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Dangerous appeasement

the same elites rule India, Bangladesh
India threw its inherited elites to the wayside with land reform and, in turn, grew a new business elite that competed globally.

Bangladesh evicted its elites in 1971 (as it had been ruled by the same stock as Pakistan) and, like India, grew a new business class that competed globally.

Pakistani elites are rent-seekers who don't want to compete globally. They'll do just enough to service the local market and, every few years when an election or coup comes around, get a top guy to throw them subsidies, breaks, etc.

Pakistan had a globally competitive industrial elite. I'm not saying they were fair or egalitarian, but at the minimum, they could've taken Pakistani industry and R&D to the same direction as India's business elite had. Bhutto Sr. destroyed them via nationalization.

Granted, there was nuance in the situation in that the industrial elite was working people like dogs, but instead of the state stepping in with worker protection, publicly funded healthcare, taxation, etc, they (PPP) decided to destroy the entire economy instead. It's just like what happened in East Pakistan; "let's respond to grievances with genocide!"

If only there was a way to weaponize our ruling elite and send them to ruin India.
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Appeasement ? NOT.
It is a tussle between mostly good countries on one side trying to check the autocratic usually anti-human countries on the other. CCP must stop anti human measures as state policy , must stop abducting and blackmailing family of dissenters , must stop IP theft and when their companies operate outside, start respect local laws.

Otherwise this sort of article is nothing but “ oh no he is hitting me back !”
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They can’t because they are slaves led by slaves. The elites in Pakistan are products of the colonist who left behind these parasites to control South Asia. They consider themselves honorary westerners and act like. They hate Islam, local cultures, and people. They’re what I call MINOs just to fool the average person.

Look at the retarded decision making the past 75 years and then show me another nation whose establishment has made similar decisions which always ended up hurting the country. These slaves hurt Pakistan, then they leave for the west with their wealth stolen from the country.

They have no shame. I’ve said it so many times here, india is not as strong as so much Pakistan is mentally weak because it’s led by cowards from the military to the political class. They could care less because they kept the country artificially poor and in an environment like that, being connected to wealth is more important than taking care of your nation. Their main concern is to sustain their corrupt ways. Pakistan be damned.

It’ll take care 5 years of hard work from a nationalist government to solve Pakistans issues. You need to literally sent every corrupt political and army officer to the gulag. Then you need to take care of the fake Mullahs amongst our midst and end their lives. Next is to build an identity based of Islamic but not as overt as Iran but more inherent. Close your borders and regulate the economy by force if necessary.

Just some of my ideas..
The key failure is allowing the nation’s priorities to be dictated by elite capture and its extractive nature.

In Germany, their small and medium enterprises form what is called the “Mittlestand”. Company owners (usually family businesses for generations) reinvest into their businesses in terms of R&D, rainy day funds in case the economy takes a down turn, train workers through apprenticeships and pay them to work part time when the economy drops instead of laying off workers.

If we reform the tax codes to incentivize productive work and tax unproductive use of resources, we can fund the social services we need and help pay down the debt after it is restructure. The stability will draw FDI, and the country will grow out of this mess of $100 Billion in current foreign debt over time. Our population is set to increase 60% over the next 30 years. We can grow out of this if our workers and businesses become more productive. Growth faster then the interest rate on our debt is the only way to get out of the mess.

To give one example of what ending elite capture looks like one only has to look at when Rome took over Egypt, thousands of years ago, the increase in productivity generated enough surplus to power the empire for many many years.

The world is not out to enable or please India. countries are safeguarding their national interests. In some areas getting close to India is a must to offset potential Chinese actions that can threaten their national interests.

On a serious note why are Pakistanis going to achieve something now or in the short run that was not achieved in 75 years ? (time since the British left). Other than plain hope has anything really changed ?

It is never a given that you can ever become stronger than a country 6x larger than you. people have romantic notions of what happened in the past. Those days are over. When was the last time Afghan or Persian or Central Asian king came into the subcontinent and scored a significant victory ?

