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CPEC has legitimized our claim in Azad Kashmir. The International community has endorsed that stance by telling India to take a hike over CPEC. That is part of the eventual solution. China needs Kashmir under Pakistani control to feel its route through to Gwadar is safe and secure. The Chinese have thought this one through.

Actually Indians had offered to make current line of control a permanent border, so international community recognizing CPEC is not a big deal
Actually Indians had offered to make current line of control a permanent border, so international community recognizing CPEC is not a big deal

This Indian government thinks it has a border with Afghanistan. Wasnt there news a few days ago about that? It was on this forum somewhere. Indians claim Azad Kashmir and GB. It is an issue for them. Whether they verbalise it or not. And they have stated that position many many times. This LOC is actually unacceptable to both sides and the Kashmiri people. In fact India's main objection to CPEC is sovereignty issues.
India doesn't yet have the full capability to launch a cold start yet. But it is building its capability in that direction.

Actually Indians had offered to make current line of control a permanent border, so international community recognizing CPEC is not a big deal

Are you dreaming? India never offered to make current line of control a permanent border. India claims all of Kashmir, hence it has problems with CPEC.
India can continue with such strategy in her quarters but there is always counter strategy too that is building day by day. If it was every that much worth impact, India would have done long ago but still succeeded through Afghan gateway contrary to Cold Start from border. It wouldn't be one area then but different fronts will be activated and after all, it is not about to conquer India in return but scare the Investor against their fear of money.
Ideally, both countries should not have to focus on things such as Cold Start. We have enough poor people and economic issues to worry about as it is. An honest introspection should be made as to what age-old, meaningless territorial claims made circa 1947 have resulted in two dirt poor countries being engaged in a death match ever since. Talk about misplaced priorities.
Don't give me another strike for this, now I know not to joke on this forum

I, (Admin) have no intent to strike people but actions are taken while no other option that too, as a reminder to the member to review his/her attitude of posting and behaviour on Forum if wanted to be productive. You are welcome and I will only remind you that, Rules are simple and are applicable to all without any discrimination so enjoy your discussion and maintain decorum of the Forum.
cold start is old concept now,India have moved to VACWF(very advanced concept warafre) :)
@The Eagle

Don't give me another strike for the second humorous observation I made on this thread, now I know not to call out ridiculous statements by the Pakistanis on PDF.

Well, you have edited your post after I replied so here again, whosoever post ridiculous or as such, action will be taken. You find such posts then simply report the same without quoting-back or doing so in reply and Move-on yet doesn't matter the post was from XYZ Nationality.


CPEC has legitimized our claim in Azad Kashmir. The International community has endorsed that stance by telling India to take a hike over CPEC. That is part of the eventual solution. China needs Kashmir under Pakistani control to feel its route through to Gwadar is safe and secure. The Chinese have thought this one through.

You are too far awy from the reality.

Hint : Serach for WHY pakistan is 'Changing" its stand over Adding the 5th Province which DIRECTLY contradics the fact that, its Kashmir Stand gets EVAPORATED. With the Fifth Province, pakistan woul have LEGALLY overthrown the UN resolution PERMANENTLY.

There is a rwason why , even Modi has not dared to Touch Artcle 370 !
"Acting like a Buffoon" is a personal insult/ offending statement- meanwhile much worse stuff is passed around this forum.
"Khayali Pulav" is a trolling/thread derailing statement, meanwhile a full on dreamt up ballistic missile attack and crash of Indian economy is a productive and valid statement.
Too bad I can't reply back to your messages in my inbox, I'm forced to take it up here.

You are again editing your post after a while.

Define your strategy as per whatever weapon you have and be productive even people here conquer Pakistan day & night but as long as you are productive and sharing with quality without being personal or posting useless comments, it is fine. If you cannot come with a counter argument based upon knowledge and information, just ignore the quote and move-on.

Dont call my posts ridiculous - I get offended and insulted :)

You have a choice then however it was you calling Pakistanis posts ridiculous and I said for every ridiculous post that you can report. You have a choice here.

Hopefully, wouldn't derail further.
The POINT is that When we have Firing on the LOC
Pakistan Government gives a statement that " We are a Nuclear power"

That does not show any confidence in your conventional capabilities
First off, Cold Start is real.

Second, Cold Start was designed so war could start right away, without political interference from any quarter.

Third, Cold Start was designed to force Pak's nuclear hand so India can initiate a first strike.

So, it is up to Pakistan to escalate the conflict right after the invasion. Which means Pakistan can respond conventionally or unconventionally. The ball is in Pak's court. But they shouldn't forget that if Pakistan decides to escalate, they will be met with the full ferocity of India's nuclear arsenal and the 3 strike crops.

Well, good luck.
First off, Cold Start is real.

Second, Cold Start was designed so war could start right away, without political interference from any quarter.

Third, Cold Start was designed to force Pak's nuclear hand so India can initiate a first strike.

So, it is up to Pakistan to escalate the conflict right after the invasion. Which means Pakistan can respond conventionally or unconventionally. The ball is in Pak's court. But they shouldn't forget that if Pakistan decides to escalate, they will be met with the full ferocity of India's nuclear arsenal and the 3 strike crops.

Well, good luck.
Their first strike will never happen, if the war begins Pakistan must strike fully with nuclear and stop when the entire India is wiped out. Never give a chance to enemy to strike first. Hit them harshly in first strike and more to follow

Yeah---if they had 150000 troops in the GCC by now and complete air and naval battle group---they might have some say---but now---no say at all.
Don't understand you please explain what do you mean?
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