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Pakistan has decided to use all military options against india

Infact India never been the aggressor. You country is the aggressor always.
Oh please spare is with the RSS crap. You hindus are becoming like the Jews. ... commit genocide and ask the world to feel sorry for you. With pakistan you will get a nuke up your ***
Common what is your civilian Bus doing close the Army Post. Secondly your Army is the one who targeted Civilians and Childrens. You have check how many Civilian homes are damaged and destroyed by your Army's bullets and shelling. Those House were not even close to our Army Posts.

Before questioning me, pls question yourself.

We never Target Civilians, infact your army did.

Rest your actions will be reciprocated

So, you started crying like a kid and afraid to debate or afraid of the facts ??
So where there are civilians close to the military it's OK to kill them. So if you have soldiers walking or working in Delhi it's OK to target the civilians as they shouldn't be in Delhi. Good logic
I admire the Indian govt. propaganda machine that propagates lies to the Indian masses via yellow media outlets. Majority of their population buys it hook, line and sinker, the other lot are the disingenuous ones that spread their filth online.

I mean, the Indian govt. trained, hosted and supported militant proxies in 1971 to accelerate the inevitable breakaway of East Pakistan - yet Indians have the audacity to say that it's only Pakistan that engages in such activities. Please stop insulting everyone's intelligence.
Infact India never been the aggressor. You country is the aggressor always.
in 1971 u were aggressors, in 1965 you attacked on international borders in the dark of the night, We are under no illusion Indians, we know who is aggressor, and we will nuke u guys this time
Why would 6x smaller Pakistan be the aggressor? Use logical thought instead of biased views.

Because Pakistan acted as a proxy either for the West or China. Hence Pakistan derived equality.

Also when you compare militaries, Pakistan is nowhere 1/6th of India.

Well even the country u live in today was not urs ..1948 was the start which taught india that u cant be friends with us..
1971 was indian reply..
Lets come again for 2016-17 :)

Yeah WAS NOT ours but as it IS OURS now so that again makes us someone who has occupied quite a major chunk of yours. Even the annexation of Bangladesh only resulted in creation of a new administration set up but that piece of land is still occupied by US (U know what I mean) and talking about 2016-17 then plz just look around and U ll find yourself encircled by a rival of yours using land/sea areas of even your allies. On the contrary many freedom struggles in India are awaking from slumber and in right mind rather than telling me to worry about 2016-17, plz look inside and U ll find alot of worrisome things out there in your courtyard. Untill unless your vertebrae is rigid enough not to allow U to look down then yeah all U can see is whats being fed to U by your media and Mr Modi n Co.
Because Pakistan acted as a proxy either for the West or China. Hence Pakistan derived equality.

Also when you compare militaries, Pakistan is nowhere 1/6th of India.

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If size of military was the thing that determined battles then pakistan wouldn't be on the map. Alexander the great would have lost to Darius. Isreal wouldn't exist. See where I am going with this?
@Rafi Sir do you have any information what is this all about ? I think we have given go ahead to Army to use heavy weapons like MRL and Artillery and may be even Drones.
MRLs for borderline posts? Are you really that shyt or trying to be one?
Common what is your civilian Bus doing close the Army Post. Secondly your Army is the one who targeted Civilians and Childrens. You have check how many Civilian homes are damaged and destroyed by your Army's bullets and shelling. Those House were not even close to our Army Posts.
So you are asking, what a civilian bus doing near Army post and in same paragraph you says our army target civilian's homes...... what these civilian do in army posts (not near but actually in the post)????????
Strange..... o_Oo_Oo_O
Why would 6x smaller Pakistan be the aggressor? Use logical thought instead of biased views.

That's precisely why you've been the aggressor. Your army seems to have quite an antagonistic relationship with logic. Remember Kargil or Op Gibralter? Where was logic in that?

You take panga with a multiple times stronger, bigger, faster growing economy, country, and military. Logic killed herself of shame.
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No India Army never targets Civilians and Children. It's your country's Army make human shield of Civilians and Children.
No country in the world has Civilians and Children around their Army Posts.

Only your country in the wordl has it to save themelves(so called your brave battle hardened Army) and later on ready to cry to the world that India Targeted civilians , Children.

Someone using civilians and Children as Human Shield is the worst human act ever and crime against humanity.
I don't understand how an Army of a Country use its Civilians as Human Shields instead to save them ? Then whom your army is there to save ?? Save themselves ????

Because Pakistan acted as a proxy either for the West or China. Hence Pakistan derived equality.

Also when you compare militaries, Pakistan is nowhere 1/6th of India.

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Complete retarded indian delusional rubbish and balderdash. As Pakistan is at least 6 to 7x smaller than indian, then every ranking Pakistan should be less than a 1/6 of india. So if india is ranked 4th in GFP than Pakistan should be at least 24-28. But we are punching well above our weight and are in fact 13th etc. Please give accurate statements and not indian media propaganda fantasies.
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