All my cousins in Pakistan on average have 3 kids
so just shows that for every family 3 is the number they want to achieve and find acceptable in middle class households. If you go down the financial ladder in Pakistan laws of Physics, economy, society blow up on your face. I have seen that no lower income household has any less than 4-5 kids on average which is so fuucking ridiculous considering their economic situation. The concept that Rizq Allah ka haath mein hai is being abused in our society. I mean for Rizq you have to strive and struggle not sit in your house. Then these same people go around begging door to door and make their children do the same. There is no sense of responsibility for those poor kids.
I have one daughter and sometimes i think how will i manage to give her a good life and education in these tough times let alone think of another kid. Here some filthy pigs keep breeding with no sense of responsibility for the kids they already have at home.