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Pakistan has decided to use all military options against india

If size of military was the thing that determined battles then pakistan wouldn't be on the map. Alexander the great would have lost to Darius. Isreal wouldn't exist. See where I am going with this?

I never claimed that the result of war would be based on the size.

I was only responding to the claim made by @RazaGujjar that Pakistan could not have initiated the earlier wars with India as Pakistan was 6 times small. My point was

1) Pakistan's military is almost 50% of India's

2) Pakistan has always received generous military support from the West, GCC & China.


Have you ever been to Azad Kashmir? Had you been this question would not have been there.

I do have to live along LoC.

Unlike IB, LoC is an active war zone.

Anyone with an iota of common sense would move away from the war zone.

Syrians are even fleeing to Europe and here we hear people living right along the LoC.

The only people who live along LoC are Pakistan's military or non-state actors ready to cross the border into India to engage in a guerrilla attack on Indian Army.

These news items of civilian being fired upon are nothing but propaganda warfare.

Complete retarded indian delusional rubbish and balderdash. As Pakistan is at least 6 to 7x smaller than indian, then every ranking Pakistan should be less than a 1/6 of india. So if india is ranked 4th in GFP than Pakistan should be at least 24-28. But we are punching well above our weight and are in fact 13th etc. Please give accurate statements and not indian media propaganda fantasies.

Your post does not make any sense.

I never claimed Pakistan should be 1/6th of India in every field. On the contrary, I was making a point that Pakistan on its own is 50% of India's when it came to conventional military power while Pakistan is twice as powerful as India when it came nuclear weapons. If you add generous support Pakistan received from the West, GCC & China, Pakistan starting all the wars with India perfectly makes sense. This was the response to @RazaGujjar 's post

I never claimed that the result of war would be based on the size.

I was only responding to the claim made by @RazaGujjar that Pakistan could not have initiated the earlier wars with India as Pakistan was 6 times small. My point was

1) Pakistan's military is almost 50% of India's

2) Pakistan has always received generous military support from the West, GCC & China.


I do have to live along LoC.

Unlike IB, LoC is an active war zone.

Anyone with an iota of common sense would move away from the war zone.

Syrians are even fleeing to Europe and here we hear people living right along the LoC.

The only people who live along LoC are Pakistan's military or non-state actors ready to cross the border into India to engage in a guerrilla attack on Indian Army.

These news items of civilian being fired upon are nothing but propaganda warfare.

Your post does not make any sense.

I never claimed Pakistan should be 1/6th of India in every field. On the contrary, I was making a point that Pakistan on its own is 50% of India's when it came to conventional military power while Pakistan is twice as powerful as India when it came nuclear weapons. If you add generous support Pakistan received from the West, GCC & China, Pakistan starting all the wars with India perfectly makes sense. This was the response to @RazaGujjar 's post


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:.......at generous support from the west.......lol. They are simply paying for our contribution to the war on terror and our opposition to the Soviet Union before that. The West is ultra generous to India as they want you people to be some sort of obstacle to China. Which I have to admit your ruling elite are doing well to avoid whilst at the same time benefitting from western science, technology and armaments.
Your Army has killed thousands in Kashmir including children. Your Army has raped thousands of women in Kashmir. Your Army cowardly targets civilians in Kargil. You also did same things in 1971 and blamed us of doing those things. Your Army also killed Pandits and blamed it on Kashmiri Mujahideen. In other words your Army has long history of cowardice and war crimes
++++ chattipura massacre during clinton visit...
The question is why are non military citizens and children present in a war zone (LOC) to start with?
do you know about the location of uri and baramulla? if want to we can easily hit them using same weapons we are currently using. so what are your civilians doing near LOC?
they were not near the posts. it's your weapons which targets civilians kilometers away from LOC.
and the school van was not hit through shells. it was hit using LMGs and anti aircraft weapons. which makes it deliberate.
What is the purpose of our Military? if it will not be used against our enemy.. ? Is obvious, use all option against Endia :guns::guns::guns::guns::guns:
I do have to live along LoC.

Unlike IB, LoC is an active war zone.

Anyone with an iota of common sense would move away from the war zone.

Syrians are even fleeing to Europe and here we hear people living right along the LoC.

The only people who live along LoC are Pakistan's military or non-state actors ready to cross the border into India to engage in a guerrilla attack on Indian Army.

These news items of civilian being fired upon are nothing but propaganda warfare.
Targeted vehicle was not along LOC, it was on a road exposed to fire from the other side.
Pakistan does not have the means to sustain an escalation.

India will continue to push Pakistan to up its game. Knowing fully well Pakistan cannot push back beyond a point.

Size matters. It's time Pakistan realises that reality and lives like a peaceful neighbor. Minding it's own business, if not as a friend. Because honestly, there is very little tolerance left in India now. Every hit will invite a bigger hit. Maybe a hit which will shake Pakistan.
Ok suppose that bus was passing by an Army Post. So being a rationale and logical ppl (that what U claim) why not wait for it to pass by? Army post was there since decades and would have remained there after the bus has gone to a safe distance. Unless Ur motives were something else.....Like I keep on saying..

"Bara dushman bana phirta hai jo bacho say darta hai".

On the contrary U said something about Pakistan targeting civilians...But ur own people have some other story to tell.

