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Ok talk about 1948 war where you loss half AJK in liberation war
Why does Modi need me? Cold Start is proof enough.

Haha. Okay.

What are you talking about? We already have 1000 T-90s. Your only equivalent tank is the old T-80UD. And your other newer tanks are basically the Chinese Type 85/90 export grade family of tanks.

You seriously underestimate the IA. The only time you had some conventional superiority was in 1965. Since then, the gap has only been growing.

I don't think you are capable of serious discussion, so we can stop here.

Syrian rebels have some of the most advanced ATGMs around. All supplied by the US. How many Syrian T-90s have blown up?


Only an idiot will compare a regular well trained Army with rag tag Militia.

let us assume the folks on the other end are not quite rational

ask the iraqi tank crews

Pakistan is not Iraq and India is not USA so don't compare Apples with oranges and it will not be easy for IAF to launch CBUs over Pakistani forces due to good air defence they have.
Only an idiot will compare a regular well trained Army with rag tag Militia.

Pakistan is not Iraq and India is not USA so don't compare Apples with oranges and it will not be easy for IAF to launch CBUs over Pakistani forces due to good air defence they have.

What air defense ?? Pakistan has too few SAM batteries to protect their ground forces
What google says about economical relevance of Pakistan within those premier groups?
Where in google says India funds ISIS?
Have you ever googled in context of those?
Again come with better answer rather than some lose speeches from back then quote me..

About ISIS:



Recently a European Union based, research institution named Conflict Armament Research (CAR), undertook a 20-month exhaustive study on ISIS weapon supply chain and released its study report. CAR has revealed that more than 50 companies from 20 different countries are legally supplying ISIS with bomb-making material, which suggests that countries are failing to monitor what they are selling.

The shocking aspect is that the study revealed that seven Indian companies are involved in provision of over 700 components used in manufacturing of lEDs by ISIS. India is the second largest supplier of lethal material needed for fabrication of deadly IEDs for the murdering marauders who have created chaos and mayhem.

According to the study, seven Indian companies manufactured most of the detonators, detonating cord and safety fuses. These components are crucial to manufacturing of IEDs and are being legally exported under government issued licenses from India to entities in Lebanon and Turkey. The report said that CAR gained access to the components through partners including the US-backed Kurdish YPG in Syria, the Iraqi Federal Police, the Kurdistan Region Security Council and forces of the Kurdistan Regional Government. These components were seized during battles in the Iraqi towns of al Rabia, Kirkuk, Mosul, and Tikrit and the Syrian town of Kobani.

India’s role in supporting ISIS with lethal IEDs parts that too with the tacit approval of Government has raised eyebrows World over. This role of India is highly condemnable and a drag to international efforts on combating ISIS.

learn to research a bit.
What air defense ?? Pakistan has too few SAM batteries to protect their ground forces

That's old story dear. Now even PA have 3 layer air defence for battlefield and more systems will come soon while MR SAM is going to be built in Pakistan.
That's old story dear. Now even PA have 3 layer air defence for battlefield and more systems will come soon while MR SAM is going to be built in Pakistan.

As of today it is still the same story
Air defenses are expensive
As of today it is still the same story
Air defenses are expensive

But PA alone now have good air defence compared to 1999 Kargil time and when all assets of PA, PAF & PN combined will work in NCW environment then they will put very good air defence shield. Soon one of following HQ-9 or Aster-30 block-1NT will come in required numbers while ASAT capability is also under consideration as PAF is looking into space.
But PA alone now have good air defence compared to 1999 Kargil time and when all assets of PA, PAF & PN combined will work in NCW environment then they will put very good air defence shield. Soon one of following HQ-9 or Aster-30 block-1NT will come in required numbers while ASAT capability is also under consideration as PAF is looking into space.

Pakistani army have small number of batteries. Those batteries are vulnerable to air strikes from Rafale
Syrian rebels are army regulars who defected. Their officers are ex-Syrian officers.

Those defectors are not proper army, you even don't know the difference between them.

Pakistani army have small number of batteries. Those batteries are vulnerable to air strikes from Rafale

Have you seen full numbers to those batteries or have reliable source to prove it? Pakistan is going to produce MR-SAM soon and kindly don't bring Rafale into this equation because those are eggs which are not hatched yet and till then Pakistan will also have more assets / new systems too.

There is a reason Pakistan is looking into another advance low level mobile air defence system.
Those defectors are not proper army, you even don't know the difference between them.

Have you seen full numbers to those batteries or have reliable source to prove it? Pakistan is going to produce MR-SAM soon and kindly don't bring Rafale into this equation because those are eggs which are not hatched yet and till then Pakistan will also have more assets / new systems too.

There is a reason Pakistan is looking into another advance low level mobile air defence system.

You inducted it a few days ago

There is NO agreement to produce it

India has signed agreement on Rafale. It is a done deal.
Wow, what a jhakas thread!! Well, how many bombs till now has been thrown by both sides in this thread?:D
This is not the first batch procured by Pakistan, its with Pakistani military with 2015 and some knowledgeable members posted screen prints too, since then it is in media that Pakistan will soon launch production of its own MRSAM.


please you can do better than that ...
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