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Pakistan Air Force Operation Swift Retort l Indian Military targets in gun-sight of PAF

Big question is where were mighty Phalcon Israeli AWACS and why super doper Spyder did not had proper IFF capacity?

Cuz mi-17 had its IFF turned off. Phalcon was in the theatre at the time of action.
I could not discern the impact point.
What do you mean?


Somewhere near the red circle..
I mean that the image, you have posted, shows the general area; but not the exact point of bomb impact.
OK.. you can say impact area.. I have tried to make a red circle where I think the bomb impacted in my opinion.. after watching the video yesterday..
Also the Indian bombs might have just not missed their targets at all. They intentionally targeted deserted place, close to the alleged madrassa site since like in 2016, a fake surgical strike would had done their job thru fake media houses in India. Little they were expecting a strong Pakistani reply in response. This caught them off guard totally hence the backing off. Probably they were of the view that, paf will not retaliate at all since iaf never hit anything in real.

But my point is, even if they hit something next time around(thru better weapons and training), we will hit them back as well hence bringing everything on equal terms. We might loose a jet in an air fight but I am sure paf is more than capable to take down iaf jets again as well. Hence their won't be any shock and awe situation for us, as 'feared' by some Senior members like Oscar here.

This would had got things out of control and might had led to missiles attacks and eventually full scale war. Decision taken that time was completely appropriate and did the job for us as they never dared to launch another strikes. Their airforce so called superiority was neutralised completely and a message was strongly covenyed. But things might be different next time. A strong Indian action will be retaliated with more lethal strikes by us.
I'm not so sure. I don't think they'd have had the balls to launch missile attacks. Modi was electioneering, getting entire cities wiped out won't win you elections.

Our limited response gave them the courage to do what they did. Tomorrow they'll impose war on us because they know we feared it yesterday.
If only we'd shot down all 9. The world would have stood still in fear of PAF for a moment.

If we would have shot down all 9 aircrafts, we could have set the tone for decades to come but as we always do take the half measures. Could have put fear in their hearts once for all and world would have noticed us big time. If that's true, its the biggest blunder of that incident is. Imagine how Israeli air force is considered so ruthless as they turned every opportunity into success while we let success to slipped and could have made a big statement on the world stage. Am not undermining what we gained from that incident which is no means a small feast but why not go for a kill rather then a cut.
If we would have shot down all 9 aircrafts, we could have set the tone for decades to come but as we always do take the half measures. Could have put fear in their hearts once for all and world would have noticed us big time. If that's true, its the biggest blunder of that incident is. Imagine how Israeli air force is considered so ruthless as they turned every opportunity into success while we let success to slipped and could have made a big statement on the world stage. Am not undermining what we gained from that incident which is no means a small feast but why not go for a kill rather then a cut.
We achieved our aims. This is something you have accepted as well. 9 losses would have definitely resulted in escalation and this would have been something both of the countries would have regretted.
Comparing Israel to our situation is like apples and oranges. They control the media and their adverseries are nobodies who are considered worse than scum even by the neighbourly muslim countries. Plus with US backing them they dont care about anything . We on the other hand are facing India which has the ear of the world currently.
Sahee farmaya aap nay.

Drum beating is an ingrained thing.
After all, drums are beaten on the day of birth, aqiqa, khatna,first birthday,first facial hair and so on and so forth.
Now that Pakistanis also do bridal and groom showers its just adding on.
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