Plz just for once leave your couch, turn off tv and go outside to see the real situation out there. Nodding your head sideways in negation to everything will never help out.

bro , you can never accurately target anything with a mortar, read some military stuff and what mortars are Hence india can not deliberately hit the bus simply impossible, how would they even know bus was their using the satellite ?? and targeting via mortar ??
talk facts the bus was at the wrong place at the wrong time thats it, it should never have come so close to posts in under such tension.
And pak army does shells in civilian area or what do u think why Indian army moves lods of villagers twice, thrice a year away from borders ?
Ok suppose that bus was passing by an Army Post. So being a rationale and logical ppl (that what U claim) why not wait for it to pass by? Army post was there since decades and would have remained there after the bus has gone to a safe distance. Unless Ur motives were something else.....Like I keep on saying..

"Bara dushman bana phirta hai jo bacho say darta hai".

On the contrary U said something about Pakistan targeting civilians...But ur own people have some other story to tell.

Plz just for once leave your couch, turn off tv and go outside to see the real situation out there. Nodding your head sideways in negation to everything will never help out.

If Artillery fires from 10 km away, the round can be in the air for a minute.
The only things that can be targetted are static objects.
Any movable object can only be hit by a Soviet style barrage or chance.
Unless the rounds are precision guided, expect a 155 mm round to have an initial precision
of 100 m, with a 30 m radius kill zone.
Precision can be improved if observers correct the next shell.
This means another minute will pass after the first hit.

If the buses are static and located near an Army post,
an attack is not a war crime according to the Geneva convention.
It is not considered to be targetting civilians.

Targetting civilians (As defined by the Geneva Convention) can only occur where military targets are absent.

My conclusion is that an act of war has been committed, but not neccessarily a war crime.
  • It needs to be determined how far from the post the buses were when hit.
  • Were they static for an extended period?
  • Were they hit as a result of observers guiding fire on the buses?
  • Were the buses clearly marked as civilian?
  • Are Pakistan using civilian buses for military purposes?
Pakistan is of course entitled to attack Indian Army positions as a response,
but not to attack purely civilian targets.
Even if one party attacks purely civilian targets, the opposing party is not allowed to respond by the same.
++++ chattipura massacre during clinton visit...
Their RAW hijacked Indias own passenger jet and blamed it on Pakistan to deny us flights to East Pakistan

If Artillery fires from 10 km away, the round can be in the air for a minute.
The only things that can be targetted are static objects.
Any movable object can only be hit by a Soviet style barrage or chance.
Unless the rounds are precision guided, expect a 155 mm round to have an initial precision
of 100 m, with a 30 m radius kill zone.
Precision can be improved if observers correct the next shell.
This means another minute will pass after the first hit.

If the buses are static and located near an Army post,
an attack is not a war crime according to the Geneva convention.
It is not considered to be targetting civilians.

Targetting civilians (As defined by the Geneva Convention) can only occur where military targets are absent.

My conclusion is that an act of war has been committed, but not neccessarily a war crime.
  • It needs to be determined how far from the post the buses were when hit.
  • Were they static for an extended period?
  • Were they hit as a result of observers guiding fire on the buses?
  • Were the buses clearly marked as civilian?
  • Are Pakistan using civilian buses for military purposes?
Pakistan is of course entitled to attack Indian Army positions as a response,
but not to attack purely civilian targets.
Even if one party attacks purely civilian targets, the opposing party is not allowed to respond by the same.
We should nuke Dehli and Bombay if Civilians are to be killed in this dirty tactic by India.

bro , you can never accurately target anything with a mortar, read some military stuff and what mortars are Hence india can not deliberately hit the bus simply impossible, how would they even know bus was their using the satellite ?? and targeting via mortar ??
talk facts the bus was at the wrong place at the wrong time thats it, it should never have come so close to posts in under such tension.
And pak army does shells in civilian area or what do u think why Indian army moves lods of villagers twice, thrice a year away from borders ?
I know indian Army has poor accuracy but it cant be that inaccurate to target a civilian school bus so accurately. India has sent a deliberate message that they dont care about any rule of the game.
Pakistan does not have the means to sustain an escalation.

India will continue to push Pakistan to up its game. Knowing fully well Pakistan cannot push back beyond a point.

Size matters. It's time Pakistan realises that reality and lives like a peaceful neighbor. Minding it's own business, if not as a friend. Because honestly, there is very little tolerance left in India now. Every hit will invite a bigger hit. Maybe a hit which will shake Pakistan.
Only an IDIOT will try to push Pakistan to that point. Do you know what will happen when that point arrives? Pakistan will VAPORIZE you. Trust me your DGMO will never ever dare to push towards that end. Before that point arrives your Army Chief will go and beg your own Prime minister to deescalate before 900 million Indians are killed in Pakistan's nuclear strikes. Its not a joke. rand corporation has war gamed this scenario multiple times, Pakistan will send you to stone age if you push us.
Only an IDIOT will try to push Pakistan to that point. Do you know what will happen when that point arrives? Pakistan will VAPORIZE you. Trust me your DGMO will never ever dare to push towards that end. Before that point arrives your Army Chief will go and beg your own Prime minister to deescalate before 900 million Indians are killed in Pakistan's nuclear strikes. Its not a joke. rand corporation has war gamed this scenario multiple times, Pakistan will send you to stone age if you push us.

Then we must really be idiots the lot of us.

Because in case you have not noticed, we have been pushing you. And all your side has been replying with is jihadi tactics.

That's really not going to even prick us. What India is doing is very clear to all the military minds here on both sides. And Pakistan's reply is also sending out a very LOUD message. Very different to the tall claims one hears on forums such as this.

Let me spell it out for you. India wants to push you into making a move. India needs that move.
:o::o::o: Hain?? We didn't appoint warmonger..
Btw I think the response will be very effective if you targeted civilians again... All indian posts facing neelum valley road will be destroyed...

Who started 1954, 1965, 1971, 1999. Now dont say it was India.

India only initiated 1984 i.e. Siachin.
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