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Pakistan has decided to use all military options against india

First of all as U didnt even read my post regarding the location of different borders posts as close as 100 m at both LOC and working boundry then let me assume that U have not even iota of knowledge regarding whats actually going on there. Secondly it really does not take quite big brain to comprehend that what I wrote meant that no PA posts are along any highway or ones used by general public but ofcourse they had built connectivity to their posts but that road only leads to that post and aint frequented by any civilian vehicle. Third, U totally disregarded my remarks where I said that was it necessary that the school van at time of attack was moving? isnt it enough a proof that the vehicle didnt meet any accident even when driver was badly hit and it prove sthat the vehicle was actually stationary at that time or it forsure would have fallen down the road deep into ravine below had it been moving. Fourth I am amzed to know that as per U IA can not direct mortar fire on a moving target and what to talk of mortar fire, not even the GPS artillery....It has got more to do with the skill kiddo and may be U start meeting the real guys who had spent time in uniform rather than concluding your self generated versions.

Where in the video did the guy say that there was firing or PA has hit on civilian population? Other than that yes as per Bollywood psyche there is no limit to imagination. Heck even those who were forcibly evacuated, majority of them came back to their Homes even in 6 days. So stop frightening people and bring in some real stuff rather than Bollywood masala.

Soldiers are born to face danger and yes they can sacrifice their life too during line of duty. Same holds good for any soldier of any country. The fact is that school children were hit and not even a single member from India has felt saddened on this fact(irrespective of fact whether it was a deliberate fire or non deliberate) rather everyone is just giving own reasons and justifying that it happened. If we sit on answering these questions then yeah main point regarding hitting school van would get buried deep under arguments and no one wud even pay a damn to the fact if school children were hit.

It is certainly a sad event for parents, relatives and friends.
I think that both parties are to blame.
To accuse India of a deliberate war crime is triggering a defensive posture.
I may be wrong, but I don't think any Indian is bragging about it.
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Good to see them doing overtly .... Lets see how long we can keep our guns silent if they open artillery fire....
The core issue for Hallucinating Hindus is the Muslims carved (with a blunt knife) our own country out of Akhand Bharat. That wound of the Kafar's just won't heal and IT will bleed to death eventually. Until then it will keep attacking us. This is the last frontiers of the Kafars and wars with them are inevitable.
What does all options mean?

Is Pakistan planning to send nuclear armed terrorists into India?
The core issue for Hallucinating Hindus is the Muslims carved (with a blunt knife) our own country out of Akhand Bharat. That wound of the Kafar's just won't heal and IT will bleed to death eventually. Until then it will keep attacking us. This is the last frontiers of the Kafars and wars with them are inevitable.

Is this how you obsessed with India ?? Then you're the one who will bleed to death eventually.
We never care about you. All we want is stop terrorism again us. that's all. If you don't stop, then you'll get the pain too
poo razakar !
LoL @ Rajakar? It seems like by snatching 2/5th of the Kashmir, Pashtun Rajakars had planted allergy so deep in the arse holes of Mordis that their fingers never reached at there thus stays itchy for ever.

This Garbage coming from a Bangladeshi????

Cool you cannot be Bangali might be some leftover or stranded Bihari. Whose father was having a great run for killing and looting of ethnic Bangalis and driving off them across India. Which stopped after creation of Bangladesh.

No country creates mess near its border which it cannot handle. Same is true about India. India do know how Pakistanies behave from the experience of 1948 & 1965 Kashmir. India had no courage to disturb pakistan because they know the barbarism of pakistanis.

Indra Gandhi run from piller to post from one country to another country to pointing towards refugee crisis, but nobody in the world had the time to hear the plight of a poor country. India had no alternative, they have to clear the mess before it spill on its own population.

It was Muktibahini which was carrying out struggle in Bangal and India supported it. But instead of solving internal problem politically pakistan attacked India.

Do you have any proof for the BOLD part, instead of rhetoric?????
See, until PAK-MIL understood the power of PR and leveraged it to nail UR non-existing surgical claim, world masses didn't realize UR hollowness. Similarly, some had learned the murder in a scale of 3 millions and rape of super-genitals were concoction of almost Valmiky's Ramayan's scale before even surpassing common sense. So, go dig deep to find jewels from garbage of ours.
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