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Pakistan Has Settled All Scores With India

It was political mismanagement that led to the Bangladesh rebellion and that traitor Sheikh Mujib.
I already acknowledged that Pakistani is to be blamed for the 1971 debacle.
So you accept that 1971 was a Pakistani failure? Then why do you want to take a revenge for that failure?

In my opinion Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was also a traitor as well.
You see, it is all because of your own doing. Why blame India for your failures and seek revenge?

I request again to give up hate and revengeful behaviour.
Focus your energies in bringing up your country. Take a lesson from Bangladesh. A breakaway part of your’s is doing much better economically and few social parameters too. Why? Because it is not burning in revenge and hate but using it’s energies on better governance.
This Hindutva vadi forces in India have emerged as a power centre only in last decade or so. They were always on the fringes but never in power.

We don't ascribe to your views. According to us, and our Quaid, Indian National Congress was as much "Hindutvadi" as was Mahasabha or RSS, with no difference in fundamental ideology of installing a "Hindu Raj" on Subcontinent, with Muslims relegated to discriminatory second-class citizenship. The difference was only of shade and methods, with so called secularism, merely a garb and sham. RSS is just a crude version of Congress. That was the reason, that Muslims, by and large, never give a damn to Congress, nor trusted it ever, right from its inception by British overlords. Better read pre-Independence political history of Subcontinent. For us, Gandhi, Nehru, Patel and Savarkar are same.

"Dunya main balaayain dau he tau haen, ik Savarkar, ik Gandhi hae
Ik jhoot ka chalta jhakarh hae, ik makar ki uthti aandhi hae"
(Maulana Zafar Ali Khan)

Pakistan has been attacking India regularly since independence and failing. Hence blaming Hindutva vadi forces and justifying Pakistan’s hawkish stance against India right since 1947 is incorrect.

India initiated the intense conflict with Pakistan, by attacking and occupying the Muslim-majority state of Kashmir, thus instituting an attack on the foundational basis of Pakistan. All the later conflicts are consequence of that. "Failing" or whatever, forget that we are going to bow down to this Hindutvadi scum, named India.

The current Indian government has decided to pay back with a similar hawkish attitude and people are not liking it.

I told you, for us no difference between Nehru and Modi. Both are Hindutvadi rascals, albeit of somewhat different shades.
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The Indian narrative is that General Musharraf was not able to realize this idea from the Pakistani side. I'm sure that you will not agree to this. :undecided:

It was an interim and transient idea of peace, pending the final settlement of the Kashmir issue, somewhat similar to what India has with China on LAC, and failed, because it was ridiculous and rootless.
India is not a superpower as you make out to be. In fact it is super poor.

India is a "Phull Sapporrt" global power. :sarcastic:
Are you saying that religion is not enough to keep diverse people together?

In general, sometimes it is, sometimes it is not. It is all a powerplay between cohesive and divisive political forces, acting in a society, at a time. Religion is only one of the political force; there are others as well.
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In general, sometimes it is, sometimes it is not. It is all a powerplay between cohesive and divisive political forces, acting in a society, at a time. Religion is only one of the political force; there are others as well.
Yes, that’s a fact which large number of people fail to realise. For them religion is the sole binding force.

You just need to be stupid and ridiculous.
Is that what Islam is all about? Declaring non-Muslims as Stupid and ridiculous?
We don't ascribe to your views. According to us, and our Quaid, Indian National Congress was as much "Hindutvadi" as was Mahasabha or RSS, with no difference in fundamental ideology

Yet, your nation couldn’t honour Quaid’s vision and treated Muslim brothers in East-Pakistan worse than that by Hindus.
Yes, that’s a fact which large number of people fail to realise. For them religion is the sole binding force.

No. Religion is only one of the forces of cohesion. There are many others, both cohesive and divisive.

Is that what Islam is all about? Declaring non-Muslims as Stupid and ridiculous?

Post deleted. It was in bad taste.
Yet, your nation couldn’t honour Quaid’s vision and treated Muslim brothers in East-Pakistan worse than that by Hindus.

That is not the case. Separation of East and West Pakistan was writ, even before Pakistan came into being. Two out of three key Muslim Bengali politicians (AK Fazlul Huq and Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy), were not comfortable with this arrangement. A joint effort, for independence, was made; because, it was exigent and expedient.
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Can you stop replying to @SIPRA he laughs at Indian religions deaths and suffering just see his posts on covid in 2019

Can you refer to those posts? I will delete, if possible, under PDF mechanism. I don't relish in the suffering of human beings, irrespective of their religion, caste, creed, race or ethnicity. That is vey clear.
The fact remains when the ceasefire was declared Pakistan had captured an additional 86,000 Sq km of territory larger than Austria.

India was unable to take it back, infact it has been unable to take it back ever since.

There is a reason that India refers to this as "Pakistan occupied Kashmir", How did it become occupied?

