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Pakistan Air Force Operation Swift Retort l Indian Military targets in gun-sight of PAF

My dear you don't create plaques and erect monuments until and unless you are completely sure of your achievements. The American satellites are said to have seen/recorded the whole battle and had a quite word with Pakistani authorities..... The F-16 and it's weapons are after all American.

In fact CENTCOM Chief met PAF Chief in April and I heard he had a word with the Air Chief on the Sukhoi kill.
What was Pakistan's response on 26th night!!! this is missing in whole program!!!
PAF invited several Military Attaché and diplomatic persons which speaks volume about what PAF did on that day an dhow much is being kept under wraps.

What was Pakistan's response on 26th night!!! this is missing in whole program!!!

AVM Haseeb Paracha explained pretty well as what really happened on that night.
View attachment 579364

Any comment on this guy ??

Russian !
What was Pakistan's response on 26th night!!! this is missing in whole program!!!
Why do you think only four out of 20 Indian aircraft managed to release their weapons and run for dear life.

still it seems some details are missing.. also it would have been better to show kill video of Su-30..
How can you record any video of a kill which took place at some 50 Km distance.
who is he ....?? does not look like Russian ....
Su-57 ...??

I have seen many Russian in my life during my Hotel career and the pin looks absolut like a Su-57, notice the Russian flag colours of his Necktie suits perfect to him! By the way, analysing the mimic and gesticulation of all military attaches, the Chinese were the only military attaches which paid over 100% attention to this event/stage, from what I could see in the 2 hours show!
still it seems some details are missing.. also it would have been better to show kill video of Su-30..

That may be an over-kill of information at the moment. As far as I see, this is not just about embarrassing Indians but there are lot of more factors to be kept in view, hence, further information may not be released. Provided information as well as memorial and all, are good enough & I assume someone from within India will slip it sometime.
How can you record any video of a kill which took place at some 50 Km distance.

Wasn't it a dog fight? OK if there isn't any video.. any radar data? something should have been presented..

Why do you think only four out of 20 Indian aircraft managed to release their weapons and run for dear life.

I agree ... but those pilots who managed to shoo IAF jets away, should have been honoured as well, publicly like Nauman and Hassan... No? and details shared...
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