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You forgot very important thing that when international community has endorsed cpec on your part they automatically endorsed our hold on our part..
:no: Go ahead with your dreams. international community will never endorse about IOK. it depends on Kashmiri people and whole world know what is india doing in kashmir with innocent people. again you are another hindu banya and delusional indian. Go ahead we will never mind.
There's no rocket science, We reply Indian cold start by opening multiple different fronts, deep air strikes, deploying subs to harass Indian Navy, conduct military grade cyber attacks and activate our proxies inside India. Escalation increases, Mumbai Stock Exchange will collapse, India will lose hundreds of billions of dollars in lost FDI over the coming decade.
There's no rocket science, We reply Indian cold start by opening multiple different fronts, deep air strikes, deploying subs to harass Indian Navy, conduct military grade cyber attacks and activate our proxies inside India. Escalation increases, Mumbai Stock Exchange will collapse, India will lose hundreds of billions of dollars in lost FDI over the coming decade.
Why go to so much depth when there are simpler ways to make India suffer.
Now it is time to defeat India in his own game.. Its 4th and 5th generation war.. There are many weak nerves of India.. We need to target that... :guns:

Pakistan ability to beat India is zero
you are better advised to put your own house in order
Pakistan ability to beat India is zero
you are better advised to put your own house in order
The best solution to stop Indian cold start doctrine is simple and it will also destroy Indian economy in a week for ever and to the point from where India will recover I think with a work of next 50 years. In my proposed solution we will require an anti- ship missile of 500 km range and 3 Ababeel missiles or 5 shaheen 2 or 3 missiles. First place the anti ship missiles on they Gawadar port or any where along the cost line of Balochistan. Next fire ballistic missiles at a facility in Mangalore Karnataka and Indian economy is doomed for ever.

With anti ship missile just destroy any ship taking oil from gulf to India and fire the ballistic missile at Mangalore Karnataka crude oil reserve stock facility where UAE stocks it's oil for India and India is doomed.

So they country will be out of oil and all those tanks India sends to Pakistan in the cold start we can consider them as a gift.


And there is a Chinese Naval base in Sri Lanka and Djibouti That will stop the any other small vessels trying to push in oil but that will not be required. India will fall to it's knees in a week or so and that cold start will go to hell all the companies will leave India domestic production will fall like hell. In 2 weeks there will be total unemployment in civilian sector and in coming month the Gov institutes will start to suffer by that time India will have only moved a kilometer or so on the front line. India will collapse internally with second month into the oil blockade and there will be people turning on to each other for the resources left and it will be worse than Syria. The Indians MBT will be followed by waves of refugees people fleeing India.

India fears Balochistan not because of CPEC but the geo location of Balochistan. We just need to kill the Airship carrier India has with our missiles and India will have no way out. India will lose the war before it even starts and all we need is 10 missiles at max nothing more. @Horus please read and suggest any more improvements to the plan.
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Pakistan ability to beat India is zero
you are better advised to put your own house in order
Your politician count suggest infinity.. whatever happens blames goes to ISI.. :argh:
Than also if you count zero.. fir toh ek muhawara yaad aata hai " Sau sunar ki ek Luhar ki"

Taken your advice... Hamara ghar order mein rehta hai but kuch kutto ko sabak sikhana bhi zaruri hai...:guns:

by Waqar Ahmed

The Indian “Cold Start” doctrine has been around for more than a decade. According to a former US ambassador to India, “The Indian Army's Cold Start Doctrine is a mixture of myth and reality. It has never been and may never be put to use on a battlefield because of substantial and serious resource constraints, but it is a developed operational attack plan announced in 2004 and intended to be taken off the shelf and implemented within a 72-hour period during a crisis. Cold Start is not a plan for a comprehensive invasion and occupation of Pakistan. Instead, it calls for a rapid, time- and distance-limited penetration into Pakistani territory…. It was announced by the BJP-led government in 2004, but the government of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has not publicly embraced Cold Start and GOI uncertainty over Pakistani nuclear restraint may inhibit future implementation by any government.” Even many Indian defense analysts, who maintain cool heads, are not convinced of it being a practical doctrine.

It should be understood by all that a limited war or the Cold Start Doctrine in the Subcontinent poses a serious risk of escalation and intensification due to several factors that may race out of the control of policy makers or military leaders initiating the conflict in the first place and thus could have awful consequences. Observers have already warned that any conventional conflict between India and Pakistan like the Cold Start could quickly spiral out of control and lead towards a nuclear confrontation.

Cold Start has consistently failed to meet its lofty objectives as an assessment of war games conducted in the past seven years by India’s military as well as organizational developments within the service suggest.