If USA and China are number 1 and 2 in the world they are going to court number 3 power in the world. At this point India is projected to be that power. That is a profound dilemma for Pakistani leaders if they want to compete with India. That game has just began
Same Scenario as in 1939 when the world treated Nazi germany the same and realised too late that it was a collossal mistake. India has adopted and adapted Hitler's doctrine but the Western world turn a convenient blind eye camaflouged by "decisions are influenced by various considerations, including political, economic, strategic, and security interests". When Nazi views align there can only be one outcome.
Same Scenario as in 1939 when the world treated Nazi germany the same and realised too late that it was a collossal mistake. India has adopted and adapted Hitler's doctrine but the Western world turn a convenient blind eye camaflouged by "decisions are influenced by various considerations, including political, economic, strategic, and security interests". When Nazi views align there can only be one outcome.

If there is a potential Germany in Asia it is China

Plus we live in the atomic age
If there is a potential Germany in Asia it is China

Plus we live in the atomic age
I don't see Mein Kampf in China or brown shirts practicing genocide. I see houses and people burning in India but not China.
I don't see Mein Kampf in China or brown shirts practicing genocide. I see houses and people burning in India but not China.

What made Hitler a threat was his exporting of ideology all over Europe ?

If internal violence in India is a criteria for intervention there is along list of countries ahead of India in the queue
What made Hitler a threat was his exporting of ideology all over Europe ?

If internal violence in India is a criteria for intervention there is along list of countries ahead of India in the queue
It started as an internal hatred of fire which spread beyond German border and engulfed the world. Same is happening with India.
It is fair to conclude that rogue elements inside the Indian army engineered the firing of the Russian designed weapon.

No man...Can you understand the efficiency of our engineering wings of Army through MIG crashes in last 20 year??
It started as an internal hatred of fire which spread beyond German border and engulfed the world. Same is happening with India.

What happens in India does not leave India

The list of Muslim states have granted their highest national awards on Modi is a long one. I will be glad to list them if you think otherwise
What happens in India does not leave India

The list of Muslim states have granted their highest national awards on Modi is a long one. I will be glad to list them if you think otherwise
Only because there is never ending supply of cheap women, workers and ****.
The blatant American appeasement of India, fully displayed during Prime Minster Modi’s recent visit to the US, is really a measure of America’s desperation to contain China. Convinced that India’s size, location and power can be harnessed to counter-balance China, American Presidents since Clinton have invested heavily to convert India into a “Net Security Provider”. But such appeasement can only prove dangerous, not only for South Asia but globally.

This has involved exceptional treatment for India despite repeated transgressions, several against the US itself. Shortly after Indian nuclear tests in 1998, Clinton began “engaging India” for a “new strategic partnership”. The next Bush administration approved a civilian nuclear cooperation agreement and engineered an exceptional waiver for India by the Nuclear Supplier Group (NSG), enhancing India’s nuclear weapons production capability. President Obama’s ‘Pivot to Asia’ policy included India in the Quadrilateral Alliance against China, along with Japan and Australia. Simultaneously, four foundational agreements were concluded for military, intelligence and logistics cooperation while exemptions were granted from American laws to transfer sensitive technologies. Presidents Trump and Biden have continued these policies with the latest concession being the Initiative on New and Emerging Technologies for weapons development, including cutting edge military systems.

In the political domain, Washington has withdrawn its visa ban on Modi, the “butcher of Gujarat” after he became Prime Minster in 2014 while giving a free pass for his human rights violations against Indian Muslims and repression in occupied Kashmir. Despite Modi’s democratic backsliding, the US also continues to expound the fiction about shared commitment to democracy and human rights. This clearly exposes Washington’s double standards. Meanwhile, the US also continues to endorse Indian candidature for permanent membership of the UN Security Council and the NSG.

