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Pakistan Constitution should make hijab compulsory: JI

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Mr again you have proved to be an ignorant and nothing else complete ignorant and having mind similar to those western slaves who even getting ................ by west feel proud Sir Hijab is the order of ALLAH and women have to cover it and governments has to enforce them and their was no concept of Hijab before Islam Sir first read before talking complete crap

O yes there was! Not in Arab land maybe! But even the West excepts there was...Mother Mary is never shown without her head covered! The nuns cover their head, I wonder why?!

All the "olden time" Indian women cover their heads I wonder why?

The Jews have their own covering- Wonder why they cover if it was not there before Islam...

Like I said, such threads look best when they're locked.

Pakistan is never going to accept this proposal, so why waste your time and express hatred?

Well, I do not understand the part about speaking hatred, no idea why people go about it...But forums are good places for discussion...Sadly, south Asians take it as a battle ground to release their anger bottled up from daily life.
Ta khoray........... :sick:
I didn't say the whole thing... I feel ashamed dude.... The thing is Pashto is a very coarse language, if I translate anything bad from Pashto, you'll kill me!

I don't hit women ! :P

Yaar Pashto is indeed 'hard' lets not call it coarse but doesn't it send a sizzle down your spine whenever you hear it ? A little like how the hardness of German complimented by the sharpness of its speech makes its truly bad arse !
As a Ummah, we are lacking alot. Not only Hijab. Let's first go and stop killing people, then come onto Hijab.

Other than this, agree with your post!

How about let's accept Islam first? I am trying to cover as many points as possible before a moderator comes and closes this thread because I tried to murder someone with my words!
O yes there was! Not in Arab land maybe! But even the West excepts there was...Mother Mary is never shown without her head covered! The nuns cover their head, I wonder why?!

All the "olden time" Indian women cover their heads I wonder why?

The Jews have their own covering- Wonder why they cover if it was not there before Islam...

Well, I do not understand the part about speaking hatred, no idea why people go about it...But forums are good places for discussion...Sadly, south Asians take it as a battle ground to release their anger bottled up from daily life.

Aur Dakttaar Sahibaa kaisii hain aaap ? A question and one which is completely off-topic : You're a scientist whose seen 'life' at its closest...what do you think about Richard Dawkins and his 'the God delusion' ?
I don't hit women ! :P

Yaar Pashto is indeed 'hard' lets not call it coarse but doesn't it send a sizzle down your spine whenever you hear it ? A little like how the hardness of German complimented by the sharpness of its speech makes its truly bad arse !
Yara, Pushto is more like....... My best guess would be Danish on steroids. :D

Why? Ask me later, I'll explain it in detail to you in a PM! :D

How about let's accept Islam first? I am trying to cover as many points as possible before a moderator comes and closes this thread because I tried to murder someone with my words!
Yes you did! I didn't retaliate back :D

MULTAN: The Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) demanded on Sunday that hijab should be made compulsory in the Constitution of Pakistan to make it an obligatory element of

How ironic, if its not a compulsion for you, why make it compulsory for others. One big problem with us Pakistanis is that whatever we like for ourselvs, we want to force it on others too.:no:
Yara, Pushto is more like....... My best guess would be Danish on steroids. :D

Why? Ask me later, I'll explain it in detail to you in a PM! :D

Have you forgotten what Ameer Hamza Shinwari said :

Wai aghyar chi da douzakh jaba da, zeba janaat ta da pukhtu sara zem!
They call it the language of hell, but i shall enter paradise with my Pashto!

Ain't that beautiful ?
I don't hit women ! :P

Yaar Pashto is indeed 'hard' lets not call it coarse but doesn't it send a sizzle down your spine whenever you hear it ? A little like how the hardness of German complimented by the sharpness of its speech makes its truly bad arse !

