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Pakistan Has Settled All Scores With India

Hindus is not comparable to Christians, Sikhs. Hinduism is not a religion, it's a 3000 year old slave making cult that somehow made it to 21st century because of Indian continent's cultural backwardness and low IQ.
Hinduism needs a global ban. The hundreds of millions of lower castes must be liberated.
Caste system does not define Hinduism, just as polygamy does not define Islam.
Caste system was a corruption which got added later on, and we are working to remove that from Hinduism.

Though, I agree on your point that Hinduism is not a religion. It is a way of life of this subcontinent. The term 'Hindu' was given by Persians to people of this land living on the opposite side of the river Sindhu (Indus).
Caste system does not define Hinduism, just as polygamy does not define Islam.
Caste system was a corruption which got added later on, and we are working to remove that from Hinduism.

Though, I agree on your point that Hinduism is not a religion. It is a way of life of this subcontinent. The term 'Hindu' was given by Persians to people of this land living on the opposite side of the river Sindhu (Indus).
There is nothing wrong with Polygamy you idiot. Even many Hindu gods practiced polygamy.
Caste system does not define Hinduism, just as polygamy does not define Islam.
Caste system was a corruption which got added later on, and we are working to remove that from Hinduism.

Though, I agree on your point that Hinduism is not a religion. It is a way of life of this subcontinent. The term 'Hindu' was given by Persians to people of this land living on the opposite side of the river Sindhu (Indus).
I find you amusing. Hinduism can only be found in India and in Nepal.
Nobody converts to Hinduism.

Now Shoo!
I like your picture of Bhagat Singh who was a great Pakistani - I wish Indians would stop claiming Pakistani's as their heros!
Its funny how you claim Bhagat Singh to be a Pakistani, whereas Pakistan made his relatives run for their lives to India in 1947. Just cos he was born in Lahore does not make him Pakistani. He was a supporter of Hindu-Muslim unity and his soul would have wept on the day of partition.

Truth be told, Bangladesh has surpassed both India and Pakistan - Economically it is better of than both. I understand that this hurts the ego of Indians and Pakistanis, mostly Indians who despite their efforts to help liberate them, Bangladesh has surpassed India economically in less than 50 years what India has not been able to do in 75 year - three quarters of a century.
BD has done very well and we Indians should definitely learn something from them. They are much better in women empowerment than us. India still has some conflicts with Pak and China which hinder our growth.
There is nothing wrong with Polygamy you idiot.
Polygamy is basically legalized adultery.

Even many Hindu gods practiced polygamy.
Dont confuse mythology with real life. 'Gods' are human creation. What God actually does, is beyond the capability of humans to decipher.

I find you amusing. Hinduism can only be found in India and in Nepal.
India and Nepal are Hindu majority nations yes. And they form a major part of subcontinent. So whats your point?

Nobody converts to Hinduism.
Hinduism is not a religion, but a way of life. You can convert to a religion, but not a way of life.
If you start living the life like a Hindu, then you are a Hindu. There is no need of a formal conversion ceremony.
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The idea of India as a secular state has failed infact it has become according to Indian's themselves a "Hindu Pakistan".

The idea of secular India in which all people are equal despite religion, caste, language has failed in a spectacular fashion.

To add insult to injury the Indian state is moving towards what Pakistan was envisioned for Islamic faith namely a "Hindu Rashtra".

Indian Muslims did get their own land in 1947 in the areas in which they were the majority - Kashmir being a princely state not included.

A Muslim minority rule like in South Africa for India as Gandhi wished to prevent the partition of India would not have been feasibile long term.

Ultimately the Hindu majority would revolt and Muslims would be a permanent minority in a unified India.

Dividing India and creating Pakistan was the only way to ensure the independence of the Muslims in regions that they are the majority,

Secular India is always alive because secularism is defined in our constitution. Hence, every minority, by law has equal rights. As a democracy people and vote politics is common. Right now we have a party appeasing certain Hindus but tomorrow we may have a party supporting minorities. Democracy or rather its working is something people of Pakistan(most) suffer from-- not surprisingly. Now that we cleared what a secular state is, now lets concentrate on true brotherhood in society. It does exist but right now mostly as parts of a functional society. In some cases it truly does in most cases it does not. I had the most amazing Muslim teacher in high school and similarly most Hindus and Muslims are part of that eco system and coexist. Of course there are differences and "incidents" but the Indian law allows anyone to be that Math teacher or Missile man of India unlike some other countries where its is openly advertised that non muslims will be hired as toilet cleaners.

