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PAF to get extra F-16 Block-52+ ?

Maintenance not, but to have a look, yes you can open up the panels. They were designed that way, to be able to be replaced/removed easily on the flight line.
I was referring to the special parts we're talking about with digital seals
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Chogy, for newer members. Was a USAF officer who flew F-15s with the 58th Fighter squadron( a squadron which also had the Pakistani American Pilot who died in a training exersize).

When asked on the subject his response was as follows and I think it only restates what I did and explains the issue best.

The AIM-120 was sold to Pakistan because Pakistan wanted the missile, and the U.S. wants good relations with Pakistan. It's no more complex than that. It would be insulting to Pakistan to limit arms only to those that could be used on the Taliban.

What got me going on this topic is the bold part of your quote... too many guys literally think it is a kill switch, and the jets won't even fly.

Think of the software in the F-16 as an OS, an operating system. You power the jet up, it boots, and you have a "basic installation", F-16 V5.0

You have an AI radar, HUD, algorithms to drop bombs, detect, track and engage airborne targets, navigate, etc etc. It'll fight just fine. But like any OS, you can install programs that might do something a little better than the basic OS applets. So NOTEPAD becomes MS WORD; you get more capability.

This is kind of a lame analogy, but hopefully it's understandable. Some of the software deals with super-sensitive data and operating modes. In my career, we had a vault full of material stamped SECRET/NOFORN, with NOFORN meaning "no dissemination to foreign (non U.S.) personnel. All States have material that they consider highly sensitive. What we have here is a data methodology to allow Pakistan access to critical data, without compromising that data. I hope this makes sense.

Source: Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2 | Page 270

Thanks for the post. Pakistan would also want HARM and AIM9x, don''t you think?
I was referring to the special parts we're talking about with digital seals

How hard is it to do this:

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O LALA G I'm not saying you can't open its nose, The sensitive avionics are sealed, if you have trouble with them, ship them back to U.S and 'll repair and re-seal them
How hard is it to do this:

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We should bring those up

Sure. I also posted up many images that should still be relevant if there are still available.

Do you have security clearance? Because i fail to believe that a classified information would be such freely communicated on internet forums.

Anyway, let's move on.

Like I said, what does it matter? Let's move on. :D
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Your masterly diatribe took me a few hours to understand. I salute your intelligence and now realize why we are in the mess that we are in. More power to you and long live ignorance!!! I was just born yesterday to not be aware of what is happening in Pakistan and you with your supreme intellect have made me realize how little I know about the workings of a jingoistic brain. So I will gladly acknowledge that I cant stoop to your intellect to answer you.
give me apology to engaged your astute for think against your sagacity
after your Instant solution of our Disarray i am surprised why You've just born late.
if you born in 1947 than national motto of Pakistan make as
" the right is might" obey super power rules
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