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Pakistan Rejects Indian Request to Open Air Space

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I am getting out of this thread after this... what Rambo said is also what Gen. Ghafoor had said: We could have killed them but struck in empty spaces.

It may be cheesy to say: But 'Let it Go. Let it Go!'

Indian tone has changed, all are singing a different song now.
Please please please keep emphasising that "India requests" the airspace ban to be lifted, even in the title of such threads. This fact is of greatest importance in the continued divulging of such reports.

Welcome to hybrid war, where embarrassment of the enemy is almost as powerful as an air strike. In the era of social media and instant global accessibility to news media, the tweet is mightier than the sword.

nothing new... info war has always been a strong weapon since the beginning of man kind. today we have it more accessible than before..
Yes. I don't think the Indian govt was able to really convince Indian populace that India paid back Pakistan for the Pullwana attack in Feb. 2019. The shame of the Indian fighter down wreckage, the videos of the slurping of the tea by the Indian pilot after being roughed up by the mob, the backtracking of the '300 terrorists' killed claim inside Pakistan, the media and moral victory when pilot Abhinandan was handed over to India via Wagah, and above all the loss of face by India have all left deep scars in India. The videos related to the Feb. 2019 incidents had gone viral with millions of views and continued to humiliate India.

India is not going to sit in peace until it can strike inside Pakistan and claim some 'victory'.

Until India de-escalates, the air-space closure should continue.
Not just that, the best thing that happened (from our POV) in fact is the shattering of a lot of BS myths. India had been selling itself as a regional power.
Everything becomes easier to analyse if we just remember that India is an obsessive existential enemy. Especially with the hindutva extremists perched atop
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We will open our airspace when we will stop seeing aggressive Indian sorties near our borders on our scope. Their posture has not changed since 27/2, we know they are looking for the slightest weakness in our defense so that they can salvage some pride, PAF is still working on the same alert level, airspace cannot be opened under these circumstances.
Still scared of an Indian attack despite almost 5 months since the last event

That's because we know we have beaten disproportionately and punctured the ego of Intergalactic power, and our cheap and humiliated enemy may try to do another stupidity to boost her inflated ego, we don't want our SAMs hit a civilian aircraft in any future stupidity of India. So, for safety of civilians we are keeping the airspace close until safroon chadi come into senses.
You are also confirming what I said. Pakistan is still scared. The logic behind the fear may or may not make sense. But the fear is there.

We are eager to sell more cups of tea, and do full medical checkup at price of jet and some thrashing by adventure seeking Pakistani youth.
You are also confirming what I said. Pakistan is still scared. The logic behind the fear may or may not make sense. But the fear is there.

LOL get on your knees and beg for Pakistani airspace to be opened.
I really wish Pakistan doesn't open the airspace for India. Some dependencies needs to be removed forever.

BTW some Pakistani member mentioned Indian aviation industry will end if Pakistan doesn't open its airspace.... this deserves "Standing ovation".
I really wish Pakistan doesn't open the airspace for India. Some dependencies needs to be removed forever.

BTW some Pakistani member mentioned Indian aviation industry will end if Pakistan doesn't open its airspace.... this deserves "Standing ovation".

We won't man. No sweat.
is gov ne india ko neechy se de ker moo se danda nikal diya . they have no mode to give indians relaxation
India has opened its airspace. So, it is relaxation for Pakistan, not India, if Pakistan opens its airspace. Flights pay Pakistan money to allow its usage of airspace.
It should remain closed for few years at least. You don't cross international border and get away with it.
But India has opened its airspace. Why would Pakistan close it one sided, especially when Pakistan gets paid by the flights?
We should never open this.
Rich Indians would never accept that it is hurting them while they are badly hurt.
It costs us 1 million on daily basis but it hurts India too much.the cost of fuel is a big problem for India.looks like India still want air battle.
The economic loss for Pakistan is also bad. Moreover, moat of Indian airlines are owned by foreign owners. Only Air India is Indian owned. So, the loss is for foreign owners,not India
India has opened its airspace. So, it is relaxation for Pakistan, not India, if Pakistan opens its airspace. Flights pay Pakistan money to allow its usage of airspace.

