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Pakistan-A real market for the Mirage 2000-9 ?

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stick to goal to modernize your air force for the next century instead of scrambling here and there try to get more F-16 block 52 and MLU F-16 to counter current threat . improve your JF-17 and jump to fifth generation fighter option J-31 . a future fleet composition might be JF-17 block II Block III and F-16 block 52 J-31 and probably TFX/KFX ?
I wonder if the engines of these mirages can power a new JFT ???
I wonder if the engines of these mirages can power a new JFT ???

Even if they do, they will be sanction pron and its not necessary that they may provide required thrust to JF-17s with low fuel consumption.
No point in purchasing junk , we need new enhancements on JF17 Thunder and Improvements in F16 Radar
Why we beg for money from KSA its better to stick with our own resources and if hell break lose ask China to provide Sino Flanker's latest model which will be new + with AESA radar and sanction / spare parts hassle free from west.

M2K9s should only be purchased if we have to fight a war in near future like 2 to 4 year time, if not then it should be avoided and a high end version of JF-17s should be developed to create hi-lo mix of these air crafts and a step forward in self reliance.

Well said, after signing of Rafael deal, India will be in position to make sure that we don't get spare parts and other stuff from France and later had obliged them previously.
Purchasing a weapon system doesn't mean you can pressurize an international Arms dealer. This wishfull Thinking only exist in India. Its the Indian who are dependent on French not the other way around. France is not Russia. They have Defense deals all around the world and they have history of supplying arms to all sides without Taking sides into Conflicts. India already use Mirage 2000 from France but they don't give shit what Indian concerns for selling arms to an Indian Enemy. They sold Mirages to both Iraq and Israel previously. France is not like Funds Starved Russia. So relax
And BTW we are replacing the mirage IIIs either way very soon so no problems :pakistan:
Purchasing a weapon system doesn't mean you can pressurize an international Arms dealer. This wishfull Thinking only exist in India. Its the Indian who are dependent on French not the other way around. France is not Russia. They have Defense deals all around the world and they have history of supplying arms to all sides without Taking sides into Conflicts. India already use Mirage 2000 from France but they don't give shit what Indian concerns for selling arms to an Indian Enemy. They sold Mirages to both Iraq and Israel previously. France is not like Funds Starved Russia. So relax
And BTW we are replacing the mirage IIIs either way very soon so no problems :pakistan:
But they concerned about 20b $ .... which Pakistan can't offer fraction of that amount.
But they concerned about 20b $ .... which Pakistan can't offer fraction of that amount.
But you cannot Influence France Defense industry decisions by simply BUYING from them. Its just Wishful Thinking mate. You cannot even Influence Israel to not to Sale Hardware to China. Open Weapons markets don't work like Russia :yahoo:
Spoke to somemone knowledgeable. He fully supported the prospect of capabilities this platform would add to PAF. He termed it a 'golden opportunity'.
Spoke to somemone knowledgeable. He fully supported the prospect of capabilities this platform would add to PAF. He termed it a 'golden opportunitySpoke to somemone knowledgeable. He fully supported the prospect of capabilities this platform would add to PAF. He termed it a 'golden opportunitySpoke to somemone knowledgeable. He fully supported the prospect of capabilities this platform would add to PAF. He termed it a 'golden opportunitySpoke to somemone knowledgeable. He fully supported the prospect of capabilities this platform would add to PAF. He termed it a 'golden opportunity'.

Yes , we heard it the first time. :D

Every bit as good as your F16 regardless wether its block 52 OR MLU.

The greeks who operate both the Mirage2000 & F16 say they prefer the French fighter.

If you guys buy this wonderful combat proven quality fighter it will a BIG HEADACHE to the IAF and top of the tree in technology
with MICA BVR capability.
Spoke to somemone knowledgeable. He fully supported the prospect of capabilities this platform would add to PAF. He termed it a 'golden opportunity'.

Funny i spoke to someone higher up and he was dead set against it. Man some tuckloos we have :-)

PS: Probably because he adores the Thunder and it being his baby.
Funny i spoke to someone higher up and he was dead set against it. Man some tuckloos we have :-)

PS: Probably because he adores the Thunder and it being his baby.

Mirage-2k-9 sits right IN BETWEEN the Thunder-Viper capabilities. None of those jets are as good of a strike aircraft the M2k-9 is.
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