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Pakistan officially 5th largest populated country on earth now

Good post.
One has to plan for an almost assured much larger population. The biggest issue I see is water resources. That's where all out effort should be made, starting with raising awareness. Maybe once every month there should be a national day for debates and events about water management.
One more silver lining in the cloud is that there is immense Human Capital that Pakistan can provide to the world--an ageing world. As I see it, except for some countries like those in Africa, the world is greying fast.

Africa is expected to grow the fastest, Nigeria's projections are crazy, it has the same landmass as Pakistan, has massive oil and gas reserves and still lives on charity. But their population is expected to reach 700 million+, it is crazy.

Regarding water, educating people will have an effect but limited in scope. Since by far the largest consumer of water in Pakistan is the agriculture sector, simply educating the farmers will result in massive water savings and in the process will improve agricultural productivity, as education or training has multiple unforeseen benefits. Better water use is linked to better agricultural practices.

Pakistan is indeed a great nation, we just need to be more positive in our approach. But, people do not recognize that from 1947 to now, we have come so far ahead.
Also contraception is allowed in Islam, as even Sahabah used it on a personal basis, although Prophet Muhammad saws never encouraged it, he never forbade it either.

This Ayat in the Quran is also pretty straightforward.

And do not kill your children for fear of poverty. We provide for them and for you. Indeed, their killing is ever a great sin. -17:31
kill your children for fear of poverty

no body here saying killing of children . are we zombies ???????????? birth control is not killing children . A healthy adult male can release between 40 million and 1.2 billion sperm cells in a single ejaculation.only one reach egg rest all die . we have to stop that one sperm to enter egg . its not killing
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As much as I hate to say it, this is a matter of quantity versus quality. Having a huge number of kids usually dilutes the living quality of each kid, and hence their success

I would rather hang out with the lower middle class than the upper class, and upper middle class in Pakistan. Pak should do mandatory castration of this class of leeches. Their single purpose is to speak English, act gora, and find the best way they can settle their kids abroad. Many are outright atheists, agnostics or hypocrites of the worst kind. If nothing else, people of very weak faith.

I love the poor and their problem is not over population, their problem are th leeches above that hate Pakistan and are loyal to the goras.
Africa is expected to grow the fastest, Nigeria's projections are crazy, it has the same landmass as Pakistan, has massive oil and gas reserves and still lives on charity. But their population is expected to reach 700 million+, it is crazy.

Regarding water, educating people will have an effect but limited in scope. Since by far the largest consumer of water in Pakistan is the agriculture sector, simply educating the farmers will result in massive water savings and in the process will improve agricultural productivity, as education or training has multiple unforeseen benefits. Better water use is linked to better agricultural practices.

Pakistan is indeed a great nation, we just need to be more positive in our approach. But, people do not recognize that from 1947 to now, we have come so far ahead.

I think it's very reassuring if Agriculture sector is indeed the main drain on water resources: Managing a few hundred thousand vs managing 200+ million. Pakistani planners should double down on that.
Wow about Nigeria!! Compared with that, Pakistan is an Eden on Earth despite the very damaging consequences of being in a tough neighborhood--one of the toughest in the world!--and despite not having resources like Nigeria has. You are right: Pakistanis have a habit of breast-beating, not appreciating that, until the Lost Decade of the 1990s, Pakistan was in fairly good shape.

As to those who bring religion into this debate: I am firmly with @Imran Khan on this. On weekly basis I hear of miseries of people back home. Cousins having 4 kids with no means to provide for them. They all say that 'God will provide' and yet are constantly begging you for money! And I am not shy to point out their follies and yet they persist. Look up the definition of 'madness' by Einstein!

PS. I have been married to an American lady for almost 19 years. Our Prenuptial was not to have kids unless we ran into serious $$. We never made it rich. But we have been living a comfortable, fun, traveling, partying life while also being able to help families on both sides. Needless to say: We have no kids and are happily 'Child Free'!!
I think it's very reassuring if Agriculture sector is indeed the main drain on water resources: Managing a few hundred thousand vs managing 200+ million. Pakistani planners should double down on that.
Wow about Nigeria!! Compared with that, Pakistan is an Eden on Earth despite the very damaging consequences of being in a tough neighborhood--one of the toughest in the world!--and despite not having resources like Nigeria has. You are right: Pakistanis have a habit of breast-beating, not appreciating that, until the Lost Decade of the 1990s, Pakistan was in fairly good shape.

As to those who bring religion into this debate: I am firmly with @Imran Khan on this. On weekly basis I hear of miseries of people back home. Cousins having 4 kids with no means to provide for them. They all say that 'God will provide' and yet are constantly begging you for money! And I am not shy to point out their follies and yet they persist. Look up the definition of 'madness' by Einstein!

PS. I have been married to an American lady for almost 19 years. Our Prenuptial was not to have kids unless we ran into serious $$. We never made it rich. But we have been living a comfortable, fun, traveling, partying life while also being able to help families on both sides. Needless to say: We have no kids and are happily 'Child Free'!!
religion is a tool for paksitani public sir just for hypocracy nothing more . country is most religous and most corrupt morally and ethically . just use this damn tool to shut up others . jo jitni bari dardhi wala hai utna bara munafiq jo jitna bara haji utna bara fraudi hai . just look our traders worse creatures on planet yet every year o to hujj and umrah . this country need a secular approach and stop saling religion now . even a blind person can feel destruction of overpoulation in paksitan now
water shortage
electricity shortage
food shortage
rising crimes
burden on infrastructure
decreasing per capita income and almost everything .
shortage of health services and education

yet if someone want more population for religion he is misusing religion of peace nothing more .

we are one of last three countries on earth still having polio cases because of this damn conspiracy theories of mullah baazi :hitwall:
we have to stop this madness now . pakistan can not hold this breeding like rabbits situation . we are officially 5th largest populated country on earth . where we will stop ?

