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Iran MP suggests ‘hot pursuit’ into Pakistan

You guys always wanted to secede, what do you expect in return? Flowers? Acceptance? Or an iron fist? That what you got, pukhtoons are a victim of their own code. Pakhtoonwali is all kinds of fucked up, and dont blame us for your cavemen traditions that have zero relevance in the real world. Traditions that are constantly against religion. But still i admit there were in justices. But if you play the victim card, no one gives a **** anymore. Move on and work for a better future.

We don't play the victim card, you on your side us on ours, what is ours is ours and what is yours is yours.

Iron first doesn't work, wrong move might just make us cross the river again, i hope you remember what happened last time.

We will call each other countrymen and brothers but there will be no love but just a formality.
I love we all threaten each other but never our enemies with an exception, Iran does threaten Israel and the USA and have armed to several militant groups near Israel.

Saudi Arabia and GCC often act like they have an iron fist when they threaten Iran. But when it comes to Israel they're mum and quiet.

Pakistanis can't do anything about drone strikes yet again they act with iron fist towards Iran.

Even now this Iranian official threatens Pakistan.

All of these bravado statements are pathetic. Because when it comes to serious threats we should deal with were submissive.

Of course the only realistic part of this is when Pakistan and India threaten each other because it's more 'real'.

when have we acted with "iron fist" against Iran?

in fact Iranians who are 'in-the-know' and who are informed will know that it was Pakistan that helped them nab the Riggi brothers through intelligence sharing
We don't play the victim card, you on your side us on ours, what is ours is ours and what is yours is yours.

Iron first doesn't work, wrong move might just make us cross the river again, i hope you remember what happened last time.

We will call each other countrymen and brothers but there will be no love but just a formality.

No, its retard Afghanis like you that have issues, not pathans. Our pathan bros are loyal as ****, and will lay down their lives for the country. There is a reason why Pathans and Punjabis fill up the Armed forces ranks. Now you can pull out BS excuses out of no where, but I have no doubt about their loyalty.

Its refugees like you that has plagued the character of our pathans, and no wonder why Afghanistan is so fucked up.
Did this fool actually say he would send drones into Pakistani airspace?

Does he not understand the carnage which will ensue.

Iranian cities will be decimated in 8 minutes.
So Pakistan is gonna fire off its nukes into Iran just because an Iranian drone has taken out some Yahoos along Pakistan's border?

Why are kids allowed to post such nonsensical tripe on PDF? What a brain fart! Jeeez!
If it happens an angry Pakistan will vehemently throttle back any Iranian hot pursuit inside Pakistani territory.
I' am pretty sure if Iran carry on with it's current arrogant policy regarding Pakistan it will make one more enemy right on the border. That is not healthy for Iran nor Pakistan.
It's gonna be rather more unhealthy for Pakistan! It's messing around using its 'strategic assets' against India, Afghanistan, China (Xinjiang) and now has riled another neighbor, Iran!

Is there any word that spells, 'PEACE' in the lexicon of the Pakistani Establishment? They seem to be getting everyone's goat!
Listen up big guy, rip that American passport up. Hate America? Do that? Why is your family there? Get out of US. Pick up guns and shoot at those big bad Israelis. Join Hamas, which i seriously believe you're deluded enought to join. You think a few ragtag groups will stop the Jewish might? Please delude yourself to that.

We have issues with drones as they have not enough intelligence to with it, the initial campaign had a high rate of civilian deaths, which now has drastically reduced.

Listen Iran might support you guys, not because of Palestine but to earn the brownie points of being the saviour of Muslimm Ummah. What these guys deluded themselves to in their sect is their business but the moment they start showing us the eyes, is the moment we will slap the shit out of them. Their Air defences are nothing but repackaged old soviet buk 2 systems. Just having them in a canister similar to patriot doesnt make is better. Nor their claims of an S-300 alternative would a genie grant them their wish. All talk, had they not be sitting on a petrol pump they would have been decimated many moons ago. Their 12 or so working F-14s will be shot down out of the sky like it's no body's business. Underarmored, underdeveloped, underpowered tanks are useless.

We have our issues and we are sorting them out, one by one, slowly. Now Iran's lawmakers can huff and puff but their foreign policy makers arent stupid. If they indeed cross the threshold of stupidity, then they will be dealt aptly.

What point are you trying to make, I get around here better than you ever would think about. But, you're still deluded and don't understand my political voice for the middle eastern perspective. Use your brain and distinguish the two.
No, its retard Afghanis like you that have issues, not pathans. Our pathan bros are loyal as ****, and will lay down their lives for the country. There is a reason why Pathans and Punjabis fill up the Armed forces ranks. Now you can pull out BS excuses out of no where, but I have no doubt about their loyalty.

