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You also pointed out my !mistake even though you're not hindu

Like I said before its an honest innocent mistake I'm using tablet. Whereas what you insist on without any knowledge is far worse

Tu bas kar yaar apna dukhda natak.

Kya bola maine? Aur kya rona laga rakha hai tune?

Chill maar. Bore kar raha hai tu mujhe.
Dude, all you are saying is that "I am right and you are brain washed so you lost".

I have seen no actual arguments from you than your firm belief that Islam is the only true religion and all Indians are dawgs and their religions proscribe killing.

And in that rage that is created in your mind by the "sub humans" questioning your never before questioned belief system you are drowning and without answers.
Show me a single word where I said you're sub human animals worshiping creature.
Show me a single word where I said my religion susperdes all yours and your is wrong

Prove it or you will be reported for defaming me.
Don't BRI g stuff from your rear.
I'm merely saying if yiunwant to argue about anything then read about it father than watchingntv and coming here to prove that prove that you're being an ***

Tu bas kar yaar apna dukhda natak.

Kya bola maine? Aur kya rona laga rakha hai tune?

Chill maar. Bore kar raha hai tu mujhe.
Adil minhas,
I thought you would know something about Islam.
Youshame me by calling yourself as Muslim before you ID got banned
You got the message here though
Adil minhas

I got no other message than you just lashing out man.

First you call me Hindu. Which I am not.

Then you call me Adil Minhas. Who I am not.

You continue to claim Muslim terrorists are not Muslim. Which they are.

When asked for proof, your only comeback is that others do not know what Islam is and that a circumcised male is not necessarily a Muslim.

Do you understand how kiddish you sound? Please try to be more mature in your engagement with adults here. You'll be taken way more seriously. And be debated with as an equal. Right now you are coming across as a kid whose tantrums have now crossed the line from being funny to plain irritating.
There is nothing more laughable in this world than a Pakistani classifying other nations as third grade countries.

It is time for Iran to fully side with India and Afghanistan against a failed state such as Pakistan. No more 'Islamic brother' diplomatic nonsense by our leaders. Shut down the border, call back our ambassador and start treating Pakistan as a enemy state. Let these Saudi lackeys be confronted with enemy states at most corners of their borders. They deserve it.
Ofc it is because of this reason the terrorist sponsored Tate of iran is shunned in the world, with their dubious double dealing.
By sponsoring terror in all adjoining countries pakistan is just digging its grave faster.
Funny thing is that no Iranian has ever been convicted for terror attacks in the west while scores of pakistanis have been caught or shot perpetuating terrorism throughout the world.
Even then the delusions of these guys is never ending.

LOL look at this hypocrite ready to hand out his verdict.

Don't worry about a handful of Pakistanis getting caught in terrorist acts in the West. There are more educated Pakistanis in the West who contribute positively. Pakistanis who are doctors and engineers. Those handful that got caught and were high on terrorism got their treatment. Pakistanis don't condone terrorism or terrorists. We are the victims of terrorism. Inclusion terrorism which is sponsored by your country across the border in Afghanistan.

Now, let's come to Indians. When will you Indians taking care of the rape endemic in your country instead of celebrating it? Just answer this question. I'll spare you other humiliation.

Just leave the disagreements between Iran and Pakistan to these countries. We don't require the advice of an irrelevant Indian.
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