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Pakistan full of praise for AK-47, AK Antony, AK-49 Kejriwal: Narendra Modi

If he actually did something stupid, the whole subcontinent would turn into glass.

We're glad there are nukes in Pakistan to keep Modi in check.

War is not like a cake in the park. If there is a war, the biggest damage would be to his Guajarat state. It's right across the border.

To keep Modi in check?
It is strange for people to think that a leader that is strongly banking on development would wage a war. India has been reactionary, even during BJP rule. If you have forgotten, during the Kargil war it was BJP govt which decided not to cross the border and escalate the situation.
Butt hurt. :rofl: :rofl:

Actually, I was very liberal when I used the word "hopeless". :lol:

Im butt hurt? I live a way better life than you. Having Indian friends and having visited India, i know guys like you are a small minority. Chill man i got no qualms, you can think anything about Pakistan, your free will.
Im butt hurt? I live a way better life than you. Having Indian friends and having visited India, i know guys like you are a small minority. Chill man i got no qualms, you can think anything about Pakistan, your free will.
My friend , no body thinks one man can bring change. I think you need to understand what has been happening in India.

Our current government has done everything against the Indian Economy.
Passing absurd laws that make land acquisition economically unfeasible, labor laws that hurt SMEs, banning import of gold to hide own incompetence, doling out subsidies thereby crashing the rupee and inflating the CAD. Everytime they were questioned they blamed all this on the "Global Economic downturn".
Hell even in his last days Manmohan was working on a scheme to provide free Mobile phones worth 5000cr INR to people.

The growth after 1990s was not achieved by any government, but was achieved due to the legal freedom to the Wipro's and Infosys's of India.
We are hoping for a 2nd generation of legislative freedom, this time from "sikularims"( it means doling out subsidies to muslims to win votes and keep them perpetually poor),incompetence and lying ( just look at P Chidambarms statements).

We don't need a government to drive growth , we just need a government to not impede it.
To keep Modi in check?
It is strange for people to think that a leader that is strongly banking on development would wage a war. India has been reactionary, even during BJP rule. If you have forgotten, during the Kargil war it was BJP govt which decided not to cross the border and escalate the situation.

I quoted a specific post for a reason. The posts showed that the poster wanted Modi to do something provocative when it comes to Pakistan. The chances of war are less likely. But what i meant to say was, that any war that begins from the Indian side, would result it destruction on both sides. Also, if Pakistan didn't have nukes, then India could have easily gone to war. Nukes are precisely for this reason, to keep both sides in a mental check.
Doesn't suit a person who's a candidate for premiership.
For something he said !!!!!!
Really ??? Going by that rule half of the world leaders are disqualified :rofl:
More in India and Pakistan.

I quoted a specific post for a reason. The posts showed that the poster wanted Modi to do something provocative when it comes to Pakistan. The chances of war are less likely. But what i meant to say was, that any war that begins from the Indian side, would result it destruction on both sides. Also, if Pakistan didn't have nukes, then India could have easily gone to war. Nukes are precisely for this reason, to keep both sides in a mental check.
War is not the solution as you said and as everybody in both countries agreed. Mostly. Decades ago ISI invent few things from that dilemma. That could be good option. Anyways Pak is always claiming indian interference inside you nation. Why cant new leadership give it a real try ???
So we have an option to war !!! Just speculating !!!! Nothing more.
For something he said !!!!!!
Really ??? Going by that rule half of the world leaders are disqualified :rofl:
More in India and Pakistan.

War is not the solution as you said and as everybody in both countries agreed. Mostly. Decades ago ISI invent few things from that dilemma. That could be good option. Anyways Pak is always claiming indian interference inside you nation. Why cant new leadership give it a real try ???
So we have an option to war !!! Just speculating !!!! Nothing more.

Speculation leads to wrong conclusions. War should be the absolute last resort.

Regardless of who forms the next government in India, should not believe that provocation with neighbors could be a solution. Maybe it can get you votes, obviously, in India de-grading Pakistan is a national pass time and thus can get you votes, but reality is far from it.
Regardless of who forms the next government in India, should not believe that provocation with neighbors could be a solution. Maybe it can get you votes, obviously, in India de-grading Pakistan is a national pass time and thus can get you votes, but reality is far from it.

Really? Can it? Indians don't vote based on foreign policies. Any situation like 48/62/65/71/99/2002/Mumbai couldn't garner any vote.
Speculation leads to wrong conclusions. War should be the absolute last resort.

Regardless of who forms the next government in India, should not believe that provocation with neighbors could be a solution. Maybe it can get you votes, obviously, in India de-grading Pakistan is a national pass time and thus can get you votes, but reality is far from it.
You are free to believe what you want.
In india there is no voting on factor PAK.
This speech has to do more with the said parties than Pak.
Speculations are the possibilities. And if one has already tired it with decent success other is bound to follow.

There isn't going to be a war . ever. I am only saying India might learn something from Pak if the firm leadership decide enough is enough with non state actors which is a likely possibility.
Really? Can it? Indians don't vote based on foreign policies. Any situation like 48/62/65/71/99/2002/Mumbai couldn't garner any vote.

I live with Indians. Trust me, i would know. And these aren't low caste or low income people from India.
I live with Indians. Trust me, i would know. And these aren't low caste or low income people from India.

Different regions, different priorities.