If you ever get to talk to an Indian Muslim, please do. He will leave you more embarrassed than I am right now. He knows his rights and will fight for it. As long as he does that, the idea of this country only for muslims carved out of a Hindu majority is a fail because the Indian Muslim holds a passport that is doing much better than the said nation. Reality!
It is only very recently that India has somewhat overtaken Pakistan economically - infact for the majority of its history Pakistan has enjoyed a higher GDP per capita than India, I do not recall any Pakistanis beating their chest at that point.

Truth be told, Bangladesh has surpassed both India and Pakistan - Economically it is better of than both. I understand that this hurts the ego of Indians and Pakistanis, mostly Indians who despite their efforts to help liberate them, Bangladesh has surpassed India economically in less than 50 years what India has not been able to do in 75 year - three quarters of a century.

So no, Pakistan does not need to go to space, it does not have any great power ambitions - it simply needs to be able to put a man in space and bring him back to earth and given that even the super rich namely Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos can do that, I am sure the government of Pakistan if it takes the political decision and perhaps with a little Chinese know-how can put a man in space. Pakistan will then join the list of countries that have entered space with a manned flight.

Pakistan does not need Indian space programme, it simply needs the symbols of those things much like Russia can not match the USA but it retains the ability and even infact beat them into space in the first place with Yuri Gagarin.

I have never seen someone with such narrow beliefs like you. Pakistan should be happy you left and are now or will be soon a citizen somewhere. The space program is not merely a we did it too medal. The type of research that results that go into it and the associated success is what will inspire children. Nation like Pakistan and India need it. You see the effects of ISRO as number of rockets or number of satellites launched or its missions but the mechanism that keeps it going is the continuous pool of talent it inspires. You obviously will not understand that going by what you are writing.

Bangladesh is doing well, yes! I am not intending to taking away their success but smaller countries have it easier when they decide to climb the stairs of success -- something that should embarrass a truly patriotic Pakistani being another smallish nation.
East Pakistan is not even half of West Pakistan geographically. Ge your facts straightened out.

Utter nonsense.
Our alliance with China is arguably stronger than our relationship is with Saudi Arabia.

Now shoo! you know nothing about Pakistan.
My facts are straight. You need to come out of your delusions Mr. We were humiliated and defeated and we surrendered. Our soldiers were made POW and we lost major portion of our country. Just by looking at the size you want to somehow satisfy or go in denial for the humiliation you faced in front of whole world then go ahead. Your type would only make sure we loose what is left also. We have to avenge the score of 1971 and until now we haven't done it.
Keeping in view the mindset of Hindutvadi India, peace between India and Pakistan is a mirage.
This Hindutva vadi forces in India have emerged as a power centre only in last decade or so. They were always on the fringes but never in power.
Pakistan has been attacking India regularly since independence and failing. Hence blaming Hindutva vadi forces and justifying Pakistan’s hawkish stance against India right since 1947 is incorrect.
The current Indian government has decided to pay back with a similar hawkish attitude and people are not liking it.

East Pakistan was a lost cause from the beginning.
Are you saying that religion is not enough to keep diverse people together?
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Nothing is settled. revenge of 71, abrogation is necessary. We are on the backfoot now. We used to be aggressive.
Musharraf offered to recognise the LOC as the border but this was actually refused by India - there was some back channels talks with M Singh.
Same Musharraf who was planning Kargil while Indian PM was launching peace measures with Pakistan.
This Hindutva vadi forces in India have emerged as a power centre only in last decade or so. They were always on the fringes but never in power.
Pakistan has been attacking India regularly since independence and failing. Hence blaming Hindutva vadi forces and justifying Pakistan’s hawkish stance against India right since 1947 is incorrect.
The current Indian government has decided to pay back with a similar hawkish attitude and people are not liking it.

Are you saying that religion is not enough to keep diverse people together?
It is enough you moron, like Islam is enough to keep the diverse peoples of Pakistan together.