There are a whole range of crucial questions about the uninitiated political leaders in New Delhi who, without understanding the doctrine, its deadly ramifications and without sensible precautions, could employ force in a future conflict as the Indian Army tries to modernize and the Indian establishment remains on a perpetual arms buying spree. Instead of achieving a quick decision against Pakistan, the use of the Cold Start could end with potentially catastrophic results and radical reversal in fortunes.

Then there is the question of stability-instability paradox that the Cold Start would generate; the more Indian leaders work into a frenzy and push for a quick military adventure against Pakistan, the more it lowers Pakistan’s nuclear threshold, thus creating further instability, precipitating destruction and defeating the very purpose of a limited war. There could be nothing left to acclaim their triumph in New Delhi.

Meanwhile, according to knowledgeable sources Pakistan is ready to counter the Cold Start by developing her own New Concept of War Fighting (NCWF). The country has addressed both modes, conventional and nuclear in the NCWF. Since the Cold Start was more in cognitive domain and aimed at psychologically putting pressure on the Pakistani leadership, the NCWF has blunted it in both physical and psychological domains and taken the sting out of it.

Observers also believe that the changing dynamics in South and West Asia, unmistakable change of emphasis and Pakistan’s ability to get China and Russia on board for stability in the region have neutralized the US-Indian efforts to pressurize Pakistan anymore.



I am surprised that you did not know that---. Pak army had the original ' cold start doctrine ' parameters already established---.

The only ' traitor ' amongst the military has been the PAF---never ready to stand behind and above the troops since the end of the 1965 war---.

Our air force has been our weakest link and for that reason---multiple times---the army could not go on the offensive---.
The best solution to stop Indian cold start doctrine is simple and it will also destroy Indian economy in a week for ever and to the point from where India will recover I think with a work of next 50 years. In my proposed solution we will require an anti- ship missile of 500 km range and 3 Ababeel missiles or 5 shaheen 2 or 3 missiles. First place the anti ship missiles on they Gawadar port or any where along the cost line of Balochistan. Next fire ballistic missiles at a facility in Mangalore Karnataka and Indian economy is doomed for ever.

With anti ship missile just destroy any ship taking oil from gulf to India and fire the ballistic missile at Mangalore Karnataka crude oil reserve stock facility where UAE stocks it's oil for India and India is doomed.

So they country will be out of oil and all those tanks India sends to Pakistan in the cold start we can consider them as a gift.


And there is a Chinese Naval base in Sri Lanka and Djibouti That will stop the any other small vessels trying to push in oil but that will not be required. India will fall to it's knees in a week or so and that cold start will go to hell all the companies will leave India domestic production will fall like hell. In 2 weeks there will be total unemployment in civilian sector and in coming month the Gov institutes will start to suffer by that time India will have only moved a kilometer or so on the front line. India will collapse internally with second month into the oil blockade and there will be people turning on to each other for the resources left and it will be worse than Syria. The Indians MBT will be followed by waves of refugees people fleeing India.

India fears Balochistan not because of CPEC but the geo location of Balochistan. We just need to kill the Airship carrier India has with our missiles and India will have no way out. India will lose the war before it even starts and all we need is 10 missiles at max nothing more. @Horus please read and suggest any more improvements to the plan.
@Horus you can even sanction USA and the world economy in my proposed plan. If India try to do any thing with Indus water treaty just remember Pakistan sits at the gate from where the world oil flows.
@Horus you can even sanction USA and the world economy in my proposed plan. If India try to do any thing with Indus water treaty just remember Pakistan sits at the gate from where the world oil flows.


Yeah---if they had 150000 troops in the GCC by now and complete air and naval battle group---they might have some say---but now---no say at all.
Best sentence i loved it.
"Even their standing ships in their waters are not safe anymore and they don't even have a name for the missile which they'd be scared of".
India is nothing in defence they buy weapons for their corruption not defending India neither they will
There's no rocket science, We reply Indian cold start by opening multiple different fronts, deep air strikes, deploying subs to harass Indian Navy, conduct military grade cyber attacks and activate our proxies inside India. Escalation increases, Mumbai Stock Exchange will collapse, India will lose hundreds of billions of dollars in lost FDI over the coming decade.

Yes, and the results are quite evident on ground. Who is loosing what over FDI and GDP. :)
In Balochistan extremists are surrendering.In Afghanistan Indian hold is impossible unless the last Taliban fighter exists,even US is not able to stay there without our help.
Isolation scheme by Modi has become a universal joke.Indians are bitch slapped in every trick they played against Pakistan.
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