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‘Pained’ to learn that Manmohan did not vote: Modi

Space: GSLV makes its Maiden Flight, BJP buys Russian Cyrogenic Engines since Congress couldn't Source the Tech or Engine. Its been trying since 1986.

GSLV MK3 Project started by the BJP in 2002.

Defence: LCA makes it Maiden Flight in 2001:lol:

Foreign Policy:

BJP: Gets Sanctions Uprooted in 3 years after Nuclear Test in 2001. India and US act as Equal Partners.

Congress: It has made India look like a Puppet of USA. Read Wikileaks for support.

BJP: BJP fooled China in 2003. In recognition of Tibet, China recognised Sikkim as a Part of India. That Dumbass Nehru had already recognised Tibet as a Part of China in 1954. We got Sikkim Recognised for Free by the Stupid Chinese.

Congress: Cough..Cough.. Some Heavy Cough:lol:
Yet to Declassify the War Report of 1962. Is unable to Stand to Chinese Pressure. Watch Media for that.

Kargil and Kandahar itself had enough.

Our Foolish Public like Lala thinks Congress passed the Womens Reservation Act, but those same stupids forget that It was the same Congress under Sonia Gandhi who blocked the Bill passed by the BJP in 1998.

I agree BJP is a political Party, It does Politics.

But it does not bring its Petty Crap Politics like the Congress when it comes to National Interest.

eg: Recently, BJP Chief Gadkari was invited to China, He was Straight Forward, Warned China about India's Issues, Arunachal, Troop Incursions.

Whereas Congress forms its Foreign Policies in mind keeping the Vote Bank. Read Wikileaks about Congress Policy in West Asia.

These Issues are only after post 1991.

I have yet to elaborate on Kashmir Blunder by Nehru running to UNSC, Anti-Sikh Riots, Bhopal Gas Tragedy, Bofors Scam, IPKF Pre-Independence and much more.

Now Decide What is Congress!
Mr.Modi the most saddening is that today the soul of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar will be in pain more than ever seeing the issue of cast system which he fought still is there despite he being architect of Indian constitution its still is on only on papers.

Low cast Dalits are still waiting for the equality and justice in India
Mr. Narendra modi is from backward Caste
Narendra Modi's long haul
BJP aint less corrupt than the Congress. Given a chance to rule for the same duration as Congress, they would have had a similar number of scams. Better a family-run party than a proletarian right-wing communal party.

Are u psychic or astrologer..? without giving a chance u have predicted the future?? wow.. well dear, bjp has better muslim leaders than this super corrupt congress. congress is more communal than any other party.
That is the reason I can never get myself to vote for Congress. But at least they put up a pretense and they had the sense (rather late and insulting to Sikhs as it was a Sikh apologizing to Sikhs) to apologize. Not like Modi and his party that never owns up for Gujrat. And not to talk about Babri and Hindutva this and Hindutva that. I can do with slower growth and lesser (nuclear tests fueled) nationalistic fervor but cant do with a party that is from teh same family of political organizations as the VHP, Bajrang Dal etc. Sorry, not me.

i think actions speak louder than words.. right? and modis actions r itself answer for everyone and the muslims voting for him in the elections r answer to congress. Do u know rss in itself has a minority wing with large no.s of muslims associated with it. do u know about rss role in gujrat earthquake, indian ocean tsunami, 62 war? do u know how many low fees schools rss operates? do u know how many free hospitals rss has opened? do u know rss role in fight against cast system? please search the net, you will get the answers. u know even in my medical college rss funds free cataract surgery camps for poor regardless of their religion 4 times a year.
Kandahar = Not a Single Person killed. All Persons safely Return in Return for 3 Terrorists. Terrorists Demand was for release of 10+

Precautions: Air force Base in Tajikistan, Indian Consulates in Afghanistan by the BJP.

Congress= Kanishka Bombings 1985. 325 People Killed.

Precautions: ???

Parliament Attacks: 5 People Killed, Attacker waiting on Death Sentence.

Operation Parakram --> Cold Start Doctrine.



26/11: 195 Indians Killed.

