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Pakistan and Israel

The entire Arab world has tried to take on Israel for 50 years. Half a dozen nations with ten times the WEALTH of pakistan. 5 times the air power and 6 land armies.

Yet Israel has kicked *** every single time.

Israel is very rich highly intelligent first world military power. Pakistan is a poor devel;oping country.

DONT MAKE THE MISTAKE of making Israel an enemy even india would lose to Israel.
Quraan - Aal-e-Imran, verse No. 148-149.
مومنو! اگر تم کافروں کا کہا مان لو گے تو وہ تم کو الٹے پاؤں پھیر کر (مرتد کر) دیں گے پھر تم بڑے خسارے میں پڑ جاؤ گے (۱۴۹) (یہ تمہارے مددگار نہیں ہیں) بلکہ خدا تمہارا مددگار ہے اور وہ سب سے بہتر مددگار ہے

No my friend, we are better off without making friendship with Israel and expecting any assistance in our defense from them. God has stated in the book and there is no one wiser than God.

<(_|_)| AKBAR
The entire Arab world has tried to take on Israel for 50 years. Half a dozen nations with ten times the WEALTH of pakistan. 5 times the air power and 6 land armies.

Yet Israel has kicked *** every single time.

Israel is very rich highly intelligent first world military power. Pakistan is a poor devel;oping country.

DONT MAKE THE MISTAKE of making Israel an enemy even india would lose to Israel.

Israel is an enemy at least on this issue there is little room for debate. The primary threat to Isreal is from Islamic states and it is a fact that Pakistan is one of the most powerful Islamic States in terms of Military power.

All battles are not fought in the battlefield

Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
Sun Tzu "The Art of War"

The fact is that we became a nuclear power and Israel was not able to stop us.


It is not that the did not try. On multiple occasions they tried to carry out an Iraq type of strike on our nuclear Facility. PAF has a complete contingency plan to counter any such Israeli attempt. In 1993 this plan went into action PAF was warned by a friendly Arab state. Before the Israeli Mass raid could enter, PAF had more that 100 aircrafts airborne. The Israeli raid turned back just short of Baluchistan. They were picked up by our radars.

In May 1998 the Israeli's actually positioned aircrafts in India to prevent us from becomming a nuclear power. It was the operational readiness of PAF that kept them away.

If the Israeli's are as capablle as they claim they are why did they not take on us in May 1998
The entire Arab world has tried to take on Israel for 50 years. Half a dozen nations with ten times the WEALTH of pakistan. 5 times the air power and 6 land armies.

Yet Israel has kicked *** every single time.

Israel is very rich highly intelligent first world military power. Pakistan is a poor devel;oping country.

DONT MAKE THE MISTAKE of making Israel an enemy even india would lose to Israel.

U want to be scared of israel no problem but i think they are not god .
Remember wht happened with then in lebonon .World most intelligent ,powerful , worderful and whatever nation on its feet .
and tht was just Hizbullah not Pak army .
I am suggesting attacking israel or sumthing but im saying is we as pakistani and as muslims are not even of anyone except Allah.if they attack us then world will see wht happens ............
The entire Arab world has tried to take on Israel for 50 years. Half a dozen nations with ten times the WEALTH of pakistan. 5 times the air power and 6 land armies.

Yet Israel has kicked *** every single time.

Israel is very rich highly intelligent first world military power. Pakistan is a poor devel;oping country.

DONT MAKE THE MISTAKE of making Israel an enemy even india would lose to Israel.

i agree that due to their small size and their disadvantage, the israelis ended up fighting the most sensibly and efficiently...nobody is under-estimating their military prowess....you cant deny their military advancement, thanks to the unwavered and blind support of israel --govt. and private donations

you will probably bring up aid to Pakistan which you cant really call aid since it doesnt cover the losses incurred on the country; whereas israel has a highly educated and well of population but even then they get billions of dollars in aid; not to mention free of cost military equipment and hardware --with the mere flick of a pen

I do hope one day we can establish ties with israel as we could gain from them --especially in terms of high technology sectors like defence and IT.....however, it will be hard to ''sell'' that idea as long as Palestine issue remains unresolved --with no end in sight either.
Why not have a poll regarding how many people in &#37; support warming ties with Israel and how many are against it? It will be a nice finishing touch to this thread. :)
Good trick by Indians on the forum tot start the tensions between Israel and Pakistan. This is not going to happen since most of our arsenal is pointing towards India. Keep trying.

