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Indonesia picks the F-15EX to push back on China

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We are operating many kind of planes and so far there are no issues.

Logistic ? Our strategy is to put all SU 27/30 in one base in South Sulawesi where the logistic for the plane is concentrated at that base. F16 is concentrated in base in East Java and another based in Riau province in Sumatra.

As I said in the future we only will have three kind of fighters which are F15, Rafale, and KF21.

At the mean time we are not really efficient with lot of plane variation but it is still needed to spread the planes into our vast territory.
Logistics includes parts, spares, infrastructure, but also pilot training & tactics. You have American, Russian, French, and Korean platforms. That is a disaster. I mean you guys couldn't even maintain submarine.
Logistics includes parts, spares, infrastructure, but also pilot training & tactics. You have American, Russian, French, and Korean platforms. That is a disaster. I mean you guys couldn't even maintain submarine.
Dont be too swallow in thinking ?

What submarine ? The one who sink ? It is bought in 1980 and supposedly get maintenanced in PTPAL. It should have been retired or at least get another scheduled maintenance/overhaul where they dont do it

Not we cannot maintain it, but previous General not too much into safety. Mentality problem, not technical capability issue. Another example is the fact that we are about to buy our first submarines rescue vessel despite we have operated submarines since 1960's, including those being sent to your origin country during India-Pakistan war.

We have got the lesson and the civilian gov push the maintenance program now and we do have healthy economy
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Rafale and F15 are also transition into our IFX program. We develop KF21 with SK since 2011 and after this most probabaly we keep continuing developing it with SK and we could possibly develop a new fighter maybe starting in 2050 something as we are projected/ predicted to be 5 largest economy in the world in nominal term. (already 7 largest in PPP term currently)

Step by step. Basically I prefer focusing on KF21, but there are logic behind buying Rafale as the plane dont rely on US companies while KF21 is, and F15 EX deal has geopolitics and industrial cooperation with Indonesian Aerospace to make Indonesian Aerospace become one of Boeing design centers. This can further improve our aerospace companies particularly in the form of company branding, finance, and in design capabilities as well. More over, F15 EX as heavy fighter is also needed.

It does spend much money than focusing on KF21, but we will be less dependent on US by buying Rafale. Possibly we can put several Dassault or other France products in our IFX due to Indonesia closer relation with France after the deal and because Indonesia has export licence limitation from US in KF21program as KF21 uses several US key technologies.

F15 deal could also possibly make US allow to lift the ban on that export licence restriction of some US technology in IFX (KF21 Indonesia's version) and F15 EX deal could also be used to smoothen the upgrade program of our F16 C/D into Viper variant in Indonesia ( which is now already been approved by US Defense Minister).

Need to inform you guys that Indonesian KF21 version will not be similar with Korean version. This is why the 5th prototype that Indonesian Aerospace will likely get in 2026/27 after the testing is completed in Korea will be used by Indonesian Aerospace/PTDI to develop Indonesian version as our Air Force has several requirements that is not accomodated by Korean KF21 version + we get US export license restriction as well on some key technologies. The test bed prototype will also be used for further upgrade like upgrading the plane into block 2 and possibly block 3 as well.
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Problem here is how many platforms does Indonesia have and can they handle the logistics? You don't want to end up like Egypt, essentially doing window shopping for jets like women grabbing purses.
Chinese threat looms large. Indonesia probably wants to grab every fighter jet that is available on the market, as quick as possible. The Russians as weapons seller is finished that’s the reason for western jets. Maintenance will be certainly a nightmare.
This is american so I don't know where the indian even come from?
You talk and think like Indian, thats where.
Most probably got Indian DNA.
You talk and think like Indian, thats where.
Most probably got Indian DNA.
I talk like a human being. Not an NPC with a pre written script.
War is about logistic ... Just pick one type of the two . Either you go full F15 or Full Rafale all the way ..
You don't live in the perfect world anyway ..
Blame the baby boomer for this. The old farts in charge still cling on to to the idea of "Neutrality"

While the youngers one the one that got sent to the West for military training mostly supports greater integration with the West.

