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Pakistan has decided to use all military options against india

Fomenting trouble in a sovereign country by using armed militia is called what? An act of war or not?

Who displaced Millions and Millions of REFUGEES, to our country which itself was dirt poor at that time.

Still India refrained from attacking pakistan. But pakistan was the first to attack.

What else you expect from a country, take all the garbage created by internal politics of your country and keep mum???

India had done that also and never attacked pakistan. What else you want?

Bangladesh was your own creation into which India was dragged in, unwillingly.
First plz dont tell me IA is not capable of firing mortars even at moving targets and let me tell U that PA is damn well proficient in that. Secondly ok lets consider that IA is not proficient in directing a mortar fire on moving targets so is it necessary that a School van can not stop on road to load and unload children or for some other reasons? Thirdly mortars are short range stuff and 10 km is damn along range for mortar. Fourth are U telling me that PA had set up posts along roadside just to be hit off and on damn easily like sitting ducks? So now plz tell me whats the take here?

If it was in mortar range, then that is way to close to a combat zone.
And no, it should not go near any military target, and should especially not stop close by.
The Geneva Convention does not protect civilians per se, it protects from attacking non-military targets,
and the presence of Army Points nullifies any protection.

Still a lot of my questions are unanswered.
bro , you can never accurately target anything with a mortar, read some military stuff and what mortars are Hence india can not deliberately hit the bus simply impossible, how would they even know bus was their using the satellite ?? and targeting via mortar ??
talk facts the bus was at the wrong place at the wrong time thats it, it should never have come so close to posts in under such tension.
And pak army does shells in civilian area or what do u think why Indian army moves lods of villagers twice, thrice a year away from borders ?
It was definitely not deliberate. Shelling is very sporadic at such ranges. If a shell did hit a civilian vehicle it was not intentional. But obviously, if a Pak shell was to land at an Indian bus, what would we do? The same.. Wish the common populations could understand these things.
Who displaced Millions and Millions of REFUGEES, to our country which itself was dirt poor at that time..
India and Indira precisely.

Still India refrained from attacking pakistan. But pakistan was the first to attack..
With the proxies, Indians were killing patriotic PAK's people by thousands from onward DEC,70.

What else you expect from a country, take all the garbage created by internal politics of your country and keep mum???
Garbage were pilled up by India at the first place and it started way before, precisely after 65's war. But it was theorize even before the creation of PAK.

India had done that also and never attacked pakistan. What else you want?.
IND instigated first attack in various forms at 48, 65 and 71's war. So, take UR vedic narrative outta here before I shove it all the way..

Bangladesh was your own creation into which India was dragged in, unwillingly.
No, never. An overwhelming majority (96% precise) of an Hinterland that voted for PAK in 1946 wouldn't switch the loyalty after same land becoming Namuna/model of developing economy. It was creative chaos and after 71 war's concocted narratives that brain washed the current lot but no vote/referendum for break-up was initiated by the traitor RAWAMYs,period.
Who displaced Millions and Millions of REFUGEES, to our country which itself was dirt poor at that time.

Still India refrained from attacking pakistan. But pakistan was the first to attack.

What else you expect from a country, take all the garbage created by internal politics of your country and keep mum???

India had done that also and never attacked pakistan. What else you want?

Bangladesh was your own creation into which India was dragged in, unwillingly.
You don't accept in one line and right away accept in next line.
Hoping for SSG ops behind enemy lines, focused on military assets throughout India as well as Indian assets in Afghanistan.
it's christmas time. both pakistani and indian leaders will send christmas presents 2 their people with strong words but little action ...and the masses like desperate gullible children will run for those words not realising how stupid their nations look :enjoy:
This Garbage coming from a Bangladeshi????

Cool you cannot be Bangali might be some leftover or stranded Bihari. Whose father was having a great run for killing and looting of ethnic Bangalis and driving off them across India. Which stopped after creation of Bangladesh.

No country creates mess near its border which it cannot handle. Same is true about India. India do know how Pakistanies behave from the experience of 1948 & 1965 Kashmir. India had no courage to disturb pakistan because they know the barbarism of pakistanis.

Indra Gandhi run from piller to post from one country to another country to pointing towards refugee crisis, but nobody in the world had the time to hear the plight of a poor country. India had no alternative, they have to clear the mess before it spill on its own population.

It was Muktibahini which was carrying out struggle in Bangal and India supported it. But instead of solving internal problem politically pakistan attacked India.

Do you have any proof for the BOLD part, instead of rhetoric?????

IND instigated first attack in various forms at 48, 65 and 71's war. So, take UR vedic narrative outta here before I shove it all the way..
]India and Indira precisely.
With the proxies, Indians were killing patriotic PAK's people by thousands from onward DEC,70..
Garbage were pilled up by India at the first place and it started way before, precisely after 65's war. But it was theorize even before the creation of PAK.
No, never. An overwhelming majority (96% precise) of an Hinterland that voted for PAK in 1946 wouldn't switch the loyalty after same land becoming Namuna/model of developing economy. It was creative chaos and after 71 war's concocted narratives that brain washed the current lot but no vote/referendum for break-up was initiated by the traitor RAWAMYs,period.

You don't accept in one line and right away accept in next line.

come prepare with proper reply
India and Indira precisely.

With the proxies, Indians were killing patriotic PAK's people by thousands from onward DEC,70.

Garbage were pilled up by India at the first place and it started way before, precisely after 65's war. But it was theorize even before the creation of PAK.

IND instigated first attack in various forms at 48, 65 and 71's war. So, take UR vedic narrative outta here before I shove it all the way..

No, never. An overwhelming majority (96% precise) of an Hinterland that voted for PAK in 1946 wouldn't switch the loyalty after same land becoming Namuna/model of developing economy. It was creative chaos and after 71 war's concocted narratives that brain washed the current lot but no vote/referendum for break-up was initiated by the traitor RAWAMYs,period.
poo razakar !
All India had to do was to close borders instead they started fomenting trouble in Pakistan (present day Bangladesh) via proxies. It was an act of war.

You moron India still struggles with Border in Kashmir, still not able to seal it properly.

And moron is expecting India had sealed its border in heavily populated area of Bangal???? There are still some patches in Bangladesh Border which are still non fenced due to population density.

Keep up your moronity.
You moron India still struggles with Border in Kashmir, still not able to seal it properly.

And moron is expecting India had sealed its border in heavily populated area of Bangal???? There are still some patches in Bangladesh Border which are still non fenced due to population density.

Keep up your moronity.
Apparently it was easy to wage a war on a country than to seal a border. Would you like to tell me how many millions are coming into India from Pakistani Kashmir, Wise man?
Hope you are not planning for us to die of old age waiting.
with the situation in Kashmir exploding in your face and with PMs like Modi you wont have to wait long, in near future India will disintegrate
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