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Iran MP suggests ‘hot pursuit’ into Pakistan

2 ) UAE And Other GCC Nations allow BLA leader ship to live in their country and menage day to day operations of BLA. But i understand pointing that out means i am not patriotic pakistani . So BLA has killed few 1000 pakistanis + soldiers who arent martyrs any way so who cares.

Salaam Ya sheik here is the knife you left in my back last time you were visiting

Is this true, why would UAE do that.
"Devil Soul, post: 4939327, member: 29258"]i am sorry if i hurt ur pro iran feeling :D, i got nothing against ur iran, but i also dont giv a DAM SH!T about iran or the house off Sad or wat eva... btw did u miss the part in which they are talking about price discussion ??? its in the report go have a look :D and take a chill pill....

Yes getting badly needed energy to energy starved pakistani economy is me being a pro Iranian.i am staring to learn what being pro pakistani means.

BTW your biggest import bill that eats up your most reserves is oil which you buy at market value but who cares thats a pesky little detail.

pakistan is also importing Power from Iran and marking it up to sell to industry and consumers lets shut that down too cause we will show those Iranians we dont need their energy.

Go learn the meaning of being patriot .
Oi @Cheetah786 - Yaraaa waisee tunne isss Muharram koiii Biryani wagheraa nahin bhaijiii ! :cray:

Mereiii dost neiii tou Desiii Murghiii kiii Yakhniii sareii Mohaleii ko Pilaiii aur tuuu haiii kehh eik Biryani kiii plate bhii Bhai ko nahin bheej sakaaa ? :cry:
Oi @Cheetah786 - Yaraaa waisee tunne isss Muharram koiii Biryani wagheraa nahin bhaijiii ! :cray:

Mereiii dost neiii tou Desiii Murghiii kiii Yakhniii sareii Mohaleii ko Pilaiii aur tuuu haiii kehh eik Biryani kiii plate bhii Bhai ko nahin bheej sakaaa ? :cry:

It would be My pleasure to take you to kabob or Biryani house in Hyderabad after Muharram & Safar.
My friend you are a true patriot and Economist clearly since 80% of the Iranian industry went from 3 to 1 or less shift a day cause of gas and power shortages and millions jobs effected I say we stick it to the Iranian and dont buy their Gas and Power.

I now understand whats a True patriotic pakistani is say and do every thing to please House of Saud am i right @ Devil Soul.

This irritates the hell out of me 2nd grade fail morons running pakistan economy and running it to ground & equally qualified retards cheering it.

1)Iranians can easily sue you for breach of contract and you end up paying millions of dollars in fines plus most other nations will hesitate to sign any agreement with you cause your reputation will proceed with how good you are with honoring the signed contracts.

2 ) UAE And Other GCC Nations allow BLA leader ship to live in their country and menage day to day operations of BLA. But i understand pointing that out means i am not patriotic pakistani . So BLA has killed few 1000 pakistanis + soldiers who arent martyrs any way so who cares.

Salaam Ya sheik here is the knife you left in my back last time you were visiting

Yes getting badly needed energy to energy starved pakistani economy is me being a pro Iranian.i am staring to learn what being pro pakistani means.

BTW your biggest import bill that eats up your most reserves is oil which you buy at market value but who cares thats a pesky little detail.

pakistan is also importing Power from Iran and marking it up to sell to industry and consumers lets shut that down too cause we will show those Iranians we dont need their energy.

Go learn the meaning of being patriot .

Did you check their conditions? Have you read the contract conditions? The price terms? We didnt have the money when the contract was signed on an ad hoc basis. Now with a KSA friendly govt this deal will take time. We are short on money, half our income goes to IMF loans, the other half remains. Of that more than half goes to Armed Forces and the remaining to the govt.

Now again with this BS wahabi this or salafi that. It's like a tape with shias. WTF? when have we ever differentiated between sunnis and shias. Not in my our country. But if you say things that represents a 3rd country you make yourself a target. Just yesterday i saw a poster with 2 Irani mullas on it for a majlis with death to US and death to Israel on it? WTF? what the **** is that shit doing on it? On a muharram majlis wtf man. i was laughing and shaking my head at the same time, it's like you guys are brainwashed like the talibastards, just not violent. Put your country first, and dont throw a fit if someone calls Iran out on its behavior.
Some of the comments on this thread are extremely fanatical and should be reported to the police, particularly the comment Cheetah replied to. Ammad Maliks comments are purely fanatical. I don't understand why we Pakistanis simply can't live at peace with each other. The steady Islamicization of Pakistan is responsible for a lot of ills in Pakistan.

