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Pakistan and Israel

well not exactly........ i know they killed millions of muslims couple of centuries ago but i was refering to this era only. In this era a part from Muslims itself..... christians killed the most

Go recheck your sources, I was talking the modern era as well. Saddam is responsible for the deaths of over 1 million muslims

Omar al-Bashir and his predecessor, while less lethal to Muslims has killed over two million Christians and animist, the Afghan civil war has claimed over 1 million lives, the soviet occupation 1 million more. Bangladesh perhaps as many as 3 million. We have no idea of the true numbers of dead via the Shah or the clerics in Iran. Likewise we don;t know exactly how many Muslim workers in the gulf states that are forced into virtual slavery die each year in the Gulf states...

After Muslims come the communists, Stalin and Mao both saw organized religion as a threat to their rule and cracked down hard. We also know that Afghan communists supported by Moscow, and later Soviet troops started the whole mess we now know as Afghanistan.

The last major killing of Muslims by Christians was WWI when the Ottoman Empire lost a 1/4 million troops in combat. Some people will point to Iraq, but of the 104,000 dead there, 80% were killed in Muslim on Muslim sectarian violence.
Its not funny !

It was you who started it , Well Israel has Tried to Attack us for a couple of times with their Indian friends but they did not had any "Balls" so stop spreading your BS all over the place.

And why it does not matter? / to you or to us.

Who is Spending 100 Billion Dollars on weapons ?:blink:

I swear, your response to me sounds like a Horse Shoe Crab who is filled with blue blood (which is copper base).

PS. I must make sure Webby does not delete again, so nicer language to your people Webby!!!!!

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Jews are united when it comes to Israel. But the Israeli society is fragmented. Racism is alive and well among Jews in Israel. You have the Ashkenazim who discriminate against other Jews, especially Arab Jews and Ethiopian Jews a sort of cast system if you want.


The only manner the arabs will see some success is if they make peace with the israelis---peace will hurt israel more---all these different sects will turn on each other---.

Muslims overall, as they have no interaction with the jews, are clueless to how much rascism the jews have for each other---you want to take out israel---give it peace---peace will destroy israel---it is war that is keeping israel together.

Israel will create situations intentionally that there would be no peace.
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I swear, your response to me sounds like a Horse Shoe Crab who is filled with blue blood (which is copper base).

PS. I must make sure Webby does not delete again, so nicer language to your people Webby!!!!!


If your patience is low, then I would suggest you work on that.

I think, Israeli Jew or a Muslim any where may play India for a while
but would eventually never accept.

Ask a Jew or a Muslim and they would detest Pagans just as much.

Maybe the Israeli member can tell us what he thinks about Pagans ?
If your patience is low, then I would suggest you work on that.

I think, Israeli Jew or a Muslim any where may play India for a while
but would eventually never accept.

Ask a Jew or a Muslim and they would detest Pagans just as much.
Maybe the Israeli member can tell us what he thinks about Pagans ?

You sir are an religious fool, where only Street is "Main St." The Only problem with Main st. is that it exist in every American town.

Thanks for your great contributions!!!
I have a friend who is Israeli. We play soccer together occasionally. Also have an israeli substitute teacher in my High school who is really nice.

I wonder why they are letting me live in peace?

I wish u was living in gaza.And then id ask you this same question.
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There is a problem though regarding Jerusalem.
The problem is that Masjid Al Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock according to religious jews, are built on top of their so called temple. Meaning that they want to demolish these two as they consider it an occupation.
Working to Rebuild the Third Temple in Jerusalem
Building and expanding settlements are aimed at isolating Jerusalem, and tipping the demography to jewish advantage.

Notice exactly where the Jews are "constructing", right next to al aqsa mosque. Experts have warned that such construction, especially the sub-terranean, might erode the whole foundation beneath the masjid.


Another picture showing the plan of taking over Jerusalem

And finally an idea of what we might expect Palestine to look like in the future
You sir are an religious fool, where only Street is "Main St." The Only problem with Main st. is that it exist in every American town.

Thanks for your great contributions!!!

Ahhh... no offense was intended....

however my point was that religious sentiments are strong both in
Israel and Muslim world, and the same sentiments go on and play
part in shaping political policies.

Thus I needed to understand how would a potential India Israel marriage play out in all eventualities.
Ahhh... no offense was intended....

however my point was that religious sentiments are strong both in
Israel and Muslim world, and the same sentiments go on and play
part in shaping political policies.

Thus I needed to understand how would a potential India Israel marriage play out in all eventualities.

the relation between as had only just started,it still has a long way to go
by the way having a large muslim population and some communist parties means the relation have very much objection also
but our association will definitly grow
Ahhh... no offense was intended....

however my point was that religious sentiments are strong both in
Israel and Muslim world, and the same sentiments go on and play
part in shaping political policies.

Thus I needed to understand how would a potential India Israel marriage play out in all eventualities.

Who Knows HOW this marriage Places out, but I do know one thing, it is bad for great PAKISTAN.

Again, the problem is India is thinking about defending itself as well Israel, well there is a correlation, and the problem is the defending it self against foreign Muslims. Here is your deep answer of theological and Political problem

If your patience is low, then I would suggest you work on that.

I think, Israeli Jew or a Muslim any where may play India for a while
but would eventually never accept.

Ask a Jew or a Muslim and they would detest Pagans just as much.

Maybe the Israeli member can tell us what he thinks about Pagans ?

Sir not everyone is religious blind... We have come closer because of the problems which we share of terrorism which are quite similar and for the sake of similar interst.... and at the end of the day the pagans of India consider their guests as their gods so if anyone looks evil to them they look evil towards India
Sir not everyone is religious blind... We have come closer because of the problems which we share of terrorism which are quite similar and for the sake of similar interst.... and at the end of the day the pagans of India consider their guests as their gods so if anyone looks evil to them they look evil towards India

I agree, that there are religious folks and then there are secular folks. (although logically secular can not exist).

However are you trying to imply that Israel -> Jews are not religiously inclined ?

or are you suggesting that India is immune to religious political tones?

For all I know they(Israel) have stuck hard to their scripture and acted in the spirit of the same.

All I was trying to understand was what if the same problem arises with Israel that you have with Pakistan ( i.e Pagans VS Monotheist)?

What then ?
I agree, that there are religious folks and then there are secular folks. (although logically secular can not exist).

However are you trying to imply that Israel -> Jews are not religiously inclined ?

or are you suggesting that India is immune to religious political tones?

For all I know they(Israel) have stuck hard to their scripture and acted in the spirit of the same.

All I was trying to understand was what if the same problem arises with Israel that you have with Pakistan ( i.e Pagans VS Monotheist)?

What then ?

even indians are religiously inclined. and israel was created on the name of religon but when dealing with interntaonal matters we do not mix religon with it. International co operations are formed based on the interests not on the basis of being pagans or being monotheist. by the way do you think Hinduism is a polytheist religion?
I swear, your response to me sounds like a Horse Shoe Crab who is filled with blue blood (which is copper base).

This is what you learn at school ?

PS. I must make sure Webby does not delete again, so nicer language to your people Webby!!!!!

You can use your normal Language , i don't mind.

But it will back fire as you know !


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