Its refugees like you that has plagued the character of our pathans, and no wonder why Afghanistan is so fucked up.

Wrong as you can be, now you have been silenced by facts and truth that you call me a refugee.

I am no afghan but even if i was, an afghan can hardly be a refugee in kpk and baluchistan, we are same people,

I been in this land before you even had a nation and for most part we been the ruling class.

By the way the word is either pushtoon or pukhtoon, not pathan, shows how much you are in toch with your countryman.
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What point are you trying to make, I get around here better than you ever would think about. But, you're still deluded and don't understand my political voice for the middle eastern perspective. Use your brain and distinguish the two.

Middle East ha! Nothing is gonna happen when two big shots, namely KSA and Egypr enjoy US support. There isnt gonna be a Palestine pre 67. Get that, and Israel is going no where, not anymore.
Well you have opened my eyes. I will never do that again. But it was so funny, That I could not help myself go all bonkers over the suggestion that India might attack Pakistan. C'mon we all know that even with an army three times Pakistan and airforce with a 3:1 ratio and a Navy with all those high tech ships, India still have to go and think a thousand times if they are ready to attck us. U guys have made Cold Start, Hot pursuit and all those strategies but still even after getting attacked so many time recently by Pakistani Mujahideens in Kashmir or Bombay. India only have the nerve to criticize Pakistan and complain to USA. And USA scolds Pakistan and we act all innocent.
Seriously. We know India will never attack Pakistan. India is such a peace loving country.
But still it is no laughing matter.
LOL. Sorry could not help myself. HAHAHAHAHAAHA!

At least you agree that Pak is involved in terrorism in India. BTW it doesn't matter much if India attacks Pak or not. Pak is already being violently attacked by TTP, BLA and many others. As they say, if you grow snakes in your backyard, they will not only bite your neighbour.
Middle East ha! Nothing is gonna happen when two big shots, namely KSA and Egypr enjoy US support. There isnt gonna be a Palestine pre 67. Get that, and Israel is going no where, not anymore.

Are you talking to yourself? Go cure your paranoia for Israel. You made no relevance whatsoever to my comments in either if your posts. Take a hike. Don't start something you'll end up losing.
It's gonna be rather more unhealthy for Pakistan! It's messing around using its 'strategic assets' against India, Afghanistan, China (Xinjiang) and now has riled another neighbor, Iran!

Is there any word that spells, 'PEACE' in the lexicon of the Pakistani Establishment? They seem to be getting everyone's goat!

The terrorists creating trouble in China are backed by indian RAW terrorist organization & Afghanistan. As i said earlier your puppet Khar Zee was caught red handed dealing with terrorists against Pakistan, by Americans & soon it will be your RAW's turn who is in bed with these indian 'strategic assets'. Chinese understand the situation very well. Afghanistan is nothing for Pakistan...it was never a threat. If it try any misadventure it will get a blow from the tribals of FATA...there is no need for Army. As for india it is well contained for almost 70 years so no trouble there too.

Now for Iran it have bad relations with Turkeye, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia...Afghanistan & Iraq are troubled countries already so that leaves Iran with only 2 peaceful borders i.e Pakistan & Turkmenistan(remember that Turkmenistan is a Turkic state & obviously have some influence of Turkeye). Iran-Pakistan relations are very deep & will not be broken by any dumb minister of Iran so your cheer leading role will get un noticed by Irani members. Better luck next time.:flame:
I am no afghan but even if i was, an afghan can hardly be a refugee in kpk and baluchistan, we are same people,

What logic is that? By that nonsense logic an indian will hardly be a refugee in Sind, Punjab, Kashmir, Islamabad & Gilgit-Baltistan? This also shows you prefer Afghans over Pakistan.

I been in this land before you even had a nation and for most part we been the ruling class.

What do you mean by "You"? Are you not a Pakistani?
I think you need to tell that to our prime minister aswell as he too funds groups such as ssp lashkar e jhangvi and many more.
ssp and lashkar is Pakistani groups and they operate on Pakistani soil not on Iranian soil.so your advice is baseless we demand from Iran to stop funding and training of siphe Mohammad group which is actively involve in terrorism activities in pakistan. 
Is this true, why would UAE do that.
samjha karo yar
What exactly is the issue here? Apart from the Pakistani arabs which I'm not addressing in this post.

As all of you agree that the Baluch terrorists should be eliminated, there are two options:

1) Pakistan takes them out,
2) Somebody else takes them out.

It's quite clear over the past 15 years that Pakistan is incapable of taking them out largely due to traitors (mainly Pakistani arabs and also people who get $$$ from Saudis).

So what are you bitching about? If an Iranian drone takes out Baluch terrorists that Pakistan doesn't, why is that a minus?

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