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Of the list, leaving aside India which is in the same boat, ours is the most inefficient population. Our GDP, if compared to our population, shows how dismal our output is.
Also our fertility rate is a double-edged sword. While it is a woeful indicator of the poor quality of life, in some ways it actually limits our explosive population growth.

However, leaving the negatives behind, if this one single resource is propelled in the right direction, Pakistan will inevitably become an Asian Tiger. Median age of 22 is an amazing statistic. If we can get these folks (more focus on the 50% of population which is women) educated and working then we can expect to see exponential growth in the economic output.
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Of the list, leaving aside India which is in the same boat, ours is the most inefficient population. Our GDP, if compared to our population, shows how dismal our output is.
But this is not because of the population. Our political and socioeconomic situation is the key for a better environment for all. Pakistan ranks low in economic freedom index. That’s why our GDP is not noteworthy! Man free markets, a strong Islamic code and we would be the kings of the hill. Why are all the Pakistani big brains outside of Pakistan? Because the environment allows them to thrive.

This is the mentality that has been screwing us for the last 70 years.
Really? Not the corrupt (secular) elites? Not the pagan superstitious believes, not our family system in which parents think children are their property? I am not saying have 10 children’s and beg for your life literally. I am just saying stop acting like you are personally providing for them! See most Pakistani have 3+ children and they still somehow manage to survive and take care for their family. The lord giveth the government taketh!
kill your children for fear of poverty

no body here saying killing of children . are we zombies ???????????? birth control is not killing children . A healthy adult male can release between 40 million and 1.2 billion sperm cells in a single ejaculation.only one reach egg rest all die . we have to stop that one sperm to enter egg . its not killing

Family planning in Islam is allowed, I mentioned that in the first part of that post. A form of contraception was practiced by Sahabah called azl (coitus interruptus.) It is allowed on a personal basis, but I do not believe government should get involved.

I don't believe government should get involved due to weak writ of government and backlash from society.

The bigger problem than increasing population is mismanagement, corruption, and city planning.

We can study Germany and Japan to bring out smaller cities in Pakistan. Establish new, clean smaller cities and link them up via high speed railways across the whole country.
However, leaving the negatives behind, if this one single resource is propelled in the right direction, Pakistan will inevitably become an Asian Tiger. Median age of 22 is an amazing statistic. If we can get these folks (more focus on the 50% of population which is women) educated and working and then we can expect to see exponential growth in the economic output.
Now we are talking. Let’s pray that our beloved Pakistan will become one day the Muslim dream. I know that by the grace of Allah and our amazing people we will become a true power in the world. Economically and militarily. Inshallah!
Dang!!! That's some Hitlerian vision of geopolitics you have!! BUT... that's how humanity has worked. Ruthless wars of conquests, subjugation, expansion, assimilation... My vision is eventually a world without borders but can't deny how humanity has worked over the millennia.

It is ripe time for Pakistan to expand, absorbing Afghanistan seems to be the immediate first step.

Like Turkey, Pakistan will have to step out of its shell and begin expansion of influence and territory.

All states in our situation would be thinking along our lines, and it is the proper way. We have Eastern Sunni parts of Iran, Afghanistan, and occupied Kashmir, and other parts of India up to Dilli. Then across ocean, the is weak little Oman which is funding BLA, etc. We need to be creative and start aggressively pushing our state's interests.
We can study Germany and Japan to bring out smaller cities in Pakistan.
Thank you brother. You are very knowledgeable in our religion it’s an honor to have you as fellow countryman!

In regards to Japan: checkout the Iwakura Mission. Japan sent an Mission out to learn from the world and implement the knowledge in Japan. Japan was forcefully opened in the 1850ies and managed to defeat modern Russia in 1904! That’s just amazing!

Thank you brother. You are very knowledgeable in our religion it’s an honor to have you as fellow countryman!

In regards to Japan: checkout the Iwakura Mission. Japan sent an Mission out to learn from the world and implement the knowledge in Japan. Japan was forcefully opened in the 1850ies and managed to defeat modern Russia in 1904! That’s just amazing!


Thank you. You embarrass me brother, may Allah swt forgive me if I become arrogant.

We need to study the countries which have instituted or been forced into population control by social changes, almost all of them are crying due to inability to bring back their replacement rates.

Europeans are losing population to ME refugees and asylum seekers, foreign phobic Japan is having import workers, US is no longer a white majority country, and China is beginning to worry as well.

This change seems to be permanent and no one has been able to fix it. The government should stay away.

Large population can be a major advantage for Pakistan, if used in the right way. We need to institute draft and expand our military. We can establish corporations to bring in infrastructure development in foreign countries and export skilled labor to other countries.

Pakistan needs to get its act ttogether.there are many countries who will provide contracts to any Pakistani firms which can create organized, professional labor for these countries in permanent population decline.

In regards to Japan: checkout the Iwakura Mission. Japan sent an Mission out to learn from the world and implement the knowledge in Japan. Japan was forcefully opened in the 1850ies and managed to defeat modern Russia in 1904! That’s just amazing!


Meiji restoration changed Japan from an impoverished feudal and backwards society to a modern power able to compete with Western powers. Immediately afterwards, Japan embarked on wars of conquest. However due to heavy handedness, they lost those territories mostly and could not defend against US in WW2.
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