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Pakistan-China Joint Air Force Exercise "Shaheen-IX 2020"

J-11BH from PLAN Naval Aviation, 8th division, 22nd Air regiment have also joined.

Yep ... the famous no. 24 from the encounter with the US P-8


God, Flanker is one massive fighter jet.
View attachment 694762

Wow ... J-11BS 62477 is c/n 0604!
I am not sure how they are going to keep the F16s at "safe distance" from assets involved in exercise at Bholari. Argument goes the other way as well, bar Chinese 5th gen fighters, this is a very high tech package that PLAAF has send to Pakistan, I am sure there will be a lot of "praying eyes" around.

What is clear though, this exercise is not only land based but will be stretched into Arabian sea, just going by the composition of the assets involved.

Think of CPEC and beyond.
I am not sure how they are going to keep the F16s at "safe distance" from assets involved in exercise at Bholari. Argument goes the other way as well, bar Chinese 5th gen fighters, this is a very high tech package that PLAAF has send to Pakistan, I am sure there will be a lot of "praying eyes" around.

What is clear though, this exercise is not only land based but will be stretched into Arabian sea, just going by the composition of the assets involved.

Think of CPEC and beyond.
F-16 should not keep safe distance but PLAAF jets shall keep safe from F-16, The planes are vastly superior to the F-16 as mention- in almost every aspect.
F-16 should not keep safe distance but PLAAF jets shall keep safe from F-16, The planes are vastly superior to the F-16 as mention- in almost every aspect.

Indeed, I am more concerned about praying American eyes and ears at the base, if there are any.
PAF's equivalent of PN's 39A ? just imagine for a moment, on loan till newer built units arrive.

Looks brand spanking new to me, cant spot any wear and tear.
One thing obvious from this image grab is that there are at least Three J-10s present for the exercise.

View attachment 694944

4 J10Cs (3 x in row and 1 x behind the soldiers not in the picture)
2 x Su-30MKK (1 x standing behind can be seen, 1 x standing in row)
i think there are 2 x more Flankers may be J11B in row

am i correct?
I am not sure how they are going to keep the F16s at "safe distance" from assets involved in exercise at Bholari. Argument goes the other way as well, bar Chinese 5th gen fighters, this is a very high tech package that PLAAF has send to Pakistan, I am sure there will be a lot of "praying eyes" around.

What is clear though, this exercise is not only land based but will be stretched into Arabian sea, just going by the composition of the assets involved.

Think of CPEC and beyond.
A damn strategic move from China with a very clear message!! She’s going to defend her lines of commerce at any cost!!! The true signature of a Great Power on the rise...

As for Pak, nothing to lose and everything to gain! What a great situation to be in...

As for India, she is like the sacrificial lamb, and that too on a voluntary basis...

As for the Globalists, they’re with the winners as usual!! They’ll dump the USA without the blink of an eye at the opportune moment...
No J-11BS?

Sorry you are correct..just checked again 4 x J-11BS

Easy way to differentiate is design of paint links with radar cone...


then where is this SU-30MKK news came from..?
just wanted to ask also ...in these exercises good thing is they bring sections (4) so they could be properly utilize.
A damn strategic move from China with a very clear message!! She’s going to defend her lines of commerce at any cost!!! The true signature of a Great Power on the rise...

As for Pak, nothing to lose and everything to gain! What a great situation to be in...

As for India, she is like the sacrificial lamb, and that too on a voluntary basis...

As for the Globalists, they’re with the winners as usual!! They’ll dump the USA without the blink of an eye at the opportune moment...


Also, to send a unit which intercepted the USAF P8 Poseidon in south China sea is very, very symbolic. Indian navy also operates P8s.
Yep ... the famous no. 24 from the encounter with the US P-8

View attachment 694922

Wow ... J-11BS 62477 is c/n 0604!

Yup. Some more information.

On 19 August 2014 the Chinese J-11BH "Blue 24" intercepted a U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon anti-submarine warfare aircraft that was over the South China Sea. Admiral John Kirby, the spokesperson for the U.S. Department of Defense told reporters that "An armed Chinese fighter jet conducted a dangerous intercept of a U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon aircraft, patrol aircraft, that was on a routine mission." He elaborated on the incident, saying that the Chinese jet: "crossed under the aircraft with one pass having only 50-100 feet separation. The Chinese jet also passed the nose of the P-8 at 90 degrees with its belly toward the P-8 Poseidon, believed to be displaying its weapons load-out. Afterwards, the J-11 flew directly under and alongside the P-8, bringing their wingtips, as I said, to within 20 feet. And then conducted a roll over the P-8, passing within 45 feet." The Chinese Ministry of National Defense spokesman Yang Yujun said that the relevant criticism made by the U.S. side was "totally groundless," as the Chinese pilot, with professional operation, kept the jet within a safe distance from the U.S. aircraft.
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