But India has opened its airspace. Why would Pakistan close it one sided, especially when Pakistan gets paid by the flights?

The economic loss for Pakistan is also bad. Moreover, moat of Indian airlines are owned by foreign owners. Only Air India is Indian owned. So, the loss is for foreign owners,not India
We closed it so we can fire SAM anything come from there .
India has opened its airspace. So, it is relaxation for Pakistan, not India, if Pakistan opens its airspace. Flights pay Pakistan money to allow its usage of airspace.

But India has opened its airspace. Why would Pakistan close it one sided, especially when Pakistan gets paid by the flights?

The economic loss for Pakistan is also bad. Moreover, moat of Indian airlines are owned by foreign owners. Only Air India is Indian owned. So, the loss is for foreign owners,not India

I believe that many Indian, as well as Pakistani, posters are, deliberately or inadvertently, overemphasizing the economic implications of this action. That is not the case, at all. This closure of space fundamentally relates to the security and diplomacy paradigm. Economic aspects are only secondary, for both the countries.
If it's a game, Pakistan should have played this game long ago... as i always maintain, Pakistan can win WoT by simply cancelling the free transit agreement signed by Zardari regime.
As far Air transit goes, Pakistan should fix a high price, same as we have high airport taxes in Pakistan.
International airspace charges are standard and set at international levels. You can't simply charge higher tariff.

Close it forever. For India origin airlines. They must pay for the unprovoked attack. They must be taught a lesson in the language they understand - that of power and money.

We aren't losing much (since we barely need indian airspace for our flights)----while india is losing big. So I am sure ban will persist for sometime until we force india to accept its humiliation, let go of any plans to counter the embarrassment they faced at our hands on 27th Feb, and withdraw back to peacetime positioning

Most of the Indian airlines are foreign owned or has significant foreign investments. This means that losses are not just Indian. Companies like Jet Airways, Spicejet, air vistara, emirati etc are all foreign owned ones. Only air India and Indigo are Indian owned. Even here, Indigo has lot of underhand money. So, overall, Pakistan is losing money for its airspace usage reduction and Foreign owners or indian airliner companies are losing money too. India hardly has any losses

I believe that many Indian, as well as Pakistani, posters are, deliberately or inadvertently, overemphasizing the economic implications of this action. That is not the case, at all. This closure of space fundamentally relates to the security and diplomacy paradigm. Economic aspects are only secondary, for both the countries.

The economic aspects for India is minimal but is much more for Pakistan. Pakistan doesn't have enough money and is seeking foreign loans. In such cases, losing $300 million a year can be significant.

Diplomatically, India has opened the airspace whereas Pakistan hasn't. This only makes Pakistan appear bad.

Security implications for Pakistan may be the most important consideration. Pakistan doesn't have good air defence and hence needs the airspace to be closed for better interception without risking civilian lives, especially lives of citizens of foreign countries like Saudis, EU etc. Bit Indian air defence is quite good and it has ability to target enemy planes even in presence of civilian ones. Hence, India can afford yo keep its airspace open
India has opened its airspace. So, it is relaxation for Pakistan, not India, if Pakistan opens its airspace. Flights pay Pakistan money to allow its usage of airspace.

But India has opened its airspace. Why would Pakistan close it one sided, especially when Pakistan gets paid by the flights?

The economic loss for Pakistan is also bad. Moreover, moat of Indian airlines are owned by foreign owners. Only Air India is Indian owned. So, the loss is for foreign owners,not India

Nobody wants escalation but it's now from your side.iaf wants another air battle so in this situation,we will never allow airspace to be open again.whether foreign owners or indian owners doesn't matter.you have example of jet airways.we don't want your damage but you should ask iaf to calm down because skirmish is over.
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