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Pakistan - Bangladesh reunion

...it always amuses me how Indian Muslims have to be extra-patriotic, as if they are forever under a cloud of suspicion and must continually prove their loyalty to India.
Just curious. What defines the threshold beyond which patriotism can be considered to be 'extra', particularly for Indian muslims.

Anthropologists use the terms 'more similar than different' or 'more different than similar'. In the context of Southern India v/s Northern India, it will be former.

Perhaps you might realize why the B'deshis may not be interested.
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Oh God nooooooooooooo! We don't want to unite with Bangladesh.. I will be the first to jump off the cliff and commit suicide if that happens.. Same applies to India too...

No unification with those two countries .. Puleaseeeeeeee!!
I was talking about reunion.Not just defense treaty.......Ask ur folks theyd say that seperation was the biggest wound they ever recieved....i dont just lame M bhani..it was also our idiocracy we ar just as guilty as the mukti bhani..all should have been solved with politics that ZA bhutto didnt do.

excuse me. mukti bahini doesnt feel guilty. they highly honored in our country. not guilty because they did the right thing. they brought us freedom. we voted for a pakistan to the british so that muslimbengali can live with peace but where is peace? pak army took it away. we voted sheikh mujib but no, your gov wont give power to the black people! u destroyed democracy, even i dont want to call them muslim as they killed millions and raped innocents.after the british east pak was supposed to rule the whole pakistan becasue the population of east pak was 72 million where the west had only 69 million.
so i strongly recommend that mukti bahini are not guilty. we got our own identity now that we are bengali. we never wanted to be pakistani. it was the india who didnt want 2 muslim countries rather than one. this is why we had to adjust with pak otherwise british was supposed to make bengal a seperate country which would be big in size and resources. still many bengali living in india. the divide wass unfair.. went against bengali muslim.
we have nothing in common with Bangladesh nor did we ever, pre or post 71....they always were independent and never had anything in common with Pakistan of today and in fact from the very beginning had a more ethno-centric ''Bangali-hood'' agenda (language played a huge role here)

it's for that reason that today, average Pakistani could care less about the loss of a land so distant and so alien to the mainland, though from our side there are no grudges.

seems however that some twits on this forum do get emotional and hold grudges over things they were not even alive to be a witness to
Even a movie like Meherjaan created lots of turmoil in Bangladesh and immediately banned, reunion is impossible thing.
Reunion With Bangladesh only in dreams.

From the very first they and we had difference approach towards India.
And Even Now our and their Culture has enormous Differences.
Besides If this Global warming doesn't change or Bangladesh doesn't build sea defences like Netherlands.Then very Unfortunately Bangladesh would be under water.

Reunion with Afghanistan.

Oh Please give me a break.Why you wanna unite with Warlords,Drugs and all the bad things one could Imagine.
Their culture is not different than our (Pakistani) culture.
Their culture is not different than our (Pakistani) culture.

its completely different but faith still binds us together, despite politicians in their country and a few confused people....we share the same faith with majority of BDeshis and theres hopefully for the most part mutual goodwill
its completely different but faith still binds us together, despite politicians in their country and a few confused people....we share the same faith with majority of BDeshis and theres hopefully for the most part mutual goodwill
Can you tell me how is their culture is different? reason please.
We are much more closer to Afghanis than bangalis! If any reunion should happen its Pakistan-Afghanistan!
Our cultural is same
Heritage is same
Dress is same
Language is same
Color and race is same

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