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Pakistan and Israel

Who Knows HOW this marriage Places out, but I do know one thing, it is bad for great PAKISTAN.

Again, the problem is India is thinking about defending itself as well Israel, well there is a correlation, and the problem is the defending it self against foreign Muslims. Here is your deep answer of theological and Political problem


lolzz protecting israel,well any wayz israel thinks of itself as a guy and india a desi chick in this marriage and israel is protecting india thats what i gather from the israeli msg in the video,enjoy guys sorry if it has been posted before one of my south indian freinds showed me this and man was he pissed off.

The Israeli arms firm Rafael displayed this Bollywood dance number-based marketing video at the Aero India 2009 in Bangalore.
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@Pakistani Nationalist
This is a neutral site try going to *** and u will be surprised in whatever defence forum i viisited i saw indians bashing Pakistan and bad mouthing.......So u should till now get the idea.

Your choice, you can just see some Indians bashing Pakistan, or also look at some others being neutral and in general friendly.

Do they even have nukes?:hitwall: and hundreds?:woot: either ur stupid ur just confused of ur existance coz they sell u some stuff.And why would usa go at war with pakistan if israel and pakistan go at war? wet dreamer

You can use google if you want to know about Israeli nukes, or use your common sense - what are the chances that a country like Israel would secretly work on nukes??
Though nothing can be surely said.
And about USA. If you think they wont side with Israel in a nuclear war with Pakistan, than no comments for you..

India will be a moron if it joins a one day war betwen Pakistan and israel.......

Will india risk half its population dead in direct hits and other half dying of starvation and nuke effects?In somebodys elses war...
If ur boasting coz u buy israeli stuff u will join them at war its a wet dream gone bad....and if ur philosophy works what about china?wouldnt it exploit india buy muching uttar pardesh ???:rofl:
And dont u think syria and other strong anti israel countries wont use the chance to finish of israel?:blah:
@Pakistani Nationalist

Your choice, you can just see some Indians bashing Pakistan, or also look at some others being neutral and in general friendly.
Im talking about majority.....:hitwall:

You can use google if you want to know about Israeli nukes, or use your common sense - what are the chances that a country like Israel would secretly work on nukes??
So u mean rumours on internet are best source of information reguarding nuke issues?
If thats the cricteria then sir google pakistanis secret achievements like thermonuclear or there bombs.You will be surprised.
And about USA. If you think they wont side with Israel in a nuclear war with Pakistan, than no comments for you..
Dont u think they would like to ease the tensions instead of jumping into wars?????remember vietnam,korea,iraq,somalis,afghan....they have never won a war.And with a downfall in economy usa wont risk itself by jumping into an armed conflict but it may help them materially.
Read above my post to understand what im talkin about

@Pakistani Nationalist
Im talking about majority.....:hitwall:
As I said, your choice. You can Ignore the ones you dont like, or ignore the comments you dont like.
You can see lot on members from both sides doing so.

So u mean rumours on internet are best source of information reguarding nuke issues?
If thats the cricteria then sir google pakistanis secret achievements like thermonuclear or there bombs.You will be surprised.
Certainly rumors can't be trusted. But it seems logical, that Israely do posses nukes, doesn't it? This rumor I can believe. May be I am wrong.

Dont u think they would like to ease the tensions instead of jumping into wars?????remember vietnam,korea,iraq,somalis,afghan....they have never won a war.And with a downfall in economy usa wont risk itself by jumping into an armed conflict but it may help them materially.

They may try to subdue a convectional war, may be they will never let it happen. But the premise is, use of nukes.
Read above my post to understand what im talkin about
I read that, and I know neither Pak is going at war with Israel not India will that easily join the war bw the two (if it happens). But if a country decides to join a war, it is generally a well thought off decision.

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well apparently we have good relationships with all above mentioned countries except Russia.......... but it is only peoples of Pakistan who hate USA by heart .... not the politicians

and we don't have similar opinions about UK or France........ i know many of the Pakistanis love UK and France and we have better diplomatic relationships with them

If ever this war takes place i mean Pak vs Israel......... then our 1 nuke can destroy the whole of Israel so i am sure Israel will never try to be oversmart with us. If ever Israel dare to fight with us, it will face similar consquences like what Aamir Khan did vs Dmitiry Salita :rofl:

YouTube - Amir Khan vs Dimitry Salita

How old are you?
who is amir khan and the hell with dimitry guy
and what it has to do with Israel Pakistan relationship

grow up:tdown:
This is a neutral site try going to *** and u will be surprised in whatever defence forum i viisited i saw indians bashing Pakistan and bad mouthing.......So u should till now get the idea.

