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India is nothing in defence they buy weapons for their corruption not defending India neither they will

Very true, we don't make anything rather just buy them, still we can afford that without hurting our GDP much, ever thought why ?? :)
Propaganda counter is fine , where is the muscle in reality?

China Pakistan can spend 100 billion in defence budget to counter India.
Billions? dude a missile barely cost of 200000 Rs. NSAR make CSD dream of u in hell
In Balochistan extremists are surrendering.In Afghanistan Indian hold is impossible unless the last Taliban fighter exists,even US is not able to stay there without our help.
Isolation scheme by Modi has become a universal joke.Indians are bitch slapped in every trick they played against Pakistan.

Not India but U.S and their war on terror is the most important reason for all the mess in Pakistan from the last decade, and you still believe U.S.A is very much dependent on Pakistan ?? Buddy you cannot pressurize or trouble any country unless you take the war to their backyard. In this whole scenario it is in and around Pakistan the whole action take place. :(

Billions? dude a missile barely cost of 200000 Rs. NSAR make CSD dream of u in hell

Well India will come up with some other start you will then have to create another NAR etc.. putting strain on Pakistan's already ailing economy. War or not it's always a win-win for India in this whole scenario. :)
Not India but U.S and their war on terror is the most important reason for all the mess in Pakistan from the last decade, and you still believe U.S.A is very much dependent on Pakistan ?? Buddy you cannot pressurize or trouble any country unless you take the war to their backyard. In this whole scenario it is in and around Pakistan the whole action take place. :(

Well India will come up with some other start you will then have to create another NAR etc.. putting strain on Pakistan's already ailing economy. War or not it's always a win-win for India in this whole scenario. :)
Yaaa u will again invest in billions and we will again comes up with a low cost solution.. Keep carry on we are not Afghanistan, we r here to compete u and we will
I am loving the missiles in mangalore and ballistic missile in mumbai and collapse of stock market and ultimately india implodes....yeah good script for another movie...go on let the imagination flow.
Yaaa u will again invest in billions and we will again comes up with a low cost solution.. Keep carry on we are not Afghanistan, we r here to compete u and we will

LOL. Cold start or whatever is a doctrine, it all on paper, your NASR etc, are all hardwares, now look who is spending billions and which one is low cost ?? And you are true, Pakistan is here to compete with India and I wish Pakistan seriously get entangled in this competition for a long time. :)

Impossible Hopes, Far Fetched Aspirations, Roohani Powers working in your favor, Irrelevant Graphs, a 1 in a million probability working in your favor, a wrong sense of superiority, a lack of any understanding on how the actual world works, and a wet dream featuring a long chain of events that will never happen and finally no logic what so ever. All the ingredients that make your steaming, hot pile of KHAYALI PULAV great. Well done sir, you are a good chef. Master Chef Sir Laal Topi Shri Shri Zaid Hamid would be proud of you.
TIP: Try and be a little less salty next time.

Come on mate, is day dreaming a crime ?? LOL :-)
(With anti ship missile just destroy any ship taking oil from gulf to India and fire the ballistic missile at Mangalore Karnataka crude oil reserve stock facility where UAE stocks it's oil for India and India is doomed.

So they country will be out of oil and all those tanks India sends to Pakistan in the cold start we can consider them as a gift.)
If endia runs out of oil they wouldnt face any problem bcoz they have got millions of factories producing magic liquids for them... just imagine endians filling their MBT oil tanks with Cow Piss....
You can never expect your enemy to be afraid of you if it does not respect you.
And the actions of most Pakistani members of this forum do not warrant the provision of respect by their own countrymen, much less the enemy.
Remember, the eyes of the world are on you. Each word you write is taken as a reflection of not just your, but your country's mental capabilities.
If you act stupidly, proposing half-baked and sensational theories and solutions, you can never expect your enemy to take you seriously. Do not bluster, do not misquote facts, keep your patriotism in your heart where it belongs. But here, act on principles and logic and you will never be doubted, never be belittled.
Pakistan Zindabad. :pakistan:
Cold Start if it even existed was strategically ineffective, it assumed the Indians could reach the Indus before we could deploy a nuke, which would absurd considering SFC would have them ready at a moments notice
Cold start doctrine? :D :D :D

Those hungry soldiers who don't get proper nutrition and have to polish officer shoes are capable enough to confront Pakistan at borders? Hell, no.