We treated the Bangladeshis badly and this is what happened. Your moronic India has more separatist movements than any of your neighbors do.
My facts are straight. You need to come out of your delusions Mr. We were humiliated and defeated and we surrendered. Our soldiers were made POW and we lost major portion of our country. Just by looking at the size you want to somehow satisfy or go in denial for the humiliation you faced in front of whole world then go ahead. Your type would only make sure we loose what is left also. We have to avenge the score of 1971 and until now we haven't done it.
How were we humiliated in 1971. 1971 was our fault. India took advantage of the opportunity
This Hindutva vadi forces in India have emerged as a power centre only in last decade or so. They were always on the fringes but never in power.
Pakistan has been attacking India regularly since independence and failing. Hence blaming Hindutva vadi forces and justifying Pakistan’s hawkish stance against India right since 1947 is incorrect.
The current Indian government has decided to pay back with a similar hawkish attitude and people are not liking it.

Are you saying that religion is not enough to keep diverse people together?
Are you an idiot? East Pakistan is geographically far away from West Pakistan. It would be an administrative nightmare to govern East Pakistan. Stop using stupid logic when it doesn't work here.
My facts are straight. You need to come out of your delusions Mr. We were humiliated and defeated and we surrendered. Our soldiers were made POW and we lost major portion of our country. Just by looking at the size you want to somehow satisfy or go in denial for the humiliation you faced in front of whole world then go ahead. Your type would only make sure we loose what is left also. We have to avenge the score of 1971 and until now we haven't done it.
Insh'Allah 1971 will be avenged. The Kashmir war is far from over.
We treated the Bangladeshis badly
Why did you treat them badly?
Were they not Muslim enough?
Is current Pakistan doing same thing in Baluchistan and few other areas? Be a little careful as you might see a repeat of same episode. And then you would blame others for your own failure to treat your own badly.

Your moronic India has more separatist movements than any of your neighbors do.
Is it? Thanks for this info. We didn’t know about it. Will go and have a look. We know how to keep diverse people together. Some of them get ideas with outside support, but are brought back to fold after some time. Khalistan movement is one such example. NE had serious insurgency till 15 years back. It’s on a recovery path.
Good luck with your happiness on these movements.

It is enough you moron, like Islam is enough to keep the diverse peoples of Pakistan together.
Don’t get angry. Your country displayed that you can’t keep diverse people together. Bangladesh was that diversity. Don’t let that repeat.

One adivice. Don’t be a nation filled with useless rage and attitude of settling scores.
Learn to move on and develop your country.
Why did you treat them badly?
Were they not Muslim enough?
Is current Pakistan doing same thing in Baluchistan and few other areas? Be a little careful as you might see a repeat of same episode. And then you would blame others for your own failure to treat your own badly.

Is it? Thanks for this info. We didn’t know about it. Will go and have a look. We know how to keep diverse people together. Some of them get ideas with outside support, but are brought back to fold after some time. Khalistan movement is one such example. NE had serious insurgency till 15 years back. It’s on a recovery path.
Good luck with your happiness on these movements.

Don’t get angry. Your country displayed that you can’t keep diverse people together. Bangladesh was that diversity. Don’t let that repeat.
Ha, talking to an Indian is bad enough, but taking your nonsense is another matter.

Hard to govern Bangladesh when it is far away from West Pakistan. Balochis are Muslim and loyal to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. We do not have an insurgency like you guys do on the level of Maoists or in Jammu and Kashmir.

So don't make me laugh, India is a far worse country than Pakistan is. India has a third of the world's poor and a very backward country.

Pakistan should look to East Asian countries for economic development.
Why did you treat them badly?
Were they not Muslim enough?
Is current Pakistan doing same thing in Baluchistan and few other areas? Be a little careful as you might see a repeat of same episode. And then you would blame others for your own failure to treat your own badly.

I have officially acknowledged that Pakistan treated the Bangladeshis badly. But the Bangladeshis are also to blame for their own idiocy. Well now it is done. Bangladesh is an independent country now.

The new generation don't even know that Pakistan and Bangladesh used to be one country, so no one gives a damn.

Is it? Thanks for this info. We didn’t know about it. Will go and have a look. We know how to keep diverse people together. Some of them get ideas with outside support, but are brought back to fold after some time. Khalistan movement is one such example. NE had serious insurgency till 15 years back. It’s on a recovery path.
Good luck with your happiness on these movements.

Don’t get angry. Your country displayed that you can’t keep diverse people together. Bangladesh was that diversity. Don’t let that repeat.

One adivice. Don’t be a nation filled with useless rage and attitude of settling scores.
Learn to move on and develop your country.
Ha you are talking about diversity, we Pakistanis DIVIDED YOUR country in 1947 to form Pakistan.

