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Pakistan & India - Differences

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LOL , the main ideot here is the maker of the video. He thinks that posting pics of some good looking pakistanis and some bad looking indians , he can insult us. "Ordinary pakistanis ?", are you freaking kidding me , i'll show you ordinary pakistanis in google images. All i had to type was pakistanis to get these images. I think the majority of the posters here never roam the streets of their cities because its too dangerous , that's why they have no clue as to how their country's people look like.


http://msnbcmedia1.msn.com/j/ap/pakistan --1742419493_v2.grid-6x2.jpg





LOL , the main ideot here is the maker of the video. He thinks that posting pics of some good looking pakistanis and some bad looking indians , he can insult us. "Ordinary pakistanis ?", are you freaking kidding me , i'll show you ordinary pakistanis in google images. All i had to type was pakistanis to get these images. I think the majority of the posters here never roam the streets of their cities because its too dangerous , that's why they have no clue as to how their country's people look like.


http://msnbcmedia1.msn.com/j/ap/pakistan --1742419493_v2.grid-6x2.jpg




Nah! Not sour.. Probably poisonous.. I personally believe that partition was the best thing that ever happened to present day India...

+1 for that ......Best thing that happened during partition was all religious fanatics muslim who viewed the World thru Eyes of religion ..went across the border ..And we were saved from a big headache of controlling this fanatic mob...

India would have been where pakistan is today or even worse than it...

Look at Bangladesh...... Even they are prospering after getting separated ...But this ppl are stuck Issuing fatwas against stupid things like wearing jeans And not covering your face in public.....

I always believed Jo bhi hota hai Acche ke Liye Hota hai......... Came true in this case:tup:
Hindus-tanis have a strong sense of inferiority complex and they're facing worst kind of Identity crises. When seen, left out in some 'strongest' list they can be the 'biggest & strongest Islamic country' aswell. Epic Loosers.


Care to explain ,,, AAP ke Paas Aisa Kya JISSE Hum Indians ko Aapse Inferiority compllex hooga ":lol:.
Infact We praise our fate For not Being A Pakistani .
Nah! Not sour.. Probably poisonous.. I personally believe that partition was the best thing that ever happened to present day India...

The needless deaths, murders and rapes could have been avoided though.
Hindus-tanis have a strong sense of inferiority complex and they're facing worst kind of Identity crises. When seen, left out in some 'strongest' list they can be the 'biggest & strongest Islamic country' aswell. Epic Loosers.


yes we are jealous

because we do not have talibs in backyard
because we do not have a foreign nation killing the hell out of us every now and then
because we do not have the clan of zardaris
because we are not called migraine of asia...
because we are not in 90s of stability index.

yeah right we are jealous very jealous.
The needless deaths, murders and rapes could have been avoided though.

I agree.. But then on the flip side, imagine a country of 1.4 billion in stead of 0.2 billion going thru what Pakistan is going thru now..
Independence was the best thing to happen to Pakistan, our culture and way of life being, on the cross roads of several civilizations, was what made us different from india, also the religious element. No point in keep bringing it up, we are happy and so are the indians.

Lot of money to be made from Indo-Pak rivalry.

Think of all the bombs, planes, tanks, guns 'Anglo-Saxon' military industrial complex sells to the Indo-Pak.'s.
Even 1-2 % of said sales spent on good and juicy 'rivalry' promotion, marketing would be money well spent with top-notch payback ;) ... you mc-bc's ... Wake - Up !
Partition was a great thing for Both countries. Pakistan get an overall higher growth rate and lower poverty levels. We also got to control our destiny.

Where ? :ph34r:

Historically speaking Pakistan had a higher growth rate over all since we didn't really buy in to the socialism nonsense.

I know right now India has a higher growth rate but that is only in the last few years. If you look over the entire 70 years of independence then we have had a higher growth rate.

Right now India had a few good years of growth rate and all of a sudden you people think you are a galactic super power, so I understand why you people cannot look beyond that to the bigger picture. Because it does't support your "India is a Galactic Super power and Pakistan is a failed" state world view.
If this is another 'We're ethnically Arab' thread then let me be the bearer of the sad news that we are not. Being Indo-Aryan (Punjabi+Sindhi), we share much of the same DNA as the people of Western, Central and Northern India. In the South Dravidians and to the North-East Nepalis and Mongoloids prevail. Most of us are converts from the local religions, for example, my family converted from Hinduism about 500 years ago. It's an understandable matter that we are two distinct nations now, but trying to airbrush your history will just leave you without an identity. That's the problem we face right now, this nation is facing an identity crisis.

Speak for yourself. Other than Indian Punjabis (Khalistanis), indians are as foreign to us as Africans are.

And every human being has his/her own unique DNA. Only your father, mother, brother, and sister have same DNA as you. Not a hindu from delhi.

And why you leave Pashtuns who are 2nd largest ethnic group of Pakistan. Why we have to be lumped with hindustan all the time. Punjabis and Pashtuns are a very small minority in india, while Punjabis and Pashtuns are the 2 largest ethnic groups of Pakistan.

Hey, don't you think Muhajirs of Pakistan who are native to Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh will find this video offensive. :girl_wacko:

Muhajirs make only a small minority in Pakistan.
it was indeed a great event and totally worth the 1,000,000 dead.

indeed but all these people were killed in war no
were these guys killed in Pakistan no war these guys were soldiers no they were small innocent people who were just moving from india to pakistan peacefully and in return what they got death by who the indians this was the reason why PAKISTAN WAS MADE .. and both lived peacefully Only at that time when muslims were the ruler and not the hindus when any hindu came in power he killed muslims for no reason u give me 1 name of any hindu was not sporting the murder of muslims and i will give u 10 names of muslims leader who treated Muslims and hindus equally thats not what i em saying or my personal opinion go and read the history it u want a exmp babrii masjid in india u can write that in google
Omar is right. Other than punjabis, I have nothing in common with bhartis. And to people that are saying Pakistanis are all indigenous, think again. I have a friend in pakistan who lives in Punjab and speaks punjabi, but his surname is Turki. There are many people you can see with names like Faisal al Turki or Yousaf Tajik in Pakistan.
This is a thread in which when Indians say "We are same" they say "No we are not" citing the 600 odd years of foreign rule and if we say "We are different", they say, "No we share the same heritage" citing the geographical location of IVC in present day Pakistan.

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