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Pakistan officially 5th largest populated country on earth now

The old ladies around our ends have a saying....

Jeena rove te mangi te kasi.

Sums up this madness. It's nothing short of madness. They can barely provide for 2 kids but want to have 12. Maybe someone can dig up some hadith about what Haq parents have upon thier children. You know the ones that oblige you to educate them in the deen. 50% of our population is illiterate - have thier parents fulfilled thier Haq?

Many of us upper and middle class Pakistanis do not understand the struggles of lower class families. It is not so simple that simply cutting population will make their lives better. Each son which these poor have is a wage earner for the family, so the economic incentive is to have more children.
we have to stop this madness now . pakistan can not hold this breeding like rabbits situation . we are officially 5th largest populated country on earth . where we will stop ?

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Considering Pakistan's land size relative to Brazil ... wow. Def a troubling sign. Pakistan needs a 2 child policy asap. This is the only way to ensure a prosperous society and avoid overpopulation. Otherwise having a huge, relatively uneducated workforce would actually hurt Pakistan's economy. India is at 2.24 while Pakistan is over 3.5.

Many of us upper and middle class Pakistanis do not understand the struggles of lower class families. It is not so simple that simply cutting population will make their lives better. Each son which these poor have is a wage earner for the family, so the economic incentive is to have more children.
If you cannot provide for even one children adequately, how do you expect to provide for more. Moreover, having a bunch of children in an impoverished household does not guarantee much more income.
Also contraception is allowed in Islam, as even Sahabah used it on a personal basis, although Prophet Muhammad saws never encouraged it, he never forbade it either.

This Ayat in the Quran is also pretty straightforward.

And do not kill your children for fear of poverty. We provide for them and for you. Indeed, their killing is ever a great sin. -17:31
Many of us upper and middle class Pakistanis do not understand the struggles of lower class families. It is not so simple that simply cutting population will make their lives better. Each son which these poor have is a wage earner for the family, so the economic incentive is to have more children.

Bro, what about when those sons have children? What do the wages cover then? I have seen this with my own cousins. I understand the concept - but surely it's easier with 3 or 4 kids then 7 or 8?

I have an uncle with 7 sons. They have 1 home. 2 of them are married and already have 2 kids each. 1 is labouring in Dubai, one runs the family grocery shop (from which the household is run), the rest earn a pittance. They can't afford to buy a house, or the cost of weddings. They cannot expand a successful business because of the cost of thier household.

If all 7 brothers were skilled or educated they would be assets to the family, but today they are struggling to move onto the next stage of life through no fault of their own.

This is the same nationwide. Population can only be an asset if you utilise it - otherwise it can become a burden too.
Bro, what about when those sons have children? What do the wages cover then? I have seen this with my own cousins. I understand the concept - but surely it's easier with 3 or 4 kids then 7 or 8?

I have an uncle with 7 sons. They have 1 home. 2 of them are married and already have 2 kids each. 1 is labouring in Dubai, one runs the family grocery shop (from which the household is run), the rest earn a pittance. They can't afford to buy a house, or the cost of weddings. They cannot expand a successful business because of the cost of thier household.

If all 7 brothers were skilled or educated they would be assets to the family, but today they are struggling to move onto the next stage of life through no fault of their own.

This is the same nationwide. Population can only be an asset if you utilise it - otherwise it can become a burden too.
As much as I hate to say it, this is a matter of quantity versus quality. Having a huge number of kids usually dilutes the living quality of each kid, and hence their success
As much as I hate to say it, this is a matter of quantity versus quality. Having a huge number of kids usually dilutes the living quality of each kid, and hence their success

I agree. These people are my blood, the difference in opportunity between me and them is through the randomness ofwhich home you are born in.

I am one of 6, yet we Alhamdulillah thrived because our environment was easier (living in the UK) and there was more support and opportunity.

Yet I only have 2 kids. I'd love to have more and could afford to have more, but I want to provide my kids with a higher standard of living. If I had 6 - I could raise them fine, but not to the standard I want them to have.
Bro, what about when those sons have children? What do the wages cover then? I have seen this with my own cousins. I understand the concept - but surely it's easier with 3 or 4 kids then 7 or 8?

I have an uncle with 7 sons. They have 1 home. 2 of them are married and already have 2 kids each. 1 is labouring in Dubai, one runs the family grocery shop (from which the household is run), the rest earn a pittance. They can't afford to buy a house, or the cost of weddings. They cannot expand a successful business because of the cost of thier household.

If all 7 brothers were skilled or educated they would be assets to the family, but today they are struggling to move onto the next stage of life through no fault of their own.

This is the same nationwide. Population can only be an asset if you utilise it - otherwise it can become a burden too.

