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Pakistan Constitution should make hijab compulsory: JI

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Like I said, such threads look best when they're locked.

Pakistan is never going to accept this proposal, so why waste your time and express hatred?
Mate, I & my sis studied @ western schools, universities, attended all the parties and fun that entails, no interference from parents, whatsoever. Still we turned out to be pretty god-fearing decent people.

At the moment I have access to cash that would make a sheikh drool. One of worlds most famous casinos is next-door to my house, yet, I have never gambled, never gotten drunk, never disrespected a single girl, ever!

If anyone had an excuse to turn up as "ganda andda," it would have been me!

WTF, is this *BS* about western teachings / hijab / and culture?
Mr again you have proved to be an ignorant and nothing else complete ignorant and having mind similar to those western slaves who even getting ................ by west feel proud Sir Hijab is the order of ALLAH and women have to cover it and governments has to enforce them and their was no concept of Hijab before Islam Sir first read before talking complete crap
Mr again you have proved to be an ignorant and nothing else complete ignorant and having mind similar to those western slaves who even getting ................ by west feel proud Sir Hijab is the order of ALLAH and women have to cover it and governments has to enforce them and their was no concept of Hijab before Islam Sir first read before talking complete crap

You are wrong about Allah ordering Hijab. Please quote me from Quran where Allah says to women to wear Hijab. I have read in Quran for women to be modest. Besides that let Allah be the judge for people.

It is IGNORANT TALIBAN like you who are destroying Pakistan.

Take your ignorance elsewhere.
Really ? The concept of Hijab wasn't even present at the time of Prophet ... What have these jokers learned ? Sometimes I think I studied and researched more Islam than these extremist bastards that too while learning in a secular Missionary school !
Trust me, it's my only hobby :D I'm not seven anymore. For close quarter I keep an mp9 close-by, however, nothing beats the "fear" that the bang of an AK47 delivers. AK47 with (Tungsten Carbide / APB), not even an APC can stand in the way, at-least not the local one :P
Your APC's can't with-stand rifle rounds? Time to shop for new ones.
I am not sure if I should laugh, cry or be astonished! I will go for shock for now....

1stly, the woman right in front of the banner isn't wearing a proper Hijab (what she is voicing out is not what she is practising)...

2ndly, for all those who brought jeans into the topic- All I have to say is jeans is WAY BETTER than tang pajama shalwars OR even better than curidaar shalwars and all those rotten fashions that came up!

As for those who want to impose niqab- HOW ABOUT you lower your gaze 1st? Because that commandment came before covering up your women like a mummy!

As for those voicing out like idiots against Hijab! Lets see your mothers, wives and daughters prade in market or any streets with half of those fashionable clothes which mind you are not even decent!

Finally, I do not think women should be allowed to wear WHATEVER they want....you will understand the seriousness when you become a parent. Once allowed a little freedom, many who - like MOST of you said in other threads and I ALWAYS say = MOST IN PAKISTAN are illetrate and don't know the difference between moderation and crossing the line!

This is true for everyone from the religious fanatic who tries make you swallow his opinion rather than what the Quran really says to the loony political bafoon who only wants votes. I recall women in the media crying their throats out (some years back) about not being allowed to wear drooping necklines or something.

Seriously, when it comes to culturally as well as religiously, we are not a wild nation!

There is laws for everything...From immigration laws of America which you people are ready to abide to the laws of the trade which many of you do....But when it comes to laws of religion you wanna spit on it or ask for a compromise?

THAT itself is backward gear into stone age -as for this thread - where clothes were not a problem, cheating, lying was everyday work, slaves were allowed and prostituition was normal. When people became aware, that is when they started covering up....

Hijab just means cover up, hide, protect...If ou do not wish any of this for YOUR female then that is fine with you..But as a ummah, I want hijab (decent covering) for every woman....Because you are not a Muslim until you do not wish for others what you wish for yourself..

Sorry if I sound a little drunk, but am not on my laptop can't seem to control this 1...

Seen soooo many of these!
All your points are acceptable, but "decent covering" as you say can be achieved WITHOUT head covering or face covering, I think you didnt get what the cartoon says

Hijab before Islam Sir first read before talking complete crap
ur proved urself ignorant, your kind of hijab was always present in arabian dessert tribes, facecovering, headcovering all existed and were practised in jahiliya times
You are wrong about Allah ordering Hijab. Please quote me from Quran where Allah says to women to wear Hijab. I have read in Quran for women to be modest. Besides that let Allah be the judge for people.

It is IGNORANT TALIBAN like you who are destroying Pakistan.

Take your ignorance elsewhere.

Spot On.:tup:
Everyone is throwing te word 'modern 'around without even knowing the meaning. These women in the picture are the only modernists, we have been wearing traditional clothes like shalwar kameez, saris etc. but this weird talibani clothes are something new, hence modern.
I'm a Pathan. I was given a .22 Brno rifle when I was seven as my first gift. First lesson my father taught me was, "son, be careful, never take an innocent life, use it for protection of your family only, to take a life of an innocent, or someone who does not have the means to protect himself is tantamount to killing humanity as a whole"

It's just not enthusiasm, you need guidance of elders as well, before you can ponder decisions and outcomes of situations before you act on urges. I feel as if, the education at home in Pakistan has been compromised, people have started down a path where compromise and reaching an understanding on differing viewpoints, has no chance to succeed.

Oh, well... what can I alone do. So **** it!

Amateurs....! I was given a Meccano for my 7th Birthday ! :P

On a serious note - Gun...bohat alaaaa ! I can't even get a motorcycle for my 22 Birthday because my Mom thinks I'm going to go around flirting with girls all over the city and my Dad thinks I'm going to drive it straight into someone's car and get killed ! :cry:
my Dad thinks I'm going to drive it straight into someone's car and get killed ! :cry:
He is right yara. People die on bikes, especially in that crazy traffic of Lahore.

Moreover do tell your dad, this isn't the 80's any more, why would a girl be interested in a guy with a bike :P

Your APC's can't with-stand rifle rounds? Time to shop for new ones.
Mate, let's not get pushy. It's still my country and I love it :D
Just kidding ya. Don't have an AK, but do have an SKS...good carbine...and fires the same rounds (7.62X39)...powerful enough. (genuine Russian..not a Chinese or Czech copy...far superior craftsmnaship...nice wood etc.)
Idiotic liberals want more Lal Masjids to occurr. At this rate those morons will destroy the country.
He is right yara. People die on bikes, especially in that crazy traffic of Lahore.

Moreover do tell your dad, this isn't the 80's any more, why would a girl be interested in a guy with a bike :P

Yup he says that these aren't the '80s when the traffic was somewhat civilized so a motorcycle for me is a big no ! Car chalaa lei kehteii hain but bike ka apnaa mazaa hai, Khan Sahib !

Oh bhai I don't talk to my Dad about 'girls'; heck I don't even talk to my mom about that but for some reason 'mujhe jaisee' shareeef aaadmi comes across as a tharkiii to everyone ! :D

P.S Khan Sahib - Koi email wagheraa hai aap ki ? I want to ask you a few questions about Pathans, NWFP, Afghanistan, Bachaa Khan Sahib and Quaid-e-Azam !
Just kidding ya. Don't have an AK, but do have an SKS...good carbine...and fires the same rounds (7.62X39)...powerful enough.
I know..... :D

SKS-45 looks huge mate, just checking it out on gunsamerica.com. You are right about 7.62X39, it blows a block of concrete to smithereens.

As a kid I still remember shooting an AK47 (APB round) into an electricity pole (transformer). It is not something I am proud of, however, I do remember the KABOOM :D
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