Precautions: POTA Killed, Afzal Guru and Kasab are eating Biryani,

2 Bastards: MMS and Geelani are Watching World Cup Together.

Do you want me to Rape Congress more Lala?

Cold Start Doctrine and Farkhor Air Force Base are still giving shivers in the Spines of Pakistanis.

Thanks for posting this. india desperately needs bjp.
Space: GSLV makes its Maiden Flight, BJP buys Russian Cyrogenic Engines since Congress couldn't Source the Tech or Engine. Its been trying since 1986.

GSLV MK3 Project started by the BJP in 2002.

Defence: LCA makes it Maiden Flight in 2001:lol:

Foreign Policy:

BJP: Gets Sanctions Uprooted in 3 years after Nuclear Test in 2001. India and US act as Equal Partners.

Congress: It has made India look like a Puppet of USA. Read Wikileaks for support.

BJP: BJP fooled China in 2003. In recognition of Tibet, China recognised Sikkim as a Part of India. That Dumbass Nehru had already recognised Tibet as a Part of China in 1954. We got Sikkim Recognised for Free by the Stupid Chinese.

Congress: Cough..Cough.. Some Heavy Cough:lol:
Yet to Declassify the War Report of 1962. Is unable to Stand to Chinese Pressure. Watch Media for that.

Kargil and Kandahar itself had enough.

Our Foolish Public like Lala thinks Congress passed the Womens Reservation Act, but those same stupids forget that It was the same Congress under Sonia Gandhi who blocked the Bill passed by the BJP in 1998.

I agree BJP is a political Party, It does Politics.

But it does not bring its Petty Crap Politics like the Congress when it comes to National Interest.

eg: Recently, BJP Chief Gadkari was invited to China, He was Straight Forward, Warned China about India's Issues, Arunachal, Troop Incursions.

Whereas Congress forms its Foreign Policies in mind keeping the Vote Bank. Read Wikileaks about Congress Policy in West Asia.

These Issues are only after post 1991.

I have yet to elaborate on Kashmir Blunder by Nehru running to UNSC, Anti-Sikh Riots, Bhopal Gas Tragedy, Bofors Scam, IPKF Pre-Independence and much more.

Now Decide What is Congress!

My hat is off to u sir. thanks again. but some people will still remain ignorant.
Are u psychic or astrologer..? without giving a chance u have predicted the future?? wow.. well dear, bjp has better muslim leaders than this super corrupt congress. congress is more communal than any other party.

Its common sense, lady. BJP saw the coffin scam in its term. A few more terms and we would have definitely seen more. Power always corrupts. And there's nothing to say BJP and its allies, the same allies who sometimes allign with Congress wont indulge in A Raja type scams.
i think actions speak louder than words.. right? and modis actions r itself answer for everyone and the muslims voting for him in the elections r answer to congress. Do u know rss in itself has a minority wing with large no.s of muslims associated with it. do u know about rss role in gujrat earthquake, indian ocean tsunami, 62 war? do u know how many low fees schools rss operates? do u know how many free hospitals rss has opened? do u know rss role in fight against cast system? please search the net, you will get the answers. u know even in my medical college rss funds free cataract surgery camps for poor regardless of their religion 4 times a year.

I never mentioned RSS. It does have a humanitarian angle to its works, but then, so does Jamat-ud-dawa. It might be the moderate arm of the Sangh Parivar but there's no denying the poisonous ideologies of RSS off-shoots like VHP and Bajrang Dal. Sab ek hi thali ke chatte-batte hain.
My hat is off to u sir. thanks again. but some people will still remain ignorant.

Problems of BJP:

With the series of allegation of corruptions in various levels by BJP Congress is taken by surprise. I think it is BJP's Shock and Awe strategy to destabilise Congress at the Centre.

Now BJP is not good enough or better option than Congress. So Congress particularly PM Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi along with Rahul Gandhi and all new generation of Congress Leadership should shed their soft and decent response (which BJP of course cannot understand) and do an all out assault on BJP and expose its not just double standards but also remove its "FACE OFF" and expose the REAL BJP.

Congress should strongly expose with evidence the nexus of RSS, VHP and Bajrang Dal along with other Hindu Terrorist organisations and their evil designs and plans which they have strategized since decades.

