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Yes, easily. It's because, as I have already said, we will be launching nukes first. And our nukes will be aimed at your nukes and delivery systems. Then whatever surviving nukes you are able to launch will be stopped by our multi-layer BMD. So we won't receive all 150 nukes that you have.

hahhaha you are a gem, tell this to modi, he need advisers like you, on serious note, when time will come we will see who fire first shot at whose installations... till then its all assumption. what if Pakistan fire first and take out most of your nuclear arsenal?

Our industrial clusters are massive. And we are building more, most of these clusters will be the size of Pakistan itself. For example, the DMIC itself will see the construction of a dozen new industrial cities and half a dozen new cities, it's about the size of the entirety of Pakistan, and will see an addition of 100 million people here.

Just look at the size of the investment zone.

There are more targets within this region alone than you have nukes in total. So you can't even take out our new construction activities let alone what already exists.

And we will have about 5 such major clusters stretching over thousands of kilometers. Delhi-Kolkata, Delhi-Chennai, Mumbai-Bangalore, Bangalore-Chennai, Central India hub.

India's too big with a fast growing population. That's why I said even Russia cannot wipe us out, forget Pakistan.

These Industrial zones will be targets for our TNW let alone 150 strategic weapons which we have for cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai etc. you will be decimated for sure..

What we have is enough. We have more tanks than what Hitler had when he invaded the Soviet Union. And our tanks are far more sophisticated than Pak tanks and in greater numbers. At least the Soviets had 3 times more tanks than Hitler.

why you are afraid to quote numbers and type..
In a High Intensity battle of ATTRITION ; the side with the larger
forces and fire power will win

As I said earlier your defensive positions would get hammered with Artillery; MBRLs
and Air Strikes

The Initiative lies with India

Even if you know exactly where we are located ; can you read our Mind

We can open TWELVE fronts at the same time all along the Border
Wakeup man you are living in delusion that your IA can just over run PA which is not gonna happen, PA have devised a comprehensive plan and it include worst situations and our standoff munitions have better range then yours, and any war in future will be of 2 weeks max and if unthinkable happens 1 month because after that MAD will be very close and world powers will not let that happened and PA can effectively hold its ground for a month in worst situation.
I hope PAF will hit IAF but you are banking on PA on the confidence of LY-80,Dont you think LY-80 will be taken out by sukhois/MIG before jaguar venture,and also said in previous post its only one option out of many.IA will operate in cover of IAF,can you have same confidence in PAF and you also will have to agree to win any war sky must be with you.

Nope because now PA, PAF and PN will fight as one force fully synergize in NCW environment and now for the first time PN will be fighting along with PA on ground with LACM & SLCM capability so things are not as simple as you think, and new Air defence assets are in pipeline too.
OK. next joke.

The Joke is on you

You are stretching your limited resources in trying to achieve
some capabilities because you cannot use your Nukes

As you know that it is suicidal

But in the process of spending more on defence
you are only damaging your economy and accumulating more debt

It is a vicious cycle ;

You cant give up your enmity with India

And cant afford to match our capabilities
And cant afford to match our capabilities
Who says we have to match it by the ratio 6:6 ??
We cannot and it wont make sense either. We have just got ourselves to the point where any full scale imaginary invasion by Hindus will be met by Nulccccccear. Kabooooooom.
The Joke is on you

You are stretching your limited resources in trying to achieve
some capabilities because you cannot use your Nukes

As you know that it is suicidal

But in the process of spending more on defence
you are only damaging your economy and accumulating more debt

It is a vicious cycle ;

You cant give up your enmity with India

And cant afford to match our capabilities

Ok..so we need advice of low IQ people, next joke?
hahhaha you are a gem, tell this to modi, he need advisers like you, on serious note, when time will come we will see who fire first shot at whose installations... till then its all assumption. what if Pakistan fire first and take out most of your nuclear arsenal?

Why does Modi need me? Cold Start is proof enough.

These Industrial zones will be targets for our TNW let alone 150 strategic weapons which we have for cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai etc. you will be decimated for sure..

Haha. Okay.

why you are afraid to quote numbers and type..

What are you talking about? We already have 1000 T-90s. Your only equivalent tank is the old T-80UD. And your other newer tanks are basically the Chinese Type 85/90 export grade family of tanks.

You seriously underestimate the IA. The only time you had some conventional superiority was in 1965. Since then, the gap has only been growing.

I don't think you are capable of serious discussion, so we can stop here.

Do you know the number of ATGMs and Anti tank guns PA have? They are enough to take out whole IA's tank force more then once.

Syrian rebels have some of the most advanced ATGMs around. All supplied by the US. How many Syrian T-90s have blown up?

Why are you not thinking the other way around? Just Karachi...
let us assume the folks on the other end are not quite rational

First it will not be possible to launch those because PA will hit IAF before they can launch those, you just don't know how much PA have invested in countering IAF's advantage and CBU-105 is not as accurate as it is hyped, I have posted its video on LY-80 thread go watch it there.

ask the iraqi tank crews
He is referring to the Yemen conflict when Pakistan refused to intervene . @MastanKhan


I understand what he was saying---. And my response was---if you had 150 K troops in GCC at the most CRTICIAL PERIOD of their existence---where THEY REALLY FELT THREATENED .

GCC never faced a threat like that before---and Pakistanis and General Raheel Sharif and co---out of sheer stupidity could not COMPREHEND the significance of that threat---.

And the answer I got was " Hamein samajh nahin ayeee uss waqt "---that is the calibre of your general command---.

Pakistani generals did not comprehend the SHEER MAGNITUDE of the fear that was running thru the veins of the GCC at that time---.

It was all in the perception---and basic car sales 101 is---put yourself in the shoes of the customer---look thru their eyes and see what they are looking at---and not thru your eyes because you are not the buyer---Listen---Feel---understand.

And the magnitude of their stupidity was so outrageous---that they could not comprehend it---even after the blowout by the Emirati minister---.

That was one historical moment for the salvation of Pakistan that General Raheel blew it---.

I could not be any clearer in my message---.

If you have around 150 K troops and an air and naval battle group in the arena---would it not be obvious who would be give more consideration.
Yes, Pak shouldn't let any opportunity for flanking ops pass. Unfortunately, a certain opportunity knocks but once!!!

I could not be any clearer in my message---.

If you have around 150 K troops and an air and naval battle group in the arena---would it not be obvious who would be give more consideration
LOL you are taking it in a different realm and this is not required any how you can have many other option on table if you know how to control and who to control.
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