Short-term it may help, but when population control is instituted or social conditions force it, the population decline becomes inevitable.

Even @Figaro Our friend knows that there are a few couple million missing wives for Chinese men.

Better for Pakistan to correct corruption, bring accountability, and water security than try to adjust society trends, which is pretty much impossible in a place like Pakistan.
Short-term it may help, but when population control is instituted or social conditions force it, the population decline becomes inevitable.

Even @Figaro Our friend knows that there are a few couple million missing wives for Chinese men.

Better for Pakistan to correct corruption, bring accountability, and water security than try to adjust society trends, which is pretty much impossible in a place like Pakistan.
Well yes that is a problem. If you have a limit on births, then naturally there is going to be a gender unbalance due to many family preferences for males rather than females (hence why the one child policy skewed the gender pyramid). But honestly, Pakistan should do a two or three child policy. With a two or three child policy, the gender unbalance decreases considerably compared to the one child policy of China.
Well yes that is a problem. If you have a limit on births, then naturally there is going to be a gender unbalance due to many family preferences for males rather than females (hence why the one child policy skewed the gender pyramid). But honestly, Pakistan should do a two or three child policy. With a two or three child policy, the gender unbalance decreases considerably compared to the one child policy of China.

The problem is that in Pakistan people do even pay taxes, how can we expect them to stick to these policies?

Studying the situation of Europe, US, Japan, and similar countries with falling birth rates below replacement levels, I am very worried about this trend coming to Pakistan.

I think expansion of Pakistan into Afghanistan, CARs, Middle East (Oman specifically,) Eastern Iran, and maybe conquering Indian territories up to Delhi could solve this problem. Ofcourse certain ground realities must change. So I think merger with Afghanistan should happen first.

Problem is that Pakistan is too sensitive to bring these kinds of social changes, and writ of government is weak.
It is actually 226 million not 220 million,
2017 census > 212million > yearly growth at 2.2% > 4.66million x 3 > 14million = 226 million

Pakistan's population is projected to stabilize at around the 400 million+ mark, even with effective population control measures. If you look at other countries', and their population growth history, even with successful family planning programs, their populations continued to grow. So, with 226 million now, 400 million is an assured figure.

Pakistan is still self-sufficient in food resources even with agricultural inefficiencies, and bad water management, especially in agriculture which consumes more than 90% of our water resources. If we improve on both measures Pakistan is very capable of hosting a very large population. it is a matter of getting our house in order and learning to be efficient.

Like it or not, with a population at around 400 million, Pakistan is going to be a major player in global politics, provided we start developing like before. Not to be complacent, but, I for one, am very hopeful that we will be OK.

Good post.
One has to plan for an almost assured much larger population. The biggest issue I see is water resources. That's where all out effort should be made, starting with raising awareness. Maybe once every month there should be a national day for debates and events about water management.
One more silver lining in the cloud is that there is immense Human Capital that Pakistan can provide to the world--an ageing world. As I see it, except for some countries like those in Africa, the world is greying fast.

You don't stop. You expand. You build new mini cities all over Baluchistan, which is barely populated. Would also solve your insurgency there. You expand the country, turn parts of Afghanistan into a new tribal zone and later absorb it. You wait for USA to attack Iran and take over Sistan-Baluchestan which is majority Sunni.

This expands your territory by about 25%

Then you institute national draft and build a 2 million man army, and take back Kashmir.

Then you turn around and build an East India type company. You lease large areas of lands for 99 years and build new cities in African coast near Pakistan. These eventually will become "Naya Pakistan" of a different type.

Dang!!! That's some Hitlerian vision of geopolitics you have!! BUT... that's how humanity has worked. Ruthless wars of conquests, subjugation, expansion, assimilation... My vision is eventually a world without borders but can't deny how humanity has worked over the millennia.
You can't stop people from having children.

Just replicate what we did in Bangladesh, we are also a nation of backward illiterates.

Provide incentives to those couples who only have one child and go on an aggressive family planning program.

Mullahs cried foul in Bangladesh too, but we've made it so, that they can't speak ever again.

You don't stop. You expand. You build new mini cities all over Baluchistan, which is barely populated. Would also solve your insurgency there. You expand the country, turn parts of Afghanistan into a new tribal zone and later absorb it. You wait for USA to attack Iran and take over Sistan-Baluchestan which is majority Sunni.

This expands your territory by about 25%

Then you institute national draft and build a 2 million man army, and take back Kashmir.

Then you turn around and build an East India type company. You lease large areas of lands for 99 years and build new cities in African coast near Pakistan. These eventually will become "Naya Pakistan" of a different type.

You make me laugh, and you're supposed to be Bangladeshi ?

Openly and unabashedly calling for and espousing violence, wars and human misery.

Bravo, we are proud of you!

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