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Pakistan has decided to use all military options against india

No country in the world has Civilians and Children around their Army Posts.

Ok suppose that bus was passing by an Army Post. So being a rationale and logical ppl (that what U claim) why not wait for it to pass by? Army post was there since decades and would have remained there after the bus has gone to a safe distance. Unless Ur motives were something else.....Like I keep on saying..

"Bara dushman bana phirta hai jo bacho say darta hai".

On the contrary U said something about Pakistan targeting civilians...But ur own people have some other story to tell.

Plz just for once leave your couch, turn off tv and go outside to see the real situation out there. Nodding your head sideways in negation to everything will never help out.
yes. we will also act against indian proxies in afghanistan and balochistan. By admitting that insian current RAW chief is balochistan specialist you are also admitting indian terrorism and supporting Pakistani stance that RAW had special cells to kill innocent civilians in Pakistan. Our so called proxies only target indian soldiers because we are not indian animals.

marikh pe pohnch k kia teer mar liya. istemal to ab b train ki patri he krte ho.

Yes. All Indian proxies. Both in Afghanistan and Pakistan (whatever left of them).

You didn't got my post, I was referring to whether Pakistan will use all military options including all proxies against India.

By the way there are no Indian proxies in Pakistan or afghanistan. Now please don't post the picture of the innocent businessman who was kidnapped by ISI.
Infact India never been the aggressor. You country is the aggressor always.
You have not seen our aggressiveness yet...
IIF India wants to stand on its feet IT is better never to harm Pakistan...Else you will be ********
Including all proxies??

And @sankar

You killed our 7 civilians in bus attack, our DGMO called your indian dgmo and stated "We will respond at the time and place of our choosing"

Three days later, "strategic assets" strike indian artillery base on in LOC sector--killing 2 majors (highest ranked casualities from any side till now) and 5,6 soldiers (We could have killed 20 family members of army that were hostage but weren't harmed).

Humiliated, your army couldn't respond directly.

Few days later--you attacked our kids going to school in a van--one kid died.

The VERY next day, "strategic assets" ambush indian army convey in Kashmir again and killed 3 soldiers this time and escaped unharmed.

Complete humiliation for you---yet again.

So in just two incidents--where you killed 8 of our civilians via deliberate targeting---we killed 10, 11 soldiers of yours including two majors.

So yes, we will continue to humiliate you with all means necessary---via our strategic assets, proxies, bombing, artillery fire, and sometimes direct surgical strikes where we beheaded indian soldiers on INDIAN side of LoC and walked back home safely. It happened twice during just this round of hostilities and your side couldn't do anything.

Pakistan has absolutely dominated india during this round of military hostilities where we conducted more cross border raids, beheaded indian solders on indian land without suffering same on our side, and also ended up killing two major ranked officers in the sector of hostilities.

Whereas we lost one captain and fewer soldiers (than you) in routine cross artillery/firing from india---you guys couldn't conduct multiple cross border raids or inflict casualities on our high ranking officers around LoC sectors.

(but yeah, on media you already conquered Pakistan and Pakistan lost 40 "rangers" on LoC in one night---although rangers are not even deployed in LoC as indian/Pakistanis both know here :rofl:)
Infact India never been the aggressor. You country is the aggressor always.

Tell a lie to the world so many times that everybody start believing............
Why you never allow international observers to visit LOC or Jammu and Kashmir..............????
You didn't got my post, I was referring to whether Pakistan will use all military options including all proxies against India.

By the way there are no Indian proxies in Pakistan or afghanistan. Now please don't post the picture of the innocent businessman who was kidnapped by ISI.
we donot use proxies. and kashmir is a disputed region. we have interest their under all international laws.
india is using proxies in balochistan as balochistan is not disputed region.
just like your DGMO said LOC is not an international border. similarly Indian occupied Kashmir is not an internal matter of india.

Really any chance if they can hit Where the orders come from ( INDIAN PM :D )
don't call him indian PM. He is currently working like a patriotic Pakistani.
By the way there are no Indian proxies in Pakistan or afghanistan. Now please don't post the picture of the innocent businessman who was kidnapped by ISI.

So apparently we have kidnapped a poor,innocent businessman who was traveling on fake id and India is just sitting idle and havent taken us to UN, or any court? Not only that but has never accused Pakistan of kidnapping its innocent citizen at all those forums where U were bashing Pakistan. Bdw U never lodged any complaint with Iran as reportedly he was kidnapped from Iran and his safety was duty of Iran too....So many ifs and buts and still U are adamant about the monkey we caught red handed.
This should have been done long time ago, better late then never....
Proxies & Si Ops are 4th Generation Warfare, & if India is using Proxies like TTP from Afghanistan then Pakistan should be doing the same by Hitting those Proxies inside Pakistan & wherever may it needs too protect National Security & Integrity as well as Ideology of Pakistan...
We could have killed 20 family members of army that were hostage but weren't harmed.

If they would have succeeded in killing the family members of army men then you would have claimed that your army is not able to defend its own family members. But they were cornered and killed by the QRT, so now you are claiming that the terrorists didn't harm the hostages.

we donot use proxies.

:rofl: :rofl: Bas kar pagle rulayega kya? :rofl:

india is using proxies in balochistan

There is no such thing in Baluchistan or Afghanistan.

So apparently we have kidnapped a poor,innocent businessman who was traveling on fake id and India is just sitting idle and havent taken us to UN, or any court? Not only that but has never accused Pakistan of kidnapping its innocent citizen at all those forums where U were bashing Pakistan. Bdw U never lodged any complaint with Iran as reportedly he was kidnapped from Iran and his safety was duty of Iran too....So many ifs and buts and still U are adamant about the monkey we caught red handed.

India is constantly requesting Pakistan for consular access to jhadav. But Pakistan is denying the request fearing that its story will fell apart.
Only Burraq drones are required... flying 100 meters inside our border across key Indian posts... The fear of the drones will keep Indians hiding.

In case of any aggression, a couple of missiles will do the task effectively.
Ok suppose that bus was passing by an Army Post. So being a rationale and logical ppl (that what U claim) why not wait for it to pass by? Army post was there since decades and would have remained there after the bus has gone to a safe distance. Unless Ur motives were something else.....Like I keep on saying..

"Bara dushman bana phirta hai jo bacho say darta hai".

On the contrary U said something about Pakistan targeting civilians...But ur own people have some other story to tell.

Plz just for once leave your couch, turn off tv and go outside to see the real situation out there. Nodding your head sideways in negation to everything will never help out.
ay leader dob k merdy v nai.
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