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Pakistan & India - Differences

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Omar is right. Other than punjabis, I have nothing in common with bhartis. And to people that are saying Pakistanis are all indigenous, think again. I have a friend in pakistan who lives in Punjab and speaks punjabi, but his surname is Turki. There are many people you can see with names like Faisal al Turki or yousaf Tajik in Pakistan.

Well thats a misconception. I frankly dont give two shits about race/ethnicity, but you are completely wrong. Punjabis, Sindhis, Mohajir and Pathans which make a huge part of Pakistani population are found in (hundreds of) millions in India. Also you need to keep in mind that the Indian Punjab (after 1947) was split into 4 states today. The current states of Himachal Pradesh(8 million), Delhi (12 million), Haryana (27 million) and Indian Punjab (30 million) were all part of the pre-1947 undivided Punjab.
Well thats a misconception. I frankly dont give two shits about race/ethnicity, but you are completely wrong. Punjabis, Sindhis, Mohajir and Pathans which make a huge part of Pakistani population are found in (hundreds of) millions in India. Also you need to keep in mind that the Indian Punjab (after 1947) was split into 4 states today. The current states of Himachal Pradesh(8 million), Delhi (12 million), Haryana (27 million) and Indian Punjab (30 million) were all part of the pre-1947 undivided Punjab.

Those places also have millions of indians who have migrated from other places in india.

Indian Punjabis make 3% of India's population.
Pakistani Punjabis make 50% of Pakistan's population.

Pashtuns, Baloch, Saraikis, and Sindhis combined make less than 5% of India's population.

More than 90% of India's population is as alien to Pakistanis as Africans are alien to Pakistanis.
Well thats a misconception. I frankly dont give two shits about race/ethnicity, but you are completely wrong. Punjabis, Sindhis, Mohajir and Pathans which make a huge part of Pakistani population are found in (hundreds of) millions in India. Also you need to keep in mind that the Indian Punjab (after 1947) was split into 4 states today. The current states of Himachal Pradesh(8 million), Delhi (12 million), Haryana (27 million) and Indian Punjab (30 million) were all part of the pre-1947 undivided Punjab.

No they aren't. Secondly, Mohajirs only make up less than 8% of Pakistan's population, and Punjabies only make up 3% of indian population, so there you go.
Pakistan & India - Differences

The Boundaries of Pakistan emerged on the map of the world in 1947. This was accomplished on the basis of the Two-Nation Theory. This theory held that there were two nations, Hindus and Muslims living in the territory of the Sub-continent.

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was the first exponent of the Two-Nation Theory in the modern era. He believed that India was a continent and not a country, and that among the vast population of different races and different creeds, Hindus and Muslims were the two major nations on the basis of nationality, religion, way-of-life, customs, traditions, culture and historical conditions. One Nation's hero is a villain for the other. They could not co-exist with each other peacefully for thousands of years without problems, while Hindus on the other hand were negating this Notion and the Ideal of Muslim Nationhood and propagating Hindus and Muslims for being one Nation. They wanted to see Muslims subservient to Hindus after the British Raj Ends.

Thankfully Quaid-e-Azam and the other able Muslim Leadership understood the Hindus designs and worked for Pakistan's creation till Success. Thank God Almighty We Pakistanis are a different & a free country. There are some other differences aswell in two of these Nations, Pakistan and India. Some of It, can be seen in the below videos.

Pakistan & India - Differences - YouTube

Are Pakistanis and Indians the same people? - YouTube

Thanks for the informative post and great videos. Again, proving that not only are we Pakistanis different from indians by religion, but we are a whole different people and a separate nation all together, with our own unique identity be it in language, culture, traditions, etc.

Watan-e-Aziz Zindabad!!! Pakistan Paindabad!!! :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
Omar is right. Other than punjabis, I have nothing in common with bhartis. And to people that are saying Pakistanis are all indigenous, think again. I have a friend in pakistan who lives in Punjab and speaks punjabi, but his surname is Turki. There are many people you can see with names like Faisal al Turki or yousaf Tajik in Pakistan.

Even if they did not adopt a foreign sounding name for the sake of prestige, the maternal side of their ancestry would mostly be from local folk. After many generations, the % of foreign blood is quite small.

Arains generally have no foreign ancestry, for example.
If this is another 'We're ethnically Arab' thread then let me be the bearer of the sad news that we are not. Being Indo-Aryan (Punjabi+Sindhi), we share much of the same DNA as the people of Western, Central and Northern India. In the South Dravidians and to the North-East Nepalis and Mongoloids prevail. Most of us are converts from the local religions, for example, my family converted from Hinduism about 500 years ago. It's an understandable matter that we are two distinct nations now, but trying to airbrush your history will just leave you without an identity. That's the problem we face right now, this nation is facing an identity crisis.

Nobody here claimed we are Arabs or any of that other nonsense. Though Arabs did leave their mark in our history and heritage, many Pakistanis do have Arab blood in them, especially in Balochistan's coastal areas that were once a part of Oman i believe. We are different from indians and that is fact regardless if anyone agrees with it or not. :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
Thanks for the informative post and great videos. Again, proving that not only are we Pakistanis different from indians by religion, but we are a whole different people and a separate nation all together, with our own unique identity be it in language, culture, traditions, etc.