Now shoo! Your flawed logic only amuses me. LOL!
Why did you treat them badly?
Were they not Muslim enough?
Is current Pakistan doing same thing in Baluchistan and few other areas? Be a little careful as you might see a repeat of same episode. And then you would blame others for your own failure to treat your own badly.

Is it? Thanks for this info. We didn’t know about it. Will go and have a look. We know how to keep diverse people together. Some of them get ideas with outside support, but are brought back to fold after some time. Khalistan movement is one such example. NE had serious insurgency till 15 years back. It’s on a recovery path.
Good luck with your happiness on these movements.

Don’t get angry. Your country displayed that you can’t keep diverse people together. Bangladesh was that diversity. Don’t let that repeat.

One adivice. Don’t be a nation filled with useless rage and attitude of settling scores.
Learn to move on and develop your country.

It is because Bangladesh is geographically away from Pakistan, making it difficult to govern Bangladesh, you moron.
Why did you treat them badly?
Were they not Muslim enough?
Is current Pakistan doing same thing in Baluchistan and few other areas? Be a little careful as you might see a repeat of same episode. And then you would blame others for your own failure to treat your own badly.

Is it? Thanks for this info. We didn’t know about it. Will go and have a look. We know how to keep diverse people together. Some of them get ideas with outside support, but are brought back to fold after some time. Khalistan movement is one such example. NE had serious insurgency till 15 years back. It’s on a recovery path.
Good luck with your happiness on these movements.

Don’t get angry. Your country displayed that you can’t keep diverse people together. Bangladesh was that diversity. Don’t let that repeat.

One adivice. Don’t be a nation filled with useless rage and attitude of settling scores.
Learn to move on and develop your country.
When did I blame others when Pakistan treated the Bangladeshis badly? You twit!
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Hard to govern Bangladesh when it is far away from West Pakistan.
It was not governance where you failed. It was refusal to threat them as equal Muslims that resulted in 1971. Please learn to accept and acknowledge your failure otherwise failures repeat.
So don't make me laugh, India is a far worse country than Pakistan is. India has a third of the world's poor and a very backward country.
We have a lot of issues. You are bang on, on this aspect. BUT, we are improving. Look at Indian economic performance. We are not wasting our time filled with rage and trying to settle scores.

Pakistan should look you to East Asian countries for economic development.
That’s the problem. You guys do too much of looking around. Just look inwards and try to improve.
Its funny how you claim Bhagat Singh to be a Pakistani, whereas Pakistan made his relatives run for their lives to India in 1947. Just cos he was born in Lahore does not make him Pakistani. He was a supporter of Hindu-Muslim unity and his soul would have wept on the day of partition.

BD has done very well and we Indians should definitely learn something from them. They are much better in women empowerment than us. India still has some conflicts with Pak and China which hinder our growth.

Polygamy is basically legalized adultery.

Dont confuse mythology with real life. 'Gods' are human creation. What God actually does, is beyond the capability of humans to decipher.

India and Nepal are Hindu majority nations yes. And they form a major part of subcontinent. So whats your point?

Hinduism is not a religion, but a way of life. You can convert to a religion, but not a way of life.
If you start living the life like a Hindu, then you are a Hindu. There is no need of a formal conversion ceremony.
Hinduism is based on the scriptures of the Vedas. Don't make a fool of yourself.

Nobody converts to Hinduism.
It was not governance where you failed. It was refusal to threat them as equal Muslims that resulted in 1971. Please learn to accept and acknowledge your failure otherwise failures repeat.

We have a lot of issues. You are bang on, on this aspect. BUT, we are improving. Look at Indian economic performance. We are not wasting our time filled with rage and trying to settle scores.

That’s the problem. You guys do too much of looking around. Just look inwards and try to improve.
Don't try to teach me about Pakistani history kiddo! It was political mismanagement that led to the Bangladesh rebellion and that traitor Sheikh Mujib.
I already acknowledged that Pakistani is to be blamed for the 1971 debacle.
In my opinion Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was also a traitor as well.
Hinduism is based on the scriptures of the Vedas. Don't make a fool of yourself.
Vedas are just some of the books with Hindu philosophy. There is no originating or central text in Hinduism, like Quran is for Islam or Bible is for Christianity. There are many other books apart from Vedas such as Upanishads, Ramayan, Mahabharat etc.

Nobody converts to Hinduism.
No need for conversion as it is not a religion, but way of life. I have seen some Caucasian people living as Hindus in US at ISKCON temples.
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