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Iran MP suggests ‘hot pursuit’ into Pakistan

Iran neither has an ally nor it can keep peace with its neighboring countries. Its a country run by bunch of hate mongers. No wonder why the whole world hate them and refer to it as a failed state.

Let this be clear. BLA, BRA, BLF Terrorists have been launching more attacks into Pakistan than in Iran. It should be the other way around. Pakistan must go hot pursuit into Iran to crackdown those safe heavens.
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Unlike you rafidi's ...Pakistan comes first for us.I swear i will bomb Saudi Arabia to ashes if they mess with Pakistan but your kind just makes me sick.
Why dont you get the hell out of Pakistan ?

Why dont you try entering pakistan and may be i show you Hyderabadi Police hospitality.
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="cb4, post: 4938399, member: 2206"]Iran neither has an ally nor it can keep peace with its neighboring countries. Its a country run by bunch of hate mongers. No wonder why the whole world hates them and refer to it as a failed state.

You do realize pakistan as agreement in place with Iran.

terrorist act was launched by Jeish al-Adl extremist group after their elements' illegal entry into Iran through the eastern borders,

Iran's foreign ministry spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham, too, had said that Tehran expects Pakistan to abide by the terms of a bilateral security agreement and extradite those who were behind the killings of Iranian border guards and other terrorist acts.

Then he goes on to say

He further added that the Iranian parliament plans to discuss a security agreement between Tehran and Islamabad in the near future, which would allow Iranian armed forces to enter Pakistani territory for counter-terrorism operations.

That's not a threat thats asking the pakistan Government for permission and agreement which is up to pakistan Government to say yes or No.
Perhaps if you go by indian logic......even BBC reports when there is a sectarian incident in Pakistan. I think anti-indian sentiment would be much higher in Iran than anti-Pakistan sentiment - given how many times india has betrayed and back-stabbed Iran.

we see enough anti-Pakistan "feeling" in indian media and we get enough good laughs and comedy from it :laugh:

Iranian media criticize Pakistan over the massacre of Shias in Pakistan, so its really different from the way BBC report such news.
Some of the comments on this thread are extremely fanatical and should be reported to the police, particularly the comment Cheetah replied to. Ammad Maliks comments are purely fanatical. I don't understand why we Pakistanis simply can't live at peace with each other. The steady Islamicization of Pakistan is responsible for a lot of ills in Pakistan.

From the day Ayub Khan declared Pakistan an Islamic republic we have had issues and have failed to become a purely secular nation as Jinnah had envisioned. We are at each others throats for no reason. According to the world Muslims report 52% of Sunnis do not believe Shia are muslims in Pakistan. This is the level of intolerance in our country. We should never have joined the Afghan Soviet war. We should never have let Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto kick out Abdus Salaam from his own country and ban alcohol even for minorities.

What we see today is the fanaticizing of Pakistani society and the polarization has reached its peak. We need to stop the evil Taliban but we are a divided fragmented nation which can't decide who are enemies are.
....Don't f@rt like a dumb @$$ & don't post your indian army f@rted propaganda. Irani guards were killed by indian sponsored BLA terrorists not by Pakistani troops.

Sadly for you, the Iranians don't buy you propaganda.....nor does the world......they know who's actually responsible.......
Don't you see the logical fallacy in your argument, If those terrorists were Indian-sponsored why don't you take action against them, and if you can't, why don't you let Iran take action against them......and if you don't do either(which is exactly what you're doing) then you're protecting those terrorists.....and to hide it, playing the victim card too........this is your double-game.......and everyone knows it.....
Iran has lost 13 soldiers together as in one terrorist activity and it is most likely result of Jandullah which is a banned group but supported by Iran haters. Pakistan has deep and mutually respectful relationship with Iran and it has supported them and got support from them at the time of need which is much appreciated.

Regarding this incident, Iran has responded very thoughtfully and it refrained from jumping the gun - but - their demand of justice is justified and must be offered. However Pakistan may not be able to respond to this request until its threat from the Afghanistan including TTP goes down. But on principle, Iran should be given the due justice and terrorists should be prosecuted.
i cant blame the Iranians they are rightly pissed off, bcoz of gas prices discussion are not going as planned... :o:
I love we all threaten each other but never our enemies with an exception, Iran does threaten Israel and the USA and have armed to several militant groups near Israel.

Saudi Arabia and GCC often act like they have an iron fist when they threaten Iran. But when it comes to Israel they're mum and quiet.

Pakistanis can't do anything about drone strikes yet again they act with iron fist towards Iran.

Even now this Iranian official threatens Pakistan.

All of these bravado statements are pathetic. Because when it comes to serious threats we should deal with were submissive.