Yet, despite such preferential treatment, India rejects any alliance with the US, preferring its policy of “strategic autonomy”, maintaining that in a multi-polar world there can be no friends but “frenemies”. Much to America’s chagrin, India also maintains its traditional partnership with Russia despite the Russian intervention in Ukraine. It has continued purchases of Russian S-400 missiles and other weapons in violation of CAASTSA sanctions, from which the US has been forced to issue a waiver. Moreover, India refuses to condemn Russian action against Ukraine in international forums, even as it continues to import discounted Russian oil and re-export it, including to the US itself.

Such purblind American appeasement of India is dangerous for South Asia, particularly Pakistan. Apart from encouraging Modi’s belligerence, the exponential growth in India’s conventional and strategic military capabilities poses an existential threat to Pakistan. Contrary to Indian claims of Pakistan’s “irrelevance”, nearly 80 per cent of Indian military capabilities are deployed against Pakistan with increasing threats of territorial aggression under the Cold Start doctrine for limited war below the nuclear threshold and even a pre-emptive nuclear first strike.

Rather than recognising that it is at least partially responsible for this situation and restraining Modi, the US has asked Pakistan to show restraint by freezing its strategic programme, meant to ensure credible deterrence against India. The US also seeks reversal of Pakistan’s strategic partnership with China, especially the CPEC project. Indeed, America’s geopolitical objective is Pakistan’s acceptance of India’s regional hegemony, including reversal of its Kashmir policy, so that India has a free hand to confront China as it moves to realise its ambition of becoming a global power. Since this option is unacceptable to either Pakistan or China, South Asia has become the only region in the world with confrontation Involving 4 nuclear powers.

Globally, American appeasement of India has already exposed Washington’s hypocrisy regarding freedom, democracy and human rights. Their criticism of China and Russia over these issues now rings hollow. Indeed, that such American criticism of other countries has always been politically motivated is now an accepted fact. This also demonstrates that the Indo-US partnership is purely driven by geopolitical considerations instead of being based on “shared values”.

Much more perilous is the impact on global and not just regional strategic developments. The appeasement of India on strategic matters — endorsement of its nuclear, missile and space developments — can only encourage other countries in the same directions. Yet another, even more dangerous, development could be the Indian testing and acquisition of thermo-nuclear (hydrogen) weapons. It is well-known that India is developing these weapons in its nuclear facilities near Mysore and claims to have tested a hydrogen bomb during its 1998 tests. But, according to Indian nuclear scientist, K Santhanam, this test was a failure and India would need to test again, despite its commitment not to do so. This has also been indicated by Ashley Tellis, an American academic of Indian origin, in his book, Striking Asymmetries, and in an interview with the Indian Express of 31 October 2022, where he stated that it would in America’s interest not to penalise India for testing a hydrogen bomb since this capability would be for use against China. More recently, another India analyst, Happymon Jacob, tweeted this possibility, wondering about the international response.

Resumed nuclear testing by India would certainly put the Americans in a quandary since they champion the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty while also opening up possibilities for testing by others. The American response to new nuclear tests by India is by no means clear and so far there has been no comment by Washington. But, given their consistent appeasement of India, the US may in fact reconcile to this development while conveying a polite rebuke — just as it did when Indian first tested in 1974 and shortly reversed its sanctions imposed after the 1998 Indian tests. In any event, Pakistan should take this possibility seriously and not be caught unawares if and when this happens.

To conclude, American appeasement of India has made the world a more dangerous place with the primary threat for Pakistan. At a minimum, this requires Pakistan to take all necessary measures to ensure its security, especially its credible minimum deterrence posture.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 20th, 2023.
There is no going back from this situation. Pakistan can only stay on the sidelines and watch. As far as the minimum deterrent is concerned it is fully in place. Pakistan needs to focus on its economic growth as it's top priority.
How about a radical approach, to assuage these fears?

Pakistan is anyways needing help from external sources, so why not take it from a neighbor rather than the West? Align with India, not just economically but also militarily. This however will need a sea change in attitudes.

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