I have heard Peshawari log speaking Pashto...and also some Swaat walay pathan...Sounded lovely!
I have heard Peshawari log speaking Pashto...and also some Swaat walay pathan...Sounded lovely!
The sweetest accent is from Kabul. Pushto mixed with a bit of Persian!
Aur Dakttaar Sahibaa kaisii hain aaap ? A question and one which is completely off-topic : You're a scientist whose seen 'life' at its closest...what do you think about Richard Dawkins and his 'the God delusion' ?

Lolz...open a thread for that and I will give you and some scientists a piece of my mind ;)

The sweetest accent is from Kabul. Pushto mixed with a bit of Persian!

Need to find someone who can speak to me so I can hear for myself :D

O man! Wrote such a long reply and that's the second time the page froze and threw my stuff off!! Let me try again!

Never give up ;)
How about let's accept Islam first?

Had that been done, we wouldn't have been talking like this, and also about many more issues faced by Muslims.

@ Talon, you are a lady and a scientist? Which field?
You are wrong about Allah ordering Hijab. Please quote me from Quran where Allah says to women to wear Hijab. I have read in Quran for women to be modest.

Then HOW did you miss surah An-Nur? Ayat 31:

And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and to be mindful of their chastity, and not to display their charms [in public] beyond what may [decently] be apparent thereof; hence, let them draw their head-coverings over their bosoms. And let them not display [more of] their charms to any but their husbands, or their fathers, or their husbands’ fathers, or their sons, or their husbands’ Sons, or their brothers, or their brothers’ sons, or their sisters’ sons, or their womenfolk, or those whom they rightfully possess, or such male attendants as are beyond all sexual desire, or children that are as yet unaware of women’s nakedness; and let them not swing their legs [in walking] so as to draw attention to their hidden charms And [always], O you believers - all of you - turn unto God in repentance, so that you might attain to a happy state!

How do you pull a head-covering the cover your bosom when you CLAIMED it's not in the Quran to start with?

It is IGNORANT TALIBAN like you who are destroying Pakistan.

Take your ignorance elsewhere.

It is ignorant talk from people like you lot which is equally damaging like the talk of the extremists!!

Had that been done, we wouldn't have been talking like this, and also about many more issues faced by Muslims.

@ Talon, you are a lady and a scientist? Which field?

Can I just back slap some comments then I will get back to you ;)

Had that been done, we wouldn't have been talking like this, and also about many more issues faced by Muslims.

@ Talon, you are a lady and a scientist? Which field?

Wait! Why does that strike you with surprise?

Mr again you have proved to be an ignorant and nothing else complete ignorant and having mind similar to those western slaves who even getting ................ by west feel proud Sir Hijab is the order of ALLAH and women have to cover it and governments has to enforce them and their was no concept of Hijab before Islam Sir first read before talking complete crap

Women have to cover it, but also enforce Surah An-Nur Ayat 30:

"Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and to be mindful of their chastity: this will be most conducive to their purity – [and,] verily, God is aware of all that they do."
Can I just back slap some comments then I will get back to you ;)

Wait! Why does that strike you with surprise?

I wasn't really surprised. But maybe a bit..... Like when I learnt Elmo was a lady! You don't get alot of women in defense forums!!!

BTW< you can get back to me, i'll reply tomorrow, i am going to get my beauty sleep now!!:D
I wasn't really surprised. But maybe a bit..... Like when I learnt Elmo was a lady! You don't get alot of women in defense forums!!!

BTW< you can get back to me, i'll reply tomorrow, i am going to get my beauty sleep now!!:D
Yara, there is huge change in your writing style in the past couple of days. What's up, is everything fine? :D
Really ? The concept of Hijab wasn't even present at the time of Prophet ... What have these jokers learned ? Sometimes I think I studied and researched more Islam than these extremist bastards that too while learning in a secular Missionary school !

Really? Which books did you read? How to be an ignorant? I am sure it will help you reach miles!

I studied in an all-gilrs catholic school run by nuns but nowhere did they suppress my religion are doing! In fact we were even given 1 period of Islamiat...
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