Ask anyone my age or below they are pro-US, Pro-australia, Pro-Israel even, generally pro-west.

At least Indonesia chose France now so at least this time it still in the same block.
Indonesia should choose J-10C. Its a good bird.
A few things people need to realise about these "War Game", having been involved in Military Intelligence myself, I was part of some of these "War Game" which I know first hand

1.) War Game ALWAYS start with the worse scenario, in this case, US Bases in Asia and Hawaii was attacked by Biological Weapon and taken almost all of their combat power out in the opening salvo. Call it "Pearl Harbor" effect or whatever you want to call it. nobody runs war games with you start with an advantage. We all know how to fight when we are winning, what these war game drill in is to try to turn the bad situation around.

2.) In these war game, US would lose up to 80% of the Pacific Airforce. While that's a lot but that is roughly 40% of the entire US Air Force strength, while not counting the reactivation of Davis-Monthan AFB which will patch up to 20% strength with the older reserve F-16 and F-15 aircraft back into service.

On the other hand, China would loses upward to 70% of their national strength. That mean after this war, US would still be around 60% strength after the reactivation of the reserve, while PLAAF will down to 30% or lower strength. Which it ceased to be an effective force.

3.)Almost none of these War Game I known of (And I know a lot) have resulted in Chinese occupation of Taiwan. In fact, after Battle of Snake Island in the Ukrainian war, I would say it's nearly impossible for any modern force to completely occupy an island.

4.) This war is going to be fought in between China and Taiwan, it would be naive to think US/Taiwan and allies will not attack Chinese infrastructure in this war, I mean, people can think like the Russian and think "I invade you and your land is all game and my land is off limit", nobody else think like that, certainly not the Ukrainian, and we can assume Taiwan would attack Chinese mainland, and seeing Taiwan as a more competent force than Ukraine, you are looking at wholesale destruction of Chinese East Coast.

While material loss with the US can be replace as US most likely would not be affected as Chinese Missile and Air Attack most likely will not reach US Mainland barring nuclear option, China will have a difficult road to recover from this.

5.) I can almost certainly guarantee you if and when US get involved in this war, US will NOT be going in alone, unless US started this war (even if they did, there are still some countries will follow US down this path) Which will most likely alter the outcome of a heads-up war game.
Not the first time the US severely overestimated their enemy's capability.

Also Chinese war capabilities aside if the War do start with Taiwan. This will be the first war China fight since Vietnam & they got humiliated by them. I'm not going to bet on them winning the war that's for sure.
Forced purchase to keep Uncle Sam happy.
Not the first time the US severely overestimated their enemy's capability.

Also Chinese war capabilities aside if the War do start with Taiwan. This will be the first war China fight since Vietnam & they got humiliated by them. I'm not going to bet on them winning the war that's for sure.
And to think this is an amphibious assault island attack.

I have the utmost confident on the Chinese.................................to mess up this attack.....
And to think this is an amphibious assault island attack.

I have the utmost confident on the Chinese.................................to mess up this attack.....
I bet you will lose you bet.
I bet you will lose you bet.
I don't mind, I mean, you lose people if you succeed, you lose people if you fail. It's always just how many people you are willing to lose for me and the US, it's win-win anyway.

As I said before, it's not me who is going to be on the first row of that LCAC ready to land at a Taiwanese beach, I will be gladly admit that I am wrong, You? I don't know, have you already made up an excuse already to try to get out of being draft to fight in that war so other people's son dies and not you? LOL
And to think this is an amphibious assault island attack.

I have the utmost confident on the Chinese.................................to mess up this attack.....
Ah yes them pesky naval landing if the Russian invasion was bad the Chinese invasion would be hilarious.

Forced purchase to keep Uncle Sam happy.
More like the Air Force (TNI-AU) have the defense commisioner at gunpoint to buy this jets.
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