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‘Pained’ to learn that Manmohan did not vote: Modi

it has everything to do with the thread because since Modi is hiding behind name of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar hence important to mention what Dr. B.R. Ambedkar had been fighting and today when modi is talking about celebrating him and saddening part he should know that what would be real good step to make soul of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar happy. Its certainly not the vote of MMS

FYI, the Hindu Hurdaya Smarat Mahatama Modi himself belongs to a backward caste .
What do you think is more important - a PM doing his job or a PM not doing his job just to cast his 'precious' vote.

Modi is indirectly mocking at MMS's fradulent nativity of Assam used to garner his Rajya Shabha membership ,a controversial issue .
Lol..this thread is still going on. :woot:

Guys lets not reduce the quality of the Indian defence forum to that of the Bangladeshi defence sub-fora where the only news items being posted are political and nothing in defence.
That family- run secular party is also involved in the biggest indian massacre/ communal riots of 1984 where five thousand Sikhs were murdered in New Delhi and police didn't even bother tho open fire ....Suna to Hoga ??

That is the reason I can never get myself to vote for Congress. But at least they put up a pretense and they had the sense (rather late and insulting to Sikhs as it was a Sikh apologizing to Sikhs) to apologize. Not like Modi and his party that never owns up for Gujrat. And not to talk about Babri and Hindutva this and Hindutva that. I can do with slower growth and lesser (nuclear tests fueled) nationalistic fervor but cant do with a party that is from teh same family of political organizations as the VHP, Bajrang Dal etc. Sorry, not me.
Well Modi is the only person who take India to the right place...Kudos to Modi...come on India vote for him lets make Indian economy better than Chinese...
That is the reason I can never get myself to vote for Congress. But at least they put up a pretense and they had the sense (rather late and insulting to Sikhs as it was a Sikh apologizing to Sikhs) to apologize. Not like Modi and his party that never owns up for Gujrat. And not to talk about Babri and Hindutva this and Hindutva that. I can do with slower growth and lesser (nuclear tests fueled) nationalistic fervor but cant do with a party that is from teh same family of political organizations as the VHP, Bajrang Dal etc. Sorry, not me.

With all the compassion to your just grievance, I want to correct you that Congress as a party has apologized to Sikhs and the nation before Dr. Singh did.
With all the compassion to your just grievance, I want to correct you that Congress as a party has apologized to Sikhs and the nation before Dr. Singh did.

Kill 4000 people one day and apologise the next day.
Problem solved.
Loot and plunder India one day, and apologise the other day.
Problems solved.
True. I was just taking exception to the fact that whole credit was given to MMS.

The post of Finance minister is just a minister. If you don't get the support,belief from your boss - the PM - then it is worth nothing.

If as a PM, he doesn't have a say over his Ministers, What is the Probability that He had any voice over the PM when He was a FM.:lol .
With all the compassion to your just grievance, I want to correct you that Congress as a party has apologized to Sikhs and the nation before Dr. Singh did.

Babri Masjid Incident = 1992
Apology by Advani = 2002


Anti-Sikh Riots = 1984
Apology by a Sikh(Puppet) = 2005


Such a Hypocrite India has become!
Oh what ... the coward PM did not vote in Assam..??
I guess this joker of a PM might not have got orders from the high command.
Yeh, the way his party gave pain to Pakistan during Kandahar, Parliament Attack etc...

Kandahar = Not a Single Person killed. All Persons safely Return in Return for 3 Terrorists. Terrorists Demand was for release of 10+

Precautions: Air force Base in Tajikistan, Indian Consulates in Afghanistan by the BJP.

Congress= Kanishka Bombings 1985. 325 People Killed.

Precautions: ???

Parliament Attacks: 5 People Killed, Attacker waiting on Death Sentence.

Operation Parakram --> Cold Start Doctrine.



26/11: 195 Indians Killed.

Precautions: POTA Killed, Afzal Guru and Kasab are eating Biryani,

2 Bastards: MMS and Geelani are Watching World Cup Together.

Do you want me to Rape Congress more Lala?

Cold Start Doctrine and Farkhor Air Force Base are still giving shivers in the Spines of Pakistanis.

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