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Pakistan has decided to use all military options against india

Ofcourse Pakistan was the aggressor. Yahya Khan started the War on India by Ariel Attacks. Read history first.

After Winning Election - Instead of Appointing Mujibur Rahman, Yahya Khan arrested him and sent to jail in Today Pakistan. This is the Turning Point in Pakistan's History. And funny thing is you people talking about oppression.

I'll accept or face all your comments, but pls comment with facts and history.
india had already entered it's army into east pakistan and indian airforce was already carrying out bombing missions on pakistan army at the time yahya attacked india.
secondly even mukti bahni were indians. so you should stop making excuses now when your prime minister is already accepting the fact that india attacked pakistan not pakistan who started the war.
When you have nothing at your desk, the you started to keep saying the above. Whatever happens in India, Law is taking care of it. Not like your country either vanish the victims or oppress or not even on media's.

All this is pure lie from you side. You people keep trying to say same thing and because of the same reason you lost Bangladesh and Now you'll lose more. Pls check at your end before pointing fingers.

Our Jucdicial system is strong to take care of this.
On top of it J&K on Indian part is governed by People of J&K. Know something before you comment.

U are frustrated and with no words to defend ur beloved Mata jee. I suggest u to sit down calmly drink water analyse with cool mind that the f €$& u defending. U words is just bulllcrap cuz u are frustrated.[/QUOTE]

Mirchi lagi?

What is this gibberish and incoherent outburst? You're right, I'll take PURE WATER to calm down and relax, thanks. BUT, what will you take to abandon your constant detestation of anything non-Zionist and non-Indian? May I suggest stick to your cow URINE drinking to ease up and relax your monthly hormonal imbalance you're experiencing right now.

Anyway, should Zionist Hindu forces continue to cause acts of aggression, then at least be manly enough to accept what comes toward your evil, tyrannical Zionistic Hindu ways is legitimate and reciprocal. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!

And don't bother replying unless it becomes so unbearable for you to commit to complete silence...ummm :rap::secret::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
Ofcourse Pakistan was the aggressor. Yahya Khan started the War on India by Ariel Attacks. Read history first.

After Winning Election - Instead of Appointing Mujibur Rahman, Yahya Khan arrested him and sent to jail in Today Pakistan. This is the Turning Point in Pakistan's History. And funny thing is you people talking about oppression.

I'll accept or face all your comments, but pls comment with facts and history.
Bull shit ... go and read your PM and your army chief interviews manikshaw ...

You trained mukti bani terrorists ... supplied them weapons ... pakistan attack was in defence to move theater of war from east to west ...
I've already said we need to deploy artillery close to the border and silence their guns with Artillery only.

(They've been using Artillery and bofors against us while we're only using small arms and mortars).

Small arms,Ak 47, Mortars,Anti Aircraft guns, ATGMs , RPG's etc. count as small arms and are effective for short range only and NOT for long range engagement .

For long range we need to use Artillery only ..

Pakistani leaders are afraid that it won't be good for Pakistan's 'bright image' in this hostile world. Everyday this hostile world praises Pakistan for being so gentle, so they call Pakistan a terrorist state while india commits terrorism inside Pakistan with impunity.
This is the right decision extremely appreciated and at the right time
India must be responded with full might. We can't let our civilians and children be targeted and killed like that.
Ok suppose that bus was passing by an Army Post. So being a rationale and logical ppl (that what U claim) why not wait for it to pass by? Army post was there since decades and would have remained there after the bus has gone to a safe distance. Unless Ur motives were something else.....Like I keep on saying..

"Bara dushman bana phirta hai jo bacho say darta hai".

On the contrary U said something about Pakistan targeting civilians...But ur own people have some other story to tell.

Plz just for once leave your couch, turn off tv and go outside to see the real situation out there. Nodding your head sideways in negation to everything will never help out.
Now the bhikari bhakts will label him Khalistani and a traitor .... an easy target for them.
Infact India never been the aggressor. You country is the aggressor always.

Isn't this line getting old? I think you either need a new line or a new justification. Even the Western media mentioned a few times yesterday the killing of school children. Its pretty apparent the "largest democracy", or the "largest Hindu democracy" doesn't care for others children if they are not Hindus. But then why is it called a democracy? Then it should b the country of the majority. The democracy means where everyone lives peaceful and civilian lives matter, both inside and outside of your borders. Thanks
Infact India never been the aggressor. You country is the aggressor always.
You people elected a known terrorist who campaigned on starting a war with Pakistan. And Pakistan seems to be making a retaliation policy that it will follow like gospel.
Isn't this line getting old? I think you either need a new line or a new justification. Even the Western media mentioned a few times yesterday the killing of school children. Its pretty apparent the "largest democracy", or the "largest Hindu democracy" doesn't care for others children if they are not Hindus. But then why is it called a democracy? Then it should b the country of the majority. The democracy means where everyone lives peaceful and civilian lives matter, both inside and outside of your borders. Thanks

By that yardstick, your adoptive country is not a democracy either.

On the topic, if and when Pakistan escalates, we will hit them even harder.
For years India did allowed and even keeping UN observers in JK. It showed resentment when your side never allowed the observers at your controlled part. All you do is when there is a loss at your end , then you'll call for UN Observers to cry.
On the other hand India allowed UN observer office here permenanatly . You can check this fact even with JK peoples.

Don`t lie on a public forum the UN have a F**king office here there isn`t any resentment here i bet eve you can even come to gilgit baltistan with no problems from the locals..
This time don't let them collect their dead bodies, let them at the mercy of wild animals
Ok so u r going to retaliate?
Come then..:)
I remember 1971 when pakistan was having support from usa china,and they came to fight us together- result - china betrayed pakistan didnt participate in war ,usa was helpless , pakistan divided into two..
This time u have only china support - god knows how many parts this time,since usa in indian camp,russia will play neutral-china will again betray u since they are more professional..lol
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