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Pakistan officially inducts HQ 9 Air Defence system

What if Army panics and launches those missiles in fog of war and hit friendly jets in the sky! I am too surprised by Army's acquisition of long range SAMs. Maybe air force wasn't willing to get them instead preferred to concentrate more on fighters. Now airforce would have to cooperate and integrate their systems with Army to avoid any friendly fire incident.
@SQ8 @PanzerKiel heard something about synergy by COAS... I mean PAF/AD will have exercises?
Why does one need to cover Lahore? What strategic assets lie there other than historical monuments or historical “districts”. Pakistan cannot function without its primary port, its capital or its key production facilities. It can very well survive without arts &crafts. There are other assets to protect the military infrastructure at Lahore but no Lahori should be whining about not seeing the PAF over it.
Don't you think it'd be wise to relocate the headquarters of each service arm to Gwadar or Quetta? They're comparatively farther out of India's reach and, perhaps, the move can help Baluchistan's development?
We have some seriously talented minds right here on PDF. It has been such a pleasure reading what every one has to say and learned some new stuff too. So thanks.

Correct me if I am wrong, wasn't it Pakistan that came up with the concept of integrated air defence system. So that together with COAS statement about better interoperability between PA and PAF is very positive news. Now PAF doesn't have to spend its budget on air defence, and can focus more on the offensive punch. Like many of you have mentioned, J-10s might be coming soon and in decent numbers.

I wonder if this means that army modernization and acquisition will take a hit though.
Pakistan did very well on feb '19 with out this, this is gonna be a nightmare for IAF at the level of F-16s.

* This is truly a massive development! With this Pakistan will now be classed among some of the best with regards to air defence.
I don't think these arrived yesterday. Been in country for 2+ years. We have achieved FOC - Full Operational Capabilities. Means fully trained crew, system integrated in the overall AD command and deployed.

You have to give credit to Pakistan military! Disciplined men! Not a single word or picture gets out till the very end! And even then, a very understated humble statement is given. Unlike Indians who suffer from Pre-Mature Jumpaculation! No one shows any emotions, everything is poised, silent & kept to self. You have to test us to know us, come and we will put you well in your place! Just like 27th Feb! On one end Pakistani military is understated and on the other hand Indian military is over stated! On one hand they have complaining solders that we get liquid thin lentils for our men serving at high altitudes, and on the other hand they love to inflate their egos with most expensive weaponry! Funny lot these Indians are... always up other people's noses, concerned about every other country's affairs except their own!
We can expect HiMADS to be fairly static. What locations are we looking to enforce no fly zones over. Pakistan is a famously thin piece of land. Is it to deter a future Balakot type strike by reducing reaction times that are associated with fighter intercepts? Is it to protect strategic locations inside Pakistan (the way India will probably use their s400)? What strategic locations are deep enough that they require such long range stuff? These are the questions that I'm thinking about.
Pakistan is only 1500km long from Khunjarab to Karachi and average breadth of 400 km.
Even of we consider HQ-9 P has same range as FD-2000 which is 125km, just 7 launching vehicles can cover the entire Pakistan with a wall of high altitude SAM.
That's enough for our needs.

I guess PAF will stock the good old CAP and sending planes to intercept incoming enemy planes. PA will be the second line of defence.

I just hope we don't end up like Iran, with this distribution of air defence..
They boasted about punishing USA but ended up shooting down a passenger jet and killing innocent civilians. All due to lack of structure and bad communication.
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Unlikely as France is one of the suppliers, they'll probably block it.

That said, the PAF could potentially acquire the CAMM-ER. It has the range (40+ km) to start building out the shorter-side of the PAF's HiMADS (i.e., the same role as the LY-80 in the Army) and complement the Spada-2000-Plus. If the PAF wants a long-range SAM, it could look at the HQ-9BE.
What’s about a parallel Turkish HISAR-A/O/U (L/M/H) based AD under the umbrella of SIPER? Turkey is working on integrating S-400 under SIPER, which covers all the air, land and sea based AD systems including the long range EW systems….
Why does one need to cover Lahore? What strategic assets lie there other than historical monuments or historical “districts”. Pakistan cannot function without its primary port, its capital or its key production facilities. It can very well survive without arts &crafts. There are other assets to protect the military infrastructure at Lahore but no Lahori should be whining about not seeing the PAF over it.
OK thats great. In future hypothetical scenario, if lahore gets assimilated by Indians and Karachi is destroyed in bombardment. What else is left for you to defend and cover? Margalla hills, Thar and Waziristan! Pakistan would never be able to recover from those economic blows. Pakistan can very well survive and prosper without its capital. Because there is nothing more than some Govt offices, Head offices of money pit Govt enterprises and a beautiful Mosque built by Saudis.

If Lahore falls then Gujranwala would be a piece of cake and sialkot would be surrounded. All of these territories are tactically vital for Pakistan. It would strengthen the defense of vulnerable IOK supply route of Indian forces and push Pakistani troops on the far side of the Chenab River. And capitulation of those areas would act as a springboard for Indian forces to further occupy the AJK territories.

Pakistan's Railways network would be cut off in half and that too without any railways workshops and manufacturing facilities. Lahore's new and old airports would immediately be converted into indian FOBs within the heart of Pakistan. Then there wouldn't be any safe spot left to hide.

Lahore itself is a vital asset as India's historic obsession with Lahore explains it all. It's one of the most developed, advanced and populated city in Pakistan. It's the 2nd biggest business hub of Pakistan. And many vital assets and their families live in Bahria town, countless phases of DHA, Cantt, GOR 1 etc. too :P. And no one would be able to proudly twist his well groomed mustaches on wahga border again.

What east Pakistan had to defend by then? Now their textile exports alone are more than the total exports of Pakistan.
All balls, and no brains, is a recipe for suicide.
All brains and no balls makes oneself an eternal slave :azn:
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Don't you think it'd be wise to relocate the headquarters of each service arm to Gwadar or Quetta? They're comparatively farther out of India's reach and, perhaps, the move can help Baluchistan's development?
Gwadar is at the border of Pakistan and adjacent to much more contested and controversial area of straits of hurmuz.

GHQ as well as other HQs, C&C hubs should be transferred to Quetta as it would be a lot safer to command & control from there incase of war. It would further help to stabilize Quetta and its surroundings and a good sign for the development of the region.

Additionally Politicians would have a hard time travelling from Islamabad to GHQ gate#4.
And what about those uniformed personnel who fed, mentored and groomed those corrupt politicians under their supervision? Just Talking about kings and ignoring the king makers entirely! :smokin:
If you as people of Pakistan, know that much, Then why you vote for such "selected" politicians and make them King's and Queens over and over again?
Bottom line there are area defense (Ly-80) and there are regional defense systems (hq-9) this is regaional defense system so perhaps 4/5 systems will cover pretty much eastern border Major concentration such as gawadar pasni omara , Karachi Hyderabad , sargodah Bahawalpur, faisalbad-Lahore and Isb Kamara all the way to Easter and western border since at north pak the width between Easter and western is just few hundred
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