Of course the only realistic part of this is when Pakistan and India threaten each other because it's more 'real'.

Listen up big guy, rip that American passport up. Hate America? Do that? Why is your family there? Get out of US. Pick up guns and shoot at those big bad Israelis. Join Hamas, which i seriously believe you're deluded enought to join. You think a few ragtag groups will stop the Jewish might? Please delude yourself to that.

We have issues with drones as they have not enough intelligence to with it, the initial campaign had a high rate of civilian deaths, which now has drastically reduced.

Listen Iran might support you guys, not because of Palestine but to earn the brownie points of being the saviour of Muslimm Ummah. What these guys deluded themselves to in their sect is their business but the moment they start showing us the eyes, is the moment we will slap the shit out of them. Their Air defences are nothing but repackaged old soviet buk 2 systems. Just having them in a canister similar to patriot doesnt make is better. Nor their claims of an S-300 alternative would a genie grant them their wish. All talk, had they not be sitting on a petrol pump they would have been decimated many moons ago. Their 12 or so working F-14s will be shot down out of the sky like it's no body's business. Underarmored, underdeveloped, underpowered tanks are useless.

We have our issues and we are sorting them out, one by one, slowly. Now Iran's lawmakers can huff and puff but their foreign policy makers arent stupid. If they indeed cross the threshold of stupidity, then they will be dealt aptly.
Iran should do whatever is in its best interests. If Pakistan can't secure its own borders, Iran has the right IMO to conduct hot pursuits in Pakistan.

Would you be ready to concede such a right to other countries if their troublemakers find refuge in Iran, with or without Iranian Government's support?

Diplomacy is always the best option. Do not fall for jingos rattling their sabres. These loud-mouths never accomplish anything positive and bring shame and misery to their people. I expect sane-minded Iranians to condemn such stupid statments as made by this MP from Iran.

Iran has very few friends, and with the degree of positive approval from Pakistanis (if not the government), I do not know why they want to loose this support? Perhaps Iranians do not need friends and oil is enough for them.
before Pointing fingers at Pakistan Iran should stop financing sipah e Muhammad which is actively Participating in Terror Activities in Pakistan. beside that talking about sending drones in Pakistan Territory if they have that Technology for Seriously they can Monitor their Border Outposts. Pakistan is Not Syria or Lebanon where they can just send something Uninvited.
i cant blame the Iranians they are rightly pissed off, bcoz of gas prices discussion are not going as planned... :o:

My friend you are a true patriot and Economist clearly since 80% of the Iranian industry went from 3 to 1 or less shift a day cause of gas and power shortages and millions jobs effected I say we stick it to the Iranian and dont buy their Gas and Power.

I now understand whats a True patriotic pakistani is say and do every thing to please House of Saud am i right @ Devil Soul.

This irritates the hell out of me 2nd grade fail morons running pakistan economy and running it to ground & equally qualified retards cheering it.

1)Iranians can easily sue you for breach of contract and you end up paying millions of dollars in fines plus most other nations will hesitate to sign any agreement with you cause your reputation will proceed with how good you are with honoring the signed contracts.

2 ) UAE And Other GCC Nations allow BLA leader ship to live in their country and menage day to day operations of BLA. But i understand pointing that out means i am not patriotic pakistani . So BLA has killed few 1000 pakistanis + soldiers who arent martyrs any way so who cares.

Salaam Ya sheik here is the knife you left in my back last time you were visiting
My friend you are a true patriot and Economist clearly since 80% of the Iranian industry went from 3 to 1 or less shift a day cause of gas and power shortages and millions jobs effected I say we stick it to the Iranian and dont buy their Gas and Power.

I now understand whats a True patriotic pakistani is say and do every thing to please House of Saud am i right @ Devil Soul.

This irritates the hell out of me 2nd grade fail morons running pakistan economy and running it to ground & equally qualified retards cheering it.

1)Iranians can easily sue you for breach of contract and you end up paying millions of dollars in fines plus most other nations will hesitate to sign any agreement with you cause your reputation will proceed with how good you are with honoring the signed contracts.

2 ) UAE And Other GCC Nations allow BLA leader ship to live in their country and menage day to day operations of BLA. But i understand pointing that out means i am not patriotic pakistani . So BLA has killed few 1000 pakistanis + soldiers who arent martyrs any way so who cares.

Salaam Ya sheik here is the knife you left in my back last time you were visiting
i am sorry if i hurt ur pro iran feeling :D, i got nothing against ur iran, but i also dont giv a DAM SH!T about iran or the house off Sad or wat eva... btw did u miss the part in which they are talking about price discussion ??? its in the report go have a look :D and take a chill pill.....

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