This Axis of Evil was partially a success in implementing their sinister agendas thru various Pogroms like:

Demolition of Babri Mosque
Communal Riots in Gujarat
Communal Riots and ethnic cleansing in Orissa
Communal Killings in Karnataka
And many smaller unreported incidents in MP, Chhattisgarh and rest of India.

The concern which Rahul Gandhi shared with India media and also may be as per wikileaks is a real threat if this is not contained.

Remember tackling and fighting insurgents and few militant group is much easier then the cities or states which majority of them; who are instigated with false propaganda and lies, to systematically organise pogroms for systematic "ethnic cleansing".

Congress should not worry with regards to Hindu Sentiments while expose and inform and make people aware of this Evil nexus, because majority of sensible Hindus do not endorse this kind of society.

You cannot create and justify the acts of another Monster (read Hindu Terrorism) as a response to the existing monster (Islam terrorism).

If you do then you will not be able to control the Bigger monster which will be more evil and devastating than the previous.

So India should fight and subdue the Islamic terrorism and also nip the Hindu terrorism from its bud while it can be controlled.

Sonia Ghandhi along with PM Manmohan Singh has well done in establishing RTI and bringing reforms in many areas, should now focus in building systems that will not allow anybody scope of corruption of large proportions.

You cannot remove corruption entirely but you can minimise it by putting in place proper systems.

Remember the corruption starts at home (where a parents bribes their children to get results, or even before the birth of a child when the couple bribe their god for the male child) and it is practiced right up to the highest office in politics or religion.

Congress Vs BJP: Corruption vs Saffron terror

Congress digging it's own Grave:
Telecom Minister Kabil Sibal’s attack on the competency of India’s independent state auditor appears to show Congress’s growing desperation at its inability to silence corruption charges, and the inevitable backfire may illustrate just how out of touch India’s ruling party has become with the current political climate.

Kapil Sibal, Indian Minister of Telecoms attends a session at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos January 31, 2009. REUTERS/Pascal Lauener

Last week’s allegations by Sibal of the “utterly erroneous” calculations in a report by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) estimating a $39 billion loss to the exchequer during the 2008 2G spectrum sale have led to a barrage of criticism from opposition politicians and the CAG, and appear to have only resulted in increased pressure on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s government.

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is reportedly mulling a breach of privilege motion against Sibal – a Congress heavyweight – for his insinuation of “serious errors” in the independent investigation, the CAG has suggested his remarks were “in contempt of the House” and the opposition, already riding high on the ruling party’s seemingly endless list of corruption-related woes, accused the minister of attempting to “overreach the Parliamentary process.”

In short, his attempt to discredit the report, with the assumed blessing of Singh and Congress chief Sonia Gandhi, has only led to more headlines and headaches.

Sibal may be correct in his assertion. The loss to the state is essentially incalculable – the CAG even admitted that in its report. But in failing to address the issue of improper practices undertaken during the spectrum allocation that the report also noted, he risked appearing to shift the blame away from his sacked predecessor, A. Raja, a member of a party crucial to the success of Singh’s ruling coalition.

Similarly to Prime Minister Singh’s December promise to appear before the PAC to answer questions on the 2G scandal, rather than agree to a joint parliamentary committee as demanded by the opposition, Sibal’s analysis of the CAG report was seen by some as an example of half measures by the government in tackling corruption, and a failure to address the allegations head-on.

As Siddharth Varadarajan wrote in The Hindu on Wednesday, the danger for Congress is its inability to seize the initiative on corruption by taking direct steps to address the various accusations: “If the UPA government continues to remain in denial, it will pay a heavy political price.”

It may be a new year, but newspaper reports citing corruption charges against the central government have continued unabated, as the crucial budget session of parliament looms without any sign of conciliation with an emboldened opposition.

Despite promises from Singh of a program to tackle graft issues that threaten to irreparably tarnish his government, continued excuses and attempts to shift the blame risk fuelling the fire instead of stamping it out.

Is Congress digging its own corrupt grave? | India: A billion aspirations | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters.com

So madam as you see all Indian political Parties are same side of a coin.

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