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Pakistan full of praise for AK-47, AK Antony, AK-49 Kejriwal: Narendra Modi

**** what pakistan thinks.
These people slaughter minorities every day and then have the audacity to lecture India on "secularism".
Modi is Indian Candidate for PM. He will do whatever is in the interest of Indians.
If that involves shutting trade , and watching Pakistan continue on the slow motion train wreck that it is, we will see soaring sales of popcorn indeed.
Abhey oye poppat lala why don't you look at kashmir first, how army has been raping kashmiri women and doing fake encounters on youth. Modhi is a good salesman but he has no brain of his own he speaks and does the script written by RSS hindoo terrorist wing.
Abhey oye poppat lala why don't you look at kashmir first, how army has been raping kashmiri women and doing fake encounters on youth. Modhi is a good salesman but he has no brain of his own he speaks and does the script written by RSS hindoo terrorist wing.
Told you You Are A Anti National Only Traitors talk in this Way I Know Many Muslims Members on Pdf @Bhai Zakir @fsayed Here Even We Have difference of opinions in Politics They Are Truly Patriot
Told you You Are A Anti National Only Traitors talk in this Way I Know Many Muslims Members on Pdf @Bhai Zakir @fsayed Here Even We Have difference of opinions in Politics They Are Truly Patriot
I dont like it when army torture kashmiris , what is anti national in that
I dont like it when army torture kashmiris , what is anti national in that
Anyone or anything that threatens the territorial integrity of India, deserves the full force of its state apparatus. Regardless of religious or political affiliations. Period .
Political gimmicks, you Indians have too much hopes lined up.
I dont like it when army torture kashmiris , what is anti national in that
Why dont you go to kashmir and protest against the army? :)
Or you can file a petition in the court also.
All the best.
Belonging to a country which is hopeful of something is better than belonging to a hopeless country.

Dumbass, i meant it for a big country like India if you think 1 man can bring a change then please forget it. You asshole will call my country hopeless? The nerve of you to waste your time on this website :woot:

Easy on the name calling, i can call you out on your lack of hygiene and ridicule you to no end. But i guess you failed to grasp the basic concept of English in my quote above.

I dont like it when army torture kashmiris , what is anti national in that
Please Tell Me Where Are your Sentiments When Insurgents Butchered Million Kashmir Pundits What About there Rehabilitation Have ever Raised your Voice for That.Your Just Picturing whole issue in Light of Single Community And their Rights What About Rights of other Minorities Like Kashmir i Pundits Have Raised A single Voiced for them.

you don't like it?to bad you muslim traitor !why dont you do something about it? ranting on pdf wont solve anything..lol
Please Delete your post Don't bring Religion Into It.
Abhey oye poppat lala why don't you look at kashmir first, how army has been raping kashmiri women and doing fake encounters on youth. Modhi is a good salesman but he has no brain of his own he speaks and does the script written by RSS hindoo terrorist wing.

Irrelevant and unfounded. But if true, it is much better, isn't it? If "RSS right wing Hindu terrorists" opt to put their energy in development, as they have shown in Gujarat, and are promising for entire nation, I would pick those terrorists any day!
Irrelevant and unfounded. But if true, it is much better, isn't it? If "RSS right wing Hindu terrorists" opt to put their energy in development, as they have shown in Gujarat, and are promising for entire nation, I would pick those terrorists any day!
Forgetting M.P, Chhattisgarh, Goa Mate:agree::agree::agree:
Indira Gandhi sliced Pakistan into two in 1971. Since then they have been smarting.

This guy has an RSS indoctrination. Plus he is ruthlessly intelligent like Putin, Erdogan, Shinzo Abe, Ronald Regan and has better training and experience than all the above rolled together. Just imagine India doing a crimea on Baluchisan or Azad Kashmir.

LOL, look at their anxiety and desperation. They are banking on AAP to defeat him. After Delhi fiasco, people only throw eggs at Kejriwal now. :enjoy:

Modi launches anti-Pakistan assault on AAP - DAWN.COM

'Anti-Muslim' Indian leader Modi 'hated' in Pakistan | Asia | DW.DE | 19.02.2014

Pakistan's ISI 'seeking Dawood's help to target Modi,' intelligence agencies warn | Mail Online

Will Nawaz Sharif be able to handle Narendra Modi? – The Express Tribune Blog

Day of reckoning is coming for Pakistan.

Indira Gandhi sliced Pakistan into two in 1971. Since then they have been smarting.

This guy has an RSS indoctrination. Plus he is ruthlessly intelligent like Putin, Erdogan, Shinzo Abe, Ronald Regan and has better training and experience than all the above rolled together. Just imagine India doing a crimea on Baluchisan or Azad Kashmir.

LOL, look at their anxiety and desperation. They are banking on AAP to defeat him. After Delhi fiasco, people only throw eggs at Kejriwal now. :enjoy:

Modi launches anti-Pakistan assault on AAP - DAWN.COM

'Anti-Muslim' Indian leader Modi 'hated' in Pakistan | Asia | DW.DE | 19.02.2014

Pakistan's ISI 'seeking Dawood's help to target Modi,' intelligence agencies warn | Mail Online

Will Nawaz Sharif be able to handle Narendra Modi? – The Express Tribune Blog

Day of reckoning is coming for Pakistan.

If he actually did something stupid, the whole subcontinent would turn into glass.

We're glad there are nukes in Pakistan to keep Modi in check.

War is not like a cake in the park. If there is a war, the biggest damage would be to his Guajarat state. It's right across the border.
Dumbass, i meant it for a big country like India if you think 1 man can bring a change then please forget it. You asshole will call my country hopeless? The nerve of you to waste your time on this website :woot:

Easy on the name calling, i can call you out on your lack of hygiene and ridicule you to no end. But i guess you failed to grasp the basic concept of English in my quote above.

Butt hurt. :rofl: :rofl:

Actually, I was very liberal when I used the word "hopeless". :lol:
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