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Pakistan protests India glacier tourism plan

Siachen ‘tourism’

THE distinction between adventure and adventurism has been blurred by the Indian army’s shocking decision to take trekkers to the disputed Siachen glacier, once the world’s highest battleground but where a ceasefire has held successfully since Nov 2003. However, with both Pakistan and India maintaining a permanent troop presence on or near the glacier and its final status till unresolved, Islamabad is correct in describing it as a “conflict zone”. The recent Indian move comes under the head of needless provocation at a time when the composite dialogue between the two countries is helping ease tensions in the region. Initiated in Feb 2004, the ongoing process has yielded a number of confidence-building measures, facilitated cultural exchanges and citizen-to-citizen contact, and even made some tentative headway towards dispute resolution. Why then foul the air with this senseless needling and introduction of new irritants? And to what advantage? Surely the interests of 20-odd pleasure-seekers cannot take precedence over the peace dividend accruing to the 1.26bn citizens of India and Pakistan. Surely there are other glaciers and mountains that can provide thrills in equal measure. Is the Indian army taking trekkers to Siachen simply because of the adventure opportunities it affords? Or is it trying to tell a wider audience that if tourists can go to Siachen through India, the glacier must fall within its territory? In any case this hare-brained idea dished up by military men does a great disservice to the peace process. Hopefully it will not turn the dialogue “on its head”, as feared by the Foreign Office in Islamabad, but it has soured the mood in no uncertain fashion. The expedition to Siachen was “postponed” on Tuesday following a strong protest by Pakistan but was back on track the very next day, possibly due to pressure exerted by the Indian army. While we in Pakistan live under no such illusions, can the Indian government claim that the people’s representatives operate independently of military diktat?

The Siachen conflict that has simmered since India occupied the glacier in 1984 is the most senseless of all outstanding disputes and perhaps the easiest to resolve. Siachen lies in a non-demarcated area because it was presumed under the 1949 Karachi Agreement and the Simla Accord of 1972 that human habitation was not possible beyond map coordinates NJ 9842. Yet this frozen wilderness has claimed the lives of thousands of soldiers on both sides, most of them falling victim to the climate and terrain rather than enemy fire. According to one estimate, maintaining troops on the glacier costs Islamabad Rs15m a day while the daily expenses incurred by New Delhi can be as high as Rs50m. This is a colossal investment that two poor countries can ill afford. Trekking expeditions, however, will only widen the trust deficit.

DAWN - Editorial; September 21, 2007
Like Sir Salim said, Kashmir is and will stay with India. Judging by current events, there is a greater chance of Waziristan and Baluchistan being liberated from Pakistan, before Kashmir gets liberated from India.

And speaking of that, why is Pakistan subjugating and oppressing the peace loving people of NWFP, Waziristan and Baluchistan ? I see quite a few 'freedom movements' have popped up there.

Ahh hurts doesn't it ?

Stop talking out of your nether regions. Can you substantiate your argument of a "freedom movement" in Waziristan and FATA? The stuttering one in Baluchistan died with Bugti. The demographic reality of Baluchistan, both currently and in the future with continued development and mega projects like Gawadar, has rendered the whole idea of an "Independent Baluch state" a farce IMO.
I am still waiting for an answer to what is the most sensible DIPLOMATIC retaliation that Pakistan as a country can do ? Anyone who says dropping bombs, firing artillary etc must technically answer the same if its probable or not.
Not a good move environ/mentally! A Glacier is best left "cold".
I am still waiting for an answer to what is the most sensible DIPLOMATIC retaliation that Pakistan as a country can do ? Anyone who says dropping bombs, firing artillary etc must technically answer the same if its probable or not.

The only sensible way of diplomatic retaliation from Pakistan is no more than reminding the disputed nature of the Glacier. But do you see such diplamacy will work with india?
Thats why a usual course should be repeated and show them that carrying so called peace process is not our weakness and we are not the stone throwers, we will hit you hard if you cheat in disguise of so called peace process. And their shameful shield of westerns and feeeever of world media will not work.
The only sensible way of diplomatic retaliation from Pakistan is no more than reminding the disputed nature of the Glacier. But do you see such diplamacy will work with india?
Thats why a usual course should be repeated and show them that carrying so called peace process is not our weakness and we are not the stone throwers, we will hit you hard if you cheat in disguise of so called peace process. And their shameful shield of westerns and feeeever of world media will not work.

Four times India has been hit.

It would be merely letting a bit of bile flow and no more.

A fifth time will be another hit that bounces back!

What shameful shield?