We are not going to be like Nepal or Bhutan who India has by the balls. Keep trying but you manipulation will not work..............

---------- Post added at 11:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 PM ----------

Indians keep brown nosing Israel and it will be just fine.
Can you explain why Israel will have relations with Pakistan?
I don't think that they will lose India as a friend and customer for their defence systems.Also they can have the example of F-16 losing a big contract in India.
Israel don't want to lose Billion $ from India for Million $ from Pakistan.
Besides religions do matter here.
U want to be scared of israel no problem but i think they are not god .
Remember wht happened with then in lebonon .World most intelligent ,powerful , worderful and whatever nation on its feet .
and tht was just Hizbullah not Pak army .
I am suggesting attacking israel or sumthing but im saying is we as pakistani and as muslims are not even of anyone except Allah.if they attack us then world will see wht happens ............
You are comparing apples with oranges here.

Hezbollah is a Taliban like group. It is not a proper military force. More importantly, Hezbollah is an ideology. During war, groups like these can easily hide within local population to escape devastation.

Why was Labanese army not doing anything to stop Israeli invasion? Answer is simple: It was powerless. We all know very well that how much tense elected Lebanese leader was during the war. He even cried.

Also, world was putting pressure on Israel to end its campaign against Hezbollah.

Israeli military is highly professional and probably the strongest in the middle-east. We should not under-estimate its military might.

However, we need to keep our eyes open.
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in a purely military sense, Hezbollah is better trained and better equipped than talebans --though the latter are better in guerilla combat

Hezbollah is almost like a conventional army, though they do employ some guerilla tactics. Both rely on strong ground intel, informers, etc. as they have no air or sea capabilities
You are comparing apples with oranges here.

Hezbollah is a Taliban like group. It is not a proper military force. More importantly, Hezbollah is an ideology. During war, groups like these can easily hide within local population to escape devastation.

Why was Labanese army not doing anything to stop Israeli invasion? Answer is simple: It was powerless. We all know very well that how much tense elected Lebanese leader was during the war. He even cried.

Also, world was putting pressure on Israel to end its campaign against Hezbollah.

Israeli military is highly professional and probably the strongest in the middle-east. We should not under-estimate its military might.

However, we need to keep our eyes open.

No doubt israel is higly professional army and same is the case with talibans and see wht is Nato forces are going through in afghanistan.
I think Pak Army is better than them coz we did operation in swat against these foreign agents and make them run away or kill them .

and one more thing they are very professional but we are no less than them we are equally and in sum cases more better than them.......

Long Live Pakistan
Long live Pak Army
We are not going to be like Nepal or Bhutan[/B] who India has by the balls.

Why is it so difficult for you to accept that people can have good ties with us without having to police around the world for religion? I know it is frustrating but frustration cannot be washed away with false knowledge and lies.

Bhutan and Nepal to us are the same as what Oman, UAE, Kuwait etc are to Saudi or what Turkey is for you guys. We have same cultural, customary and traditional concepts as they do which is why Bhutan and Nepal are the only 2 countries that have Open Border policy with us.

Trust me; I am Bhutanese from my mother's side. I would know what it is like to be on either side of the border. India doesn't hold anyone "by the b****". We simply have ties so deep that even a few quarrels don't really matter to us much. After all, siblings also fight don't they.
During war, groups like these can easily hide within local population to escape devastation.

This too depends on what type of war it is; example if it came down to the fighting country's serious condition, it then the militants are also done for since the attacking military will indiscriminately bomb.

This is the very reason why Taliban are surviving; If they had caused a major NBC attack in US, then US won't have even sent its ground troops for invasion. It would be an all out carpet bombing through the entire length and breadth of the country till nothing is left.
Pakistan and Israel have a lot in common.

Shortly after WWII the people of Pakistan and Israel fled persecution and violence. The Pakistanis fleeing the savage Hindus and Sikhs, The Jews fleeing the Holocaust and pogroms of Europe. Both nations were established a few years after WWII.

Soon as independence both Pakistanis and Israelis were forced into War both fought ferociously for what both believed in. Pakistan and Israel are the only two states established based on religious identity and ideology. Both nations patriotic and pro-military.

Both nations also have large enemie(s) to the East fighting numerically superior forces. Both fight enemies which are many times larger than themselves and both have managed to defend and survive time after time.

Whether you are an angry Pakistani who hates Israel or whether you are an angry Israeli that hates Pakistan

All I ask is that you respect this shared and common history.
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