Cold start doctrine has failed the same way those fake sur gi kal strikes failed.

Pakistan can counter India anytime anywhere whether its cold start or hot pursuit. Our army is the most battle hardened force and our air force has a proven record.
Detail what you are developing except using TNW on invading Indian armored column. Moreover India probably diverted their focused from open attack to coverts small scale operation to destroy/achieve it's objective /target similar to recent surgical attack on Pakistani border.
By saying coverts operation or other ways of destabilizing Pakistan everyone can understand support of ISIS and TTP by India in Afghanistan. I don't understand When/How India carried out surgical strike in Pakistan...? When i am claiming something like "Surgical Strike" i will have to prove that what targets i destroyed/achieved..? Just like Pakistan invited national/international media personals to the areas which india was claiming that they carried out "Surgical Strikes", no one found any kind of sign of any battle or strikes..
This is real strategic reply. Conventional and unconventional! I had a skeleton piece ready, titled, Pakistan Warm Start Doctrine.
I feel much satisfied. CJCSC on song.
Using tactical nukes on your own soil was a bad deal and act of last resort. Now enemy will know entering Pak wont be a cake walk.
I will only add, Pakistan strategy should be attack at the first sign of indian movement in indian territories. And intent should be made public.

by Waqar Ahmed

The Indian “Cold Start” doctrine has been around for more than a decade. According to a former US ambassador to India, “The Indian Army's Cold Start Doctrine is a mixture of myth and reality. It has never been and may never be put to use on a battlefield because of substantial and serious resource constraints, but it is a developed operational attack plan announced in 2004 and intended to be taken off the shelf and implemented within a 72-hour period during a crisis. Cold Start is not a plan for a comprehensive invasion and occupation of Pakistan. Instead, it calls for a rapid, time- and distance-limited penetration into Pakistani territory…. It was announced by the BJP-led government in 2004, but the government of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has not publicly embraced Cold Start and GOI uncertainty over Pakistani nuclear restraint may inhibit future implementation by any government.” Even many Indian defense analysts, who maintain cool heads, are not convinced of it being a practical doctrine.

It should be understood by all that a limited war or the Cold Start Doctrine in the Subcontinent poses a serious risk of escalation and intensification due to several factors that may race out of the control of policy makers or military leaders initiating the conflict in the first place and thus could have awful consequences. Observers have already warned that any conventional conflict between India and Pakistan like the Cold Start could quickly spiral out of control and lead towards a nuclear confrontation.

Cold Start has consistently failed to meet its lofty objectives as an assessment of war games conducted in the past seven years by India’s military as well as organizational developments within the service suggest.

There are a whole range of crucial questions about the uninitiated political leaders in New Delhi who, without understanding the doctrine, its deadly ramifications and without sensible precautions, could employ force in a future conflict as the Indian Army tries to modernize and the Indian establishment remains on a perpetual arms buying spree. Instead of achieving a quick decision against Pakistan, the use of the Cold Start could end with potentially catastrophic results and radical reversal in fortunes.

Then there is the question of stability-instability paradox that the Cold Start would generate; the more Indian leaders work into a frenzy and push for a quick military adventure against Pakistan, the more it lowers Pakistan’s nuclear threshold, thus creating further instability, precipitating destruction and defeating the very purpose of a limited war. There could be nothing left to acclaim their triumph in New Delhi.

