gets its taxes and makes money, probably higher because the tickets cost higher. But aviation and Indians flying abroad isn’t going to stop.
So who’s loss is it? If you’re trying to hurt the Indian govt, it’s not really the intended effect I feel.

My view.
The way you are trying your best for that airspace opening is the prove how hard this closure hits you..... Don't worry about our 2cents worry about thousands of your own people , soon going to be jobless ,, worry about ending of your airline business ..
The way you are trying your best for that airspace opening is the prove how hard this closure hits you..... Don't worry about our 2cents worry about thousands of your own people , soon going to be jobless ,, worry about ending of your airline business ..

Ending of the airline business?!
Bhai more Indians fly within India than outside India.
Except for air India, which was already bankrupt before the skirmish, it’s not really going to do anything to the aviation sector in general which is pretty robust with a huge domestic market as well.

But chalo, lets bet. When do you think the airlines business in India will collapse?
Who are you trying to teach a lesson to? Indian govt or Indian public?
Are you like serious ....
My country, my air space, my leaders have banned it to teach India lesson for their unjustifiable agression shown to Pakistan without any solid evidence only appease their public and to make their narrative .
And we would not hurt them where we can.
You people are burden on this earth .
You have even forgot how to be enemies .
You lobby against my country, you spew venom against my country, you bark against my country and you wanted me to not even speak ill of your country or ban their airspace .
Bend on its knees? Lololol

Ok buddy and how do you plan to do that? Is this move affecting our economy? Is it making the govt lose revenue? If anything, higher ticket costs only add to the govt coffers through taxes.

The only people affected are individual travelers, and that too leisure travelers. Business travelers expense their tickets and don’t give a shit about the cost of the ticket.
You are using logic.. not gonna work. North India is doomed because of this.. That is the only narrative people here wanna hear... lol
Bend on its knees? Lololol

Ok buddy and how do you plan to do that? Is this move affecting our economy? Is it making the govt lose revenue? If anything, higher ticket costs only add to the govt coffers through taxes.

The only people affected are individual travelers, and that too leisure travelers. Business travelers expense their tickets and don’t give a shit about the cost of the ticket.

Smarty pants, you are already bending backwards by requesting us. Perhaps you dont know things that your establishment is fully aware?
Ending of the airline business?!
Bhai more Indians fly within India than outside India.
Except for air India, which was already bankrupt before the skirmish, it’s not really going to do anything to the aviation sector in general which is pretty robust with a huge domestic market as well.

But chalo, lets bet. When do you think the airlines business in India will collapse?
How shamelessly you are laughing on people losing jobs show your mentality level.. ... Stop lecturing us on how big and good indain airline business is or how it works ,,,, we have zero interest in those details... Who gives a shit when it going to end , but this closure will bring that end near , that is why you and people like you trying their best to lecture Pakistanis for opening up the air space .. Keep your 2cents to you, use them for bailout or as family support fund for thousands of jobless Indians.. Rest time is already telling you all..
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