In the South, and the North-East, Pakistan is way down the list of priorities. Even if you mention Tamil issue, Keralites, Telugu and Kannadigas won't bite.

Mizoram, Nagaland have their own internal issues. It is just that the Delhi-U.P. politics that makes the headlines.

Have you had bad experiences with Indians?

If so, sorry for that dude.

I quoted a specific post for a reason. The posts showed that the poster wanted Modi to do something provocative when it comes to Pakistan. The chances of war are less likely. But what i meant to say was, that any war that begins from the Indian side, would result it destruction on both sides. Also, if Pakistan didn't have nukes, then India could have easily gone to war. Nukes are precisely for this reason, to keep both sides in a mental check.

That's how the MAD doctrine goes.

But I do think that a BJP govrnment is more well placed to give concessions than a Congress one. The latter wouldbe accused of cowardice and treason.

Indo-Pak relation hit a high point with a BJP government in charge.

Unfortunately, Modi's speech style is like this. Full of display of Machismo and bravado. And it plays to the gallery.
I live with Indians. Trust me, i would know. And these aren't low caste or low income people from India.

Not low caste, low income people you say. You mean people who don't vote?:D

May be it is because I am from a city far off from any conflict, but I don't remember any party getting votes on its Pakistan/foreign policy. May be some people do vote based on those issues, been a long time I voted or discussed with people outside of internet.
Different regions, different priorities.

In the South, and the North-East, Pakistan is way down the list of priorities. Even if you mention Tamil issue, Keralites, Telugu and Kannadigas won't bite.

Mizoram, Nagaland have their own internal issues. It is just that the Delhi-U.P. politics that makes the headlines.

Have you had bad experiences with Indians?

If so, sorry for that dude.

That's how the MAD doctrine goes.

But I do think that a BJP govrnment is more well placed to give concessions than a Congress one. The latter wouldbe accused of cowardice and treason.

Indo-Pak relation hit a high point with a BJP government in charge.

Unfortunately, Modi's speech style is like this. Full of display of Machismo and bravado. And it plays to the gallery.

Didn't have bad experience with them, just that a lot of them are very ignorant to reality. But then, most of them or even Pakistanis don't visit PDF for their daily defense and geo-political news.:p:

They seem to think that India can invade Pakistan like that. The fact is, conventionally Pakistan is well equipped to hold it's own, and if it escalates, then there is the nuclear option. So regardless of who comes in New Delhi this year, they have to content, that a war over so proclaimed 'non-state actors' have to be fought against non state actors and not a nation as a whole. There is a big difference in that.

About your last sentence, i do hope it's true. Given Modi's past record, one can not assume anything. Sometimes his approach resembles more that of Hitler. While Hitler brought progress and high self esteem to German nation during the inter war period, what followed wasn't so pretty.

Not low caste, low income people you say. You mean people who don't vote?:D

May be it is because I am from a city far off from any conflict, but I don't remember any party getting votes on its Pakistan/foreign policy. May be some people do vote based on those issues, been a long time I voted or discussed with people outside of internet.

That is good for you. But ask the fanboys of Modi, Shiv Sena, VHP and RSS. They are actually in plentiful. Or perhaps have a conversation with Mr Thackeray.
Didn't have bad experience with them, just that a lot of them are very ignorant to reality. But then, most of them or even Pakistanis don't visit PDF for their daily defense and geo-political news.:p:

They seem to think that India can invade Pakistan like that. The fact is, conventionally Pakistan is well equipped to hold it's own, and if it escalates, then there is the nuclear option. So regardless of who comes in New Delhi this year, they have to content, that a war over so proclaimed 'non-state actors' have to be fought against non state actors and not a nation as a whole. There is a big difference in that.

About your last sentence, i do hope it's true. Given Modi's past record, one can not assume anything. Sometimes his approach resembles more that of Hitler. While Hitler brought progress and high self esteem to German nation during the inter war period, what followed wasn't so pretty.

The linguistic and genetic diversity in India is four times of that of the European continent. so you have regional players treating their province like a fiefdom and vote

This means that Modi won't be able to get absolute power.

I think he is a guy who is eager to get the reins of power. After all, he has turned the BJP into a persona of his own, and the RSS is a bit miffed that Modi seem to have outgrown them.

When I read his personal history, he came across as very ambitious, and he saw the RSS as a stepping stone in his political career. If Modi does become just another politician, I do wonder where the Modi bots will go.

There many detractors of his in the BJP and the RSS who thinks he is an egomaniac.

Interesting fact about Shiv Sena is that they harassed South Indians in the 1980's and now the North Indians from U.P. and Bihar. They are a bunch of clowns, and I don't like them :/

how can you hate on South Indians? We gave Mumbai Masala Dosas :D

Political gimmicks, you Indians have too much hopes lined up.

Pretty much this.

Don't get your hopes up, Or it's gonna come crashing down.
Speculation leads to wrong conclusions. War should be the absolute last resort.

Regardless of who forms the next government in India, should not believe that provocation with neighbors could be a solution. Maybe it can get you votes, obviously, in India de-grading Pakistan is a national pass time and thus can get you votes, but reality is far from it.
War with weapons is not the only means of war.
Economics and ideology are far more potent as tools of war.
War with weapons is not the only means of war.
Economics and ideology are far more potent as tools of war.
If they could have understood this, we could have been living in a far better neighbourhood and they call us "baniya".
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