Do they even have nukes?:hitwall: and hundreds?:woot: either ur stupid ur just confused of ur existance coz they sell u some stuff.And why would usa go at war with pakistan if israel and pakistan go at war? wet dreamer

Dude, read up on the Israeli nuclear program. Just coz they don't parade it around doesn't mean they don't have them.

Israel and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nuclear Weapons - Israel

Israel's Nuclear Weapons Program

Do you hav any idea of the strength of US-Israeli ties. US was even ready to go to war with the USSR in 1973, should the USSR have deployed soldiers in the Middle East to threaten Israel. Even now USA gives billions in military aid to Israel. The Jews control US economy and media. Its common knowledge. Taking on Israel is like taking on USA.

India will be a moron if it joins a one day war betwen Pakistan and israel.......
Will india risk half its population dead in direct hits and other half dying of starvation and nuke effects?In somebodys elses war...
If ur boasting coz u buy israeli stuff u will join them at war its a wet dream gone bad....and if ur philosophy works what about china?wouldnt it exploit india buy muching uttar pardesh ???:rofl:
And dont u think syria and other strong anti israel countries wont use the chance to finish of israel?:blah:

Read my post again. I said IF India and Israel signs a military cooperation and alliance treaty, like the one we had with the USSR. Then we would eb obliged to help Israel.

Also, if Pak nukes Israel and Israel nukes back, Pak will definitely launch its nukes at India. So an Indian retaliation is expected. This is not something I want to happen, but is the sad fact of things.

PS: Dude, I am not your average blabbermouth troll. No matter how much you try, you can't get me to fall for your flamebait.

PPS: If you are having anger management issues, take up yoga or taichi ;)

lolzz protecting israel,well any wayz israel thinks of itself as a guy and india a desi chick in this marriage and israel is protecting india thats what i gather from the israeli msg in the video,enjoy guys sorry if it has been posted before one of my south indian freinds showed me this and man was he pissed off.

YouTube - StratPost.com: Israeli Rafael's Indian promo

The Israeli arms firm Rafael displayed this Bollywood dance number-based marketing video at the Aero India 2009 in Bangalore.

OMG ... lol this is one horrible advertisement, a B bollywood movie is million times better then this
And if Indo-Israeli relations grow and we sign a military pact

God, I hope India and Israel sign a joint defence pact.

It will be like bringing laddoo to a Pakistan/Iran wedding :smitten: which will instantly kick India out of Afghanistan and cut all Indian access to the resource-rich CARs.


YAR Ill TELL U WHy Pakistani's ARE Against Israel BCz WHEn PAKIStan was made the one of the well known personality of Israel says that we do not have any threat from Arabians side we threat from Pakistan do what ever u can do to destroy Pakistan
:Pakistan: Pakistan zindabad
Dude, read up on the Israeli nuclear program. Just coz they don't parade it around doesn't mean they don't have them.

hAVE THEY EVER DONE A nuclear test?NO
Are they a declared nuke state>NO
Will the middleeast like a nuclear armed israel?NO
Will usa make KSA angry by givinh israel nukes?NO

Do you hav any idea of the strength of US-Israeli ties. US was even ready to go to war with the USSR in 1973, should the USSR have deployed soldiers in the Middle East to threaten Israel. Even now USA gives billions in military aid to Israel. The Jews control US economy and media. Its common knowledge. Taking on Israel is like taking on USA.
Will USA Militarily help isr? IN case of a nuke war?????no financialy yes maybe...But usa wont send its soldiers to die and nor will arab friends leave a chance to desemate isri in such a scnerio

Read my post again. I said IF India and Israel signs a military cooperation and alliance treaty, like the one we had with the USSR. Then we would eb obliged to help Israel
Then China will also jump into war to counter india????and claim its utter pardesh as it will be a golden chance to engage a country already in a state of war?
Also, if Pak nukes Israel and Israel nukes back, Pak will definitely launch its nukes at India. So an Indian retaliation is expected. This is not something I want to happen, but is the sad fact of things
Childish post :rofl: israi is not even the size of lahore division only one nuke will do the job for 3 milliion jews they wont have a second chance ....isra...........Kabooommmmmmmmmmmmm....RIPPS:
Dude, I am not your average blabbermouth troll. No matter how much you try, you can't get me to fall for your flamebait.
Which flame baits?did i curse you or intimidate you?Looks like ur trying to hide ur frustration