Meanwhile, according to knowledgeable sources Pakistan is ready to counter the Cold Start by developing her own New Concept of War Fighting (NCWF). The country has addressed both modes, conventional and nuclear in the NCWF. Since the Cold Start was more in cognitive domain and aimed at psychologically putting pressure on the Pakistani leadership, the NCWF has blunted it in both physical and psychological domains and taken the sting out of it.

Observers also believe that the changing dynamics in South and West Asia, unmistakable change of emphasis and Pakistan’s ability to get China and Russia on board for stability in the region have neutralized the US-Indian efforts to pressurize Pakistan anymore.


Pakistan say this for almost a decade. What is the point in repeating this now? Till date they di not have any counter?

by Waqar Ahmed

The Indian “Cold Start” doctrine has been around for more than a decade. According to a former US ambassador to India, “The Indian Army's Cold Start Doctrine is a mixture of myth and reality. It has never been and may never be put to use on a battlefield because of substantial and serious resource constraints, but it is a developed operational attack plan announced in 2004 and intended to be taken off the shelf and implemented within a 72-hour period during a crisis. Cold Start is not a plan for a comprehensive invasion and occupation of Pakistan. Instead, it calls for a rapid, time- and distance-limited penetration into Pakistani territory…. It was announced by the BJP-led government in 2004, but the government of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has not publicly embraced Cold Start and GOI uncertainty over Pakistani nuclear restraint may inhibit future implementation by any government.” Even many Indian defense analysts, who maintain cool heads, are not convinced of it being a practical doctrine.

It should be understood by all that a limited war or the Cold Start Doctrine in the Subcontinent poses a serious risk of escalation and intensification due to several factors that may race out of the control of policy makers or military leaders initiating the conflict in the first place and thus could have awful consequences. Observers have already warned that any conventional conflict between India and Pakistan like the Cold Start could quickly spiral out of control and lead towards a nuclear confrontation.

Cold Start has consistently failed to meet its lofty objectives as an assessment of war games conducted in the past seven years by India’s military as well as organizational developments within the service suggest.

There are a whole range of crucial questions about the uninitiated political leaders in New Delhi who, without understanding the doctrine, its deadly ramifications and without sensible precautions, could employ force in a future conflict as the Indian Army tries to modernize and the Indian establishment remains on a perpetual arms buying spree. Instead of achieving a quick decision against Pakistan, the use of the Cold Start could end with potentially catastrophic results and radical reversal in fortunes.

Then there is the question of stability-instability paradox that the Cold Start would generate; the more Indian leaders work into a frenzy and push for a quick military adventure against Pakistan, the more it lowers Pakistan’s nuclear threshold, thus creating further instability, precipitating destruction and defeating the very purpose of a limited war. There could be nothing left to acclaim their triumph in New Delhi.

Meanwhile, according to knowledgeable sources Pakistan is ready to counter the Cold Start by developing her own New Concept of War Fighting (NCWF). The country has addressed both modes, conventional and nuclear in the NCWF. Since the Cold Start was more in cognitive domain and aimed at psychologically putting pressure on the Pakistani leadership, the NCWF has blunted it in both physical and psychological domains and taken the sting out of it.

Observers also believe that the changing dynamics in South and West Asia, unmistakable change of emphasis and Pakistan’s ability to get China and Russia on board for stability in the region have neutralized the US-Indian efforts to pressurize Pakistan anymore.

Basically India doesn't have a "No first use policy" against Pakistan.Cold start is just a part of that.You can have or take whatever counter measure either alone or with the support of other countries..still INDIA WILL WIN.

am surprised that you did not know that---. Pak army had the original ' cold start doctrine ' parameters already established---.

The only ' traitor ' amongst the military has been the PAF---never ready to stand behind and above the troops since the end of the 1965 war---.

Our air force has been our weakest link and for that reason---multiple times---the army could not go on the offensive---.
PAF was resource starved, no reply to indian MKIs, but now with BVR capable F-16 and JF-17, it can. Still with planned induction of Triumf, india many steps ahead.

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