Remember CENTO and SEATO?

India is not aligned to the West or the US or anyone for that matter.
Four times India has been hit.

Four times Pakistan has been Hit, this is the right comment.

A fifth time will be another hit that bounces back!
Plz. Salim, dont make me say that you guys didn't did any thing to Pakistan.

Remember CENTO and SEATO?
Remember, USSR ??

India is not aligned to the West or the US or anyone for that matter.
Neither did we went to USSR for that.

Four times India has been hit.
It would be merely letting a bit of bile flow and no more.
A fifth time will be another hit that bounces back!

Dont forget 17 times. If india continue with such behaviour, she will recieve countless hit.
For bouncing back claim, just go and see your 7 hundered thousand troops deployment in the valley and 7 times more on than Pak on Glacier with comparative loss ratio.

What shameful shield?

that shameful '' human shield'' of western tourist ,which you were argiung, by putting on Glacier will save you.

Remember CENTO and SEATO?

Those were moves forward on diplomatic level (millitarily and politically) though un fruitful later.

India is not aligned to the West or the US or anyone for that matter.

When you will try to stick to facts then you will see that US has had come to us for her own compulsions and we did not receive militray equipments and assistance during conflicts as india received from US in 1962 war against China.

Besides its being funny when you misaligne india. Then what india was doing in USSR camp.
Militarily and Diplomatically Pakistan can't do to much after all Pakistan too was sending up expeditions. I suspect some Kashmiri militant group will threaten the tourists to keep them away. This way Pakistan will not be to blame.

Best Regards
Dont forget 17 times. If india continue with such behaviour, she will recieve countless hit.
For bouncing back claim, just go and see your 7 hundered thousand troops deployment in the valley and 7 times more on than Pak on Glacier with comparative loss ratio.

Go ahead with more hits. It does not matter. We have got immune to all this Cry Wolf! No big deal,actually.

Pakistan has been trying to wrest Kashmir through all tricks in the book Starting from Op Gibralter (of course, you find mention in Pak history as was stated by the Pak link I posted). Then you tried in Kargil. In both cases, Moslem informed India, In the first case, it was the Sunnis and in the second case, the Shias!

Your terrorists are trying their best.

The fact that you are failing, proves that we don't think religion makes a country!

Musharraf is proving so. He is against all the Islamic nutcases and has joined the Great White Satan. What is the result? Pakistan is benefiting from rejuvenated economy and Pakistan is soaring to great heights.

Religion is not everything in life. The stomach and mental well being is!

Religion does not fill a stomach!

that shameful '' human shield'' of western tourist ,which you were argiung, by putting on Glacier will save you.

As shameful as have US troops during Op Parakama, if not more for Pakistan. Even today, the US calls the shot for Pakistan!

Those were moves forward on diplomatic level (millitarily and politically) though un fruitful later.

Good for you.

I love that sleight of hand - diplomatic and political stuff. Heard of a thing call Puppet on a String? Even now, the US sneezes and Pakistan catches a cold. Who is doing exactly what they want in NWFP with their aircraft and drones? And Pakistan makes strong protests (check Pak newspapers and if you want I will fish out the links) Forgotten that Bush came and fired up Mushrraf and Pakistan on Pakistan soil? Want a link?

When you will try to stick to facts then you will see that US has had come to us for her own compulsions and we did not receive militray equipments and assistance during conflicts as india received from US in 1962 war against China.

Apparently Patton tanks etc are Pakistani I presume. Please check Pak links on the issue!
Besides its being funny when you misaligne india. Then what india was doing in USSR camp.

No military aid. All paid up! We have the money and don't beg.

What do you expect? Won't buy military stuff from other countries?

But no begging. Have money, will buy!

Seen how many contenders for the aircraft deal?

Show me one such thing for Pakistan.
Isn't it ironic that the country which donated a chunk of Kashmir to China is complaining about a glacier the size of a toothpick!!
Thankyou indians for showing the pakistani public that no matter how much mushy bends over
to accommodate you ,you will not move an inch on any issue relating to pakistan....
A true leadership standing up for whats good for its own country and not being bothered what mushy has to say.......please carry on making this idiot mushy look like a fool.
Stop talking out of your nether regions. Can you substantiate your argument of a "freedom movement" in Waziristan and FATA? The stuttering one in Baluchistan died with Bugti. The demographic reality of Baluchistan, both currently and in the future with continued development and mega projects like Gawadar, has rendered the whole idea of an "Independent Baluch state" a farce IMO.

lol......stop crying like a *****

Self Deleted. Sorry.

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