From the day Ayub Khan declared Pakistan an Islamic republic we have had issues and have failed to become a purely secular nation as Jinnah had envisioned. We are at each others throats for no reason. According to the world Muslims report 52% of Sunnis do not believe Shia are muslims in Pakistan. This is the level of intolerance in our country. We should never have joined the Afghan Soviet war. We should never have let Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto kick out Abdus Salaam from his own country and ban alcohol even for minorities.

What we see today is the fanaticizing of Pakistani society and the polarization has reached its peak. We need to stop the evil Taliban but we are a divided fragmented nation which can't decide who are enemies are.

Havi,must you bring religion into it? Are there not enough people doing that already?

You are too emotionally focused on the role of religion in society, especially politics that I think you have lost the ability to analyze dispassionately. This often happens to activists. Your emotional involvement in this topic on the extreme liberal fringe makes you bring a particular POV into every discussion, without any regard to its appropriateness.

You can not correct the world, and you can not change everybody's minds. Let things be. Especially the ones you are not able to understand and contextualize.

Nothing beats first hand knowledge. Take each and every sentence of your post and question it. Find counter-arguments and try to place them in context of history. If you go on following likes of Raza Rumi, Beena Sarwar, et al you would keep making the same mistakes. People who do not know better would appreciate your line of thinking and you might consider it endorsement of your views. Unfortunately, certain 'facts' are actually myths that get accepted without being questioned. In case of your post allow me to correct the myths.

1. Ayub Khan was not responsible for Islamization. The 1962 constitution drafted by him carried provisions that had been in 1956 constitution, that in turn had depended upon Objectives Resolution of 1949.

2. Your statement that Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah wanted a purely secular nation is contentious at best. Many of his statements are taken out of context by both secular and non-secular camps. But neither side can claim that Jinnah did not say what the other side brings as proof. Unfortunately he died before a process for drafting of a constitution could begin which would have definitively crystallized his views on paper that could not be disregarded.
Any ways this is a very long debate and my view is that he knew that religion had a place in institutional set up of Pakistan. But he did not have definite answers in this regard since addressing this issue would be ground-breaking in may ways. That is why he had encouraged various individuals including M. Asad (Leopold Weiss) to come up with answers to some very difficult questions. It is my view that our problem does not lie with role of religion, but role of sectarianism in name of religion. The hijacking of Government of Pakistan by civil and military bureaucrats right after assassination of Liaquat Ali Khan dashed hopes of resolving important issues including this.

3. Pakistan by virtue of the history and legacy of its formation can not ignore the role of religion. A number of members of my Grand Father's extended family were worker of Pakistan movement. They had no doubt that religion not only played part in creation of Pakistan, but had a role in its institutional set-up.

4. Participation in Afghan conflict was a matter of life and death for Pakistan. Some very learned people stress that this specific struggle was foreseen by English Colonial government and that this was their justification for allowing Pakistan to come into existence. My friend, you are too young to realize how cold war was experienced. Soviet advance had to be broken. Otherwise Pakistan and possibly India could have been taken over by USSR. This is no empty rhetoric. This is my considered opinion. The fact that being a Pakistani you can share your opinions online freely is the fruit of Afghan war itself.

5. Alcohol being banned for minorities is news to me. Do we live in the same country?
I have seen enough problems resulting from alcohol intoxication that I am glad that Pakistan is free (relatively) of this vice.

You are right about fanaticization of our society. But this process is not only driven by Madrassahs alone. It is also being driven on the opposite extreme by self-described secular liberals with a Western world-view. 
Ohhh...i see... a supporter of terrorist brotherhood...how is general sahab handling you in egypt ?

Back on topic...i am a pakistani first and foremost and i see iran as an enemy...In my ENTIRE life i have never come across a shia who isnt pro iran knnowing fully that our interests collide in afghanistan etc. I say capture their oilfields and gas em like saddam did .
Regarding Rajesh Khanna,i am just a fan, nothing more

You are a false flagger as far as I am concerned. Spread your poison elsewhere.
We just need to eradicate these Saudi sponsored terrorist who use our territory to target Iran.

We need to teach Saudia a lesson that it won't forget, we got a big population in the middle east and we can use them to destabilize.

I pray for the day that a war between Saudi and Iran starts, i would be the first in line to stand shoulder to shoulder with Iran to ensure no Arab is spared.