Watan-e-Aziz Zindabad!!! Pakistan Paindabad!!! :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

You're Welcome Brother :) ... Some people didn't like it, though :no:
The Mods, The Admin and the TT are dedicated to making this forum fair and impartial towards all. That's our commitment, I don't know where you were wronged or any other Indian was wronged but if you have any problems and feel that somebody is taking you for a ride because of your nationality, you just report that person to the Mods, if they don't act on it (Which I am sure they will), you just post the link to my profile and I will personally take up the matter with the Red Brigade, is that ok?
Those places also have millions of indians who have migrated from other places in india.

Indian Punjabis make 3% of India's population.
Pakistani Punjabis make 50% of Pakistan's population.

Pashtuns, Baloch, Saraikis, and Sindhis combined make less than 5% of India's population.

More than 90% of India's population is as alien to Pakistanis as Africans are alien to Pakistanis.
except for pathans, the other groups like sareki,balouch are not present in India. Even the Punjabi population in India got other Dalit groups in large numbers. There are less "Iranids" in Indian Punjab than Pakistani Punjab.

Pathans are not even ethnic Afghans in India. their Afghan ancestory will be very less due to intermingling with other north Indian Muslim communities.
only north western India have *some* similarity with Pakistan. Then, most of them are Sikhs or Hindu.

It is not easy for many north Indians to understand Pakistani ethnicities IMO. they generally assume it is like the normal Hindu/Muslim castes found in India. Some of them even believes Pakistan has 25% Hindus. :lol:
Just cant restrain myself from replying. This is thread has been started from illogical video without much bases.just some S**t in S**t out. Regarding my views I have no regrets or happiness about being same or different but at least post some sensible methodology

1. Pakistan break out of India. If compare the most relevant past we are separate(evolving separately) and if we go back few generation our ancestors were living together and a significant number of us have shared ancestry.
2. The area of pakistan is small compared to india.
3. India is diverse.

Comparing pakistan (culturally) with any random part of india nonsense as india is not a homogeneous country.

If any body wants to actually compare the difference of Pakistan rather than living and and growing on falsehood than they should

a) check with the neighbourhood region i.e for India they should compare with punjab, rajasthan, J&K, western UP and Gujarat. (not with Manipur, Tamil Nadu or Andamans). Calculate the distance (not physical but cultural i.e. difference in food, tradition, language, clothing.)
b) also compare the distance with other bordering states. i.e Afghanistan and Iran.
c) Check the inner distance within Pakistan and then publish the result

Question on incomplete data:
i.Was indus valley civilization confined to modern pakistan only. As per my information this was till Westen uttar pradesh and Gujarat.
ii. Pashupati and mother godess seal were first found in Indus valley civilzation. Are those symbols more closer to modern day India or to Pakistan.

Posters should realise societies are fluid and they keep changing with time and place. Present border come into existence in 1947 and since on a large part of this big landmass between india and pakistan there is no natural border, there is bound to be a lot of common things.

Currently these two are very separate nation with a very different ideology. Pakistan is Islamic country and India is a secular country its BIG difference. As in case of Pakistan a reference standard and parameters are set for legal, political and social space, in case of India there is no such set standard they have to evolve it based on there needs and external environment.

The primary article is just an attempt to propagate lie by showing selective things and giving wrong conclusions. It implies fooling someone for the some ulterior gains. I remember as a child we use to spread trivial lies(ghost, witch, snake stories) to gain influence and win friends, now it seems people never grew up; the world remains essentially the same
That's just a round about way of saying you guys kept the docile "house nig-er" muslims
I wonder what faizahmad thinks about your views of him.

And yes, Partition was a great thing for Both countries. Pakistan get an overall higher growth rate and lower poverty levels. We also got to control our destiny.
And India got the tame, docile Muslims who can be easily controlled. (as per your post)
Heck you can even kill them in the thousands and they won't do anything.
Pretty good deal for India I think.

Well, you make racist comments about Indian Muslims and get thanked by Think Tanks... :lol: right after the claim of impartiality
1. Pakistan break out of India. If compare the most relevant past we are separate(evolving separately) and if we go back few generation our ancestors were living together and a significant number of us have shared ancestry.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/genera...kistan-india-differences-5.html#ixzz1vfV6AFir

This is from the earlier guy's post. Can someone confirm this? What's the official version of events? Did Pakistan break out of India or was it one big India that split into 2 nations? Cos that does make quite a bit of difference.
Even if they did not adopt a foreign sounding name for the sake of prestige, the maternal side of their ancestry would mostly be from local folk. After many generations, the % of foreign blood is quite small.

Arains generally have no foreign ancestry, for example.

See the problem with you and other Bhartis is that you believe that it makes a difference to me what race and religion my family is/was. Honestly, I don't give a ****. I don't know if my blood or ancestor is arab, greek, tamil, or whatever. I cannot speak for my ancestors, but I know that I am a Muslim. I feel that I am a Muslim. You think idol worship bothers me? Even the arabs before Muhammad (pbuh) used to worship idols. I have no shame whether my ancestor was worshiping idols, snakes, fire, or planets.I'm a Muslim Pakistani Punjabi. That is all that I identify with.
This is from the earlier guy's post. Can someone confirm this? What's the official version of events? Did Pakistan break out of India or was it one big India that split into 2 nations? Cos that does make quite a bit of difference.

forget the guy post. See it for yourself and decide.
Pointer: Before 1947 there was a single entity called British India which has was in existence for around a hundred years. You can see its size (google it). Also see the ethnic and religious configuration. Now see the present entities. You can even check their name before and after partition.
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