Yes Bangladesh is doing well - They have surpassed both India and Pakistan economically.

It is a big slap on the face of India especially given they are they "superpower", "largest democracy" and "make in India".

Bangladesh has done in 50 years what India could not in 75!

Bangladesh has surpassed India economically?? Enough can't win with you.... Thank you
So you accept that 1971 was a Pakistani failure? Then why do you want to take a revenge for that failure?

You see, it is all because of your own doing. Why blame India for your failures and seek revenge?

I request again to give up hate and revengeful behaviour.
Focus your energies in bringing up your country. Take a lesson from Bangladesh. A breakaway part of your’s is doing much better economically and few social parameters too. Why? Because it is not burning in revenge and hate but using it’s energies on better governance.
Pakistan is to blame for it's own disaster in 1971 because of traitors, but India also exacerbated the situation.

Don't forget we partitioned your backward country in 1947!

Now shoo!
I agree that China can still attack below the nuclear threshold, but as I said they will never be able to make significant gains as defence is always easier than attack. Even in '62, they quickly vacated Tawang area of Arunachal Pradesh after winning, as their supply lines were over-stretched and they could not hold those positions for long.
Both India and China have come a long way in building infrastructure to support war efforts in the region. The Chinese side has outclassed the Indian side if public reports (from Indian side) are to be believed. I don't think that the problems faced by the Chinese supply chain in '62 can be relied upon as a panacea in future conflicts.

India is already fairly aligned with US, but we should never completely fall in US military camp. The reasons are
1. US is an unreliable military partner as seen in countless cases - Pakistan, Kurds, Afghanistan etc
2. We will lose important friends in opposite camp - Iran, Russia etc
3. Once falling in completely with US, we will lose any bargaining power with them.
India (or any country for that matter) can rely on US as long as their interests are aligned properly. The countries that you've listed as being 'betrayed' by US simply lost the alignment of interests with that of the US. Pakistan is a prime example. US views China as a menace, while Pakistan looks at China as an indispensable ally against India. It is only natural that US and Pakistan will drift apart. For similar reasons, you can expect India and Russia to drift apart as well - although this drift will likely be more slow and less dramatic. I agree that India will loose bargaining power with US, but does India have much of that to begin with? India depends on US benevolence for trade and high tech weaponry even now. What does India have to offer US in return? Don't think that India will fight China for US. India will have to confront China for it's own interest and not for US. US happens to be the only global power that finds itself in alignment with India's strategic objectives for the current period. When this strategic alignment elapses, then India and US can and will naturally drift apart. Neither side should feel betrayed by the other :cheers:
Both India and China have come a long way in building infrastructure to support war efforts in the region. The Chinese side has outclassed the Indian side if public reports (from Indian side) are to be believed. I don't think that the problems faced by the Chinese supply chain in '62 can be relied upon as a panacea in future conflicts.

India (or any country for that matter) can rely on US as long as their interests are aligned properly. The countries that you've listed as being 'betrayed' by US simply lost the alignment of interests with that of the US. Pakistan is a prime example. US views China as a menace, while Pakistan looks at China as an indispensable ally against India. It is only natural that US and Pakistan will drift apart. For similar reasons, you can expect India and Russia to drift apart as well - although this drift will likely be more slow and less dramatic. I agree that India will loose bargaining power with US, but does India have much of that to begin with? India depends on US benevolence for trade and high tech weaponry even now. What does India have to offer US in return? Don't think that India will fight China for US. India will have to confront China for it's own interest and not for US. US happens to be the only global power that finds itself in alignment with India's strategic objectives for the current period. When this strategic alignment elapses, then India and US can and will naturally drift apart. Neither side should feel betrayed by the other :cheers:

We are all witnessing the end of the American century - The US today is declining socially, politically, militarily, economically, technologically.

We are seeing the rise of the Asian century led by China - Like it or not.

I for one welcome it, at least the food will be better - I would take Chinese food over American food any day.
We are all witnessing the end of the American century - The US today is declining socially, politically, militarily, economically, technologically.

We are seeing the rise of the Asian century led by China - Like it or not.

I for one welcome it, at least the food will be better - I would take Chinese food over American food any day.
Ha it was overdue and good riddance to the American empire.
We are all witnessing the end of the American century - The US today is declining socially, politically, militarily, economically, technologically.

We are seeing the rise of the Asian century led by China - Like it or not.

I for one welcome it, at least the food will be better - I would take Chinese food over American food any day.
I don't see the same decline that you do. I agree that the Chinese are ascending rapidly, but this has not come at the expense of US. As of today, the Americans still lead in military technology. The Chinese side is merely catching up. American economy still marches forward and I think it will continue to do so as long as USD remains the default currency.

Change is the only constant. So eventually I expect the Americans to be toppled and their successors to also be super seeded. But that is a discussion for people in the future :-)
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