PPS: If you are having anger management issues, take up yoga or taichi ;)
Thanks but no thanks.....it would be better i start praying to Allah...its a better excerise not just for anger managment but health too.

hAVE THEY EVER DONE A nuclear test?NO
Are they a declared nuke state>NO
Will the middleeast like a nuclear armed israel?NO
Will usa make KSA angry by givinh israel nukes?NO

I agree that they haven't declared themselves a nuclear state. But all evidence points to Israel possessing nukes. Remember, they have never denied their nuclear capability either. Also, experts agree Israel has nukes. If the sources I provided aren't enough, check anyy article on nuclear states.

Will USA Militarily help isr? IN case of a nuke war?????no financialy yes maybe...But usa wont send its soldiers to die and nor will arab friends leave a chance to desemate isri in such a scnerio

I think u r underestimating Israeli influence in US. US might not send its soldiers to die, but US can retaliate with nuclear attack on Pakistan. Remember Pak can't strike back at USA with nukes (atleast not yet. That might change in the future)

Then China will also jump into war to counter india????and claim its utter pardesh as it will be a golden chance to engage a country already in a state of war?

U mean Arunachal Pradesh, right? China has never claimed UP. As for invasion, they might, they might not. I can't say. A weakened India would definitely be tempting target, but if China fears that an India that has already been nuked will retaliate to any invasion with a nuclear attack might refrain from attacking. But this is just speculation.
Childish post :rofl: israi is not even the size of lahore division only one nuke will do the job for 3 milliion jews they wont have a second chance ....isra...........Kabooommmmmmmmmmmmm....RIPPS:

Israel will definitely detect Pak nukes launching, and track their trajectory. The moment they realise they are the target, they will retaliate. Sure, Israel will get wiped out, but that won't stop their nukes hitting Pak.

Also, your post is indicative of Pak hitting Israel first. What if it is other way? What if Israel nukes Pak first? There is a possibility that Pakistan's nuclear capability, especially its mobile land-based nukes might get destroyed in Israeli attack. So Pakistan's retaliatory capability will be diminished.

Btw, I am not even counting Israel's ABM capabilities here. Since all ABM systems can be overcome, I am assuming Pak nules will get through. But there is a chance Pak nukes might be stopped, especially if Israel nukes first and some Pak nukes are destroyed. If thats the case there'll be lesser nukes launched at Israel, and thus increased chance of ABM success.

Which flame baits?did i curse you or intimidate you?Looks like ur trying to hide ur frustration

Buddy i was referring to you calling me stupid and a wet dreamer. Just read up your previous post. If those aren't flamebaits...

Thanks but no thanks.....it would be better i start praying to Allah...its a better excerise not just for anger managment but health too.


Completely agree with u here. I was just putting forward some suggestions. If prayer works better for you, by all means....:tup::)
Tsk Tsk... where all has this thread ventured to? Starting with a couple of boxers, then the possible bilateral relationship between Pakistan and Israel, then war possibility, resulting in a pan-Islamic alliance and finally once again as always, famously being concluded by Pakistani members pressing the nuclear button as they do always.

Don't you people think about anything else other than nuclear weapons? When there is a thread on Israelis; you plan to use the nuclear weapons, when someone is doing something wrong against Muslims in opposite corner of the world; you want to use nuclear weapons, when the Indians start arguing with you; you talk of nuclear missiles, when an American member corrects you and discusses about a potential strike against militant hideouts in autonomous districts of your border with Afghanistan, you warn United States not to mess with nuclear nation...

May I ask why so many nuclear weapons are being launched by dear fellow members on this forum instead of talking and solving the matter through strategy? I think war should be the last resort.

Besides, country-to-country conflicts are of older days; today the entire world has a bigger menace to deal with and that is terrorism.

As for Pakistan's relation with Israelis, how about this:

Key Points

1. Pakistani government is committed to Palestinian cause
2. Israelis disagree with Pakistan's demands
3. While Israel calls it territorial dispute, Pakistani members are committed via religion.

So in the end, both of you cannot get along and that concludes this thread.

Don't you think, gentlemen?
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