If Iran tries to fool with Pakistan then it will have afrasiab reborn.
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india has drones too, iran is a far little nuicence then india not to mention that their balochistan is a very neglected area and there are naraz baloch there too as well

any adventure will lead to far reaching repercussions for iran itself not to mention further isolating itself in the international community

Can't be more naraaz then the ones here whose resources are stolen for luxury of those sitting in lahore and Karachi. 
I am extremely sorry....but the shias have again proven that they are nothing but iranian footsoldiers.They get massacered everyday but still dont learn
Iran should not be allowed to go nuclear.It is as much a threat to Pakistan than it is to Israel.Dream scenario would surely be both IAF and PAF conducting a pre emptive strike against their nuke sites

Lol mate you need to get off that shyte and refleet on what you said
Can't be more naraaz then the ones here whose resources are stolen for luxury of those sitting in lahore and Karachi.

It is not the case anymore, things have vastly improved. Their leaders however are no good. Balochis have had shit leaders who from day 1 were against Pak. And what have they achieved? misery for their own people.

Not that they werent dealt the short stick, not denying that. But it takes two to tango. And yes for me my country comes first, before Saudi, before Iran.
before Pointing fingers at Pakistan Iran should stop financing sipah e Muhammad which is actively Participating in Terror Activities in Pakistan. beside that talking about sending drones in Pakistan Territory if they have that Technology for Seriously they can Monitor their Border Outposts. Pakistan is Not Syria or Lebanon where they can just send something Uninvited.

I think you need to tell that to our prime minister aswell as he too funds groups such as ssp lashkar e jhangvi and many more.
Ha ha, a troll trying to gather thanks. People do this when they've got nothing else to say. This is what we call TROLLING.

Well you have opened my eyes. I will never do that again. But it was so funny, That I could not help myself go all bonkers over the suggestion that India might attack Pakistan. C'mon we all know that even with an army three times Pakistan and airforce with a 3:1 ratio and a Navy with all those high tech ships, India still have to go and think a thousand times if they are ready to attck us. U guys have made Cold Start, Hot pursuit and all those strategies but still even after getting attacked so many time recently by Pakistani Mujahideens in Kashmir or Bombay. India only have the nerve to criticize Pakistan and complain to USA. And USA scolds Pakistan and we act all innocent.
Seriously. We know India will never attack Pakistan. India is such a peace loving country.
But still it is no laughing matter.
LOL. Sorry could not help myself. HAHAHAHAHAAHA!

It is not the case anymore, things have vastly improved. Their leaders however are no good. Balochis have had shit leaders who from day 1 were against Pak. And what have they achieved? misery for their own people.

Not that they werent dealt the short stick, not denying that. But it takes two to tango. And yes for me my country comes first, before Saudi, before Iran.

You keep telling yourself that but us pukhtoons and baloch know reality is very different.
You keep telling yourself that but us pukhtoons and baloch know reality is very different.

You guys always wanted to secede, what do you expect in return? Flowers? Acceptance? Or an iron fist? That what you got, pukhtoons are a victim of their own code. Pakhtoonwali is all kinds of fucked up, and dont blame us for your cavemen traditions that have zero relevance in the real world. Traditions that are constantly against religion. But still i admit there were in justices. But if you play the victim card, no one gives a **** anymore. Move on and work for a better future.
You guys always wanted to secede, what do you expect in return? Flowers? Acceptance? Or an iron fist? That what you got, pukhtoons are a victim of their own code. Pakhtoonwali is all kinds of fucked up, and dont blame us for your cavemen traditions that have zero relevance in the real world. Traditions that are constantly against religion. But still i admit there were in justices. But if you play the victim card, no one gives a **** anymore. Move on and work for a better future.

Shall we all move out so you can have your pound of flesh?.

Maybe you need to look at your own kind before you label others and backward and anti state.

We are patriotic and loyal but if it means naming everything Jinnah this and Iqbal that to get certificate of loyalty and patriosm then you can showe it where the sun don't shine.

I rather be backward then a Wahabis slave and patriots if it means distorting my history and culture and giving away my resources.
Sadly for you, the Iranians don't buy you propaganda.....nor does the world......they know who's actually responsible.......

Are you spokes person for Iran? Or just a pathetic little trolly cheerleader? Every one got right to believe whatever he/she wants to, but without solid proofs he/she can do nothing. Case closed.

Don't you see the logical fallacy in your argument, If those terrorists were Indian-sponsored why don't you take action against them,

Pakistan take action when they try misadventure in Pakistani Balochistan.

and if you can't, why don't you let Iran take action against them......

No one has stop Iran. They can kill anyone entering illegally from Pakistani Balochistan. If they are scared to fight they can build a wall @Pak-Iran border.

and if you don't do either(which is exactly what you're doing) then you're protecting those terrorists.....and to hide it, playing the victim card too........this is your double-game.......and everyone knows it.....

A prostitute see the world from her eyes...fits perfectly on you...you played double game supporting Mutki & Tamil terrorists & thinks Pakistan does the same.

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