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Indonesia picks the F-15EX to push back on China

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And what is your point, that news about Vietnam loss of territory by a Vietnamese paper is insignificant?.

The problem is that Viet Tan newspaper was founded by the Vietnamese community abroad, its purpose is to incite hostility against the government in Vietnam.

It is a political propaganda news site similar to Falun Gong

Using material from an anti-Vietnam website and claiming that it is a Vietnamese paper? By the same logic, should I also quote the news from The Epoch Times and claim that it is Chinese news source ?

Indo 1.png

And you trust the version of the Vietnam China border war by the people who goes by "WE LIED, WE CHEAT, WE STOLE".
You are describing yourself here.

My post is mainly to refute those deluded and those MSM brainwashed BOTS who keep regurgitating that Vietnam was able to trash China but subsequently had to gift China significant territory concessions to end the conflict.
There is more accurate documentation here. What territory is ceded?



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And you are all talk, chicken out of a duel that YOU STARTED, that's what's wrong with Chinese this day, you act tough asking for my address and when I do set down a place and a date, you are a no show.

Talk with your action, not with your mouth, again, if you want to kick me a$$, YOU will have to come here yourself and kick it if you can, just trash talking about kicking my a$$ mean nothing, when I want to fight people, I join the military and go fight. Just one thing tho, I don't stop when I draw blood, I only stop when you don't get back up.,

Big fricking bota, but no cajones. That's what you people are known for, it's in your gene. If you are sop frickin big, come here and talk trash in front of me, I dare ya.

Not only do you have a low IQ, but you can't accept reality at all.

You can't accept your low IQ, you can't accept the decline of the West, you can't accept the rise of China.

I can understand your pain, but if you don't accept the reality, it will become more and more painful.
The problem is that Viet Tan newspaper was founded by the Vietnamese community abroad, its purpose is to incite hostility against the government in Vietnam.

It can be interpreted similar to Falugun's news sites

Using material from an anti-Vietnam website and claiming that it is a Vietnamese paper?

View attachment 951265

You are describing yourself here.

There is more accurate documentation here. What territory is ceded?

You want me to trust Indian infested Wikipedia?
For heaven sake, just give me proof that said ceded territories, Ai Nam Gate and Ban Gioc Waterfall still belong to Vietnam.
I see you resorting to ad hominem when losing an argument.

Singaporeans are a lot more trustworthy than 2-headed backstabbing Vietnamese who went back on the agreement with China on the Spratlys.
You want me to trust Indian infested Wikipedia?
For heaven sake, just give me proof that said ceded territories, Ai Nam Gate and Ban Gioc Waterfall still belong to Vietnam.
I see you resorting to ad hominem when losing an argument.

Singaporeans are a lot more trustworthy than 2-headed backstabbing Vietnamese who went back on the agreement with China on the Spratlys.
I have explained the problem.

Whether you read the document or not, whether you want to understand it or not, that's not my responsibility.

whatever keeps your ship afloat.
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Not only do you have a low IQ, but you can't accept reality at all.

You can't accept your low IQ, you can't accept the decline of the West, you can't accept the rise of China.

I can understand your pain, but if you don't accept the reality, it will become more and more painful.
Yeah, yeah yeah, keep talking, that's the only thing you are good at.

Actually no, trying to be big is the only thing YOU are good at :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Next time when you say you want to kick my a$$, YOU BETTER DAMN BE COMING TO KICK MY A$$
I have explained the problem.

Whether you read the document or not, whether you want to understand it or not, that's not my responsibility.

whatever keeps your ship afloat.
Fair enough, you stay on your ship.
If Vietnam is so great, go take back some land from China or give the world some technology breakthroughs.
As East Asians, Vietnamese are no pushover, but certainly not at parity with China. Remember how the Chinese easily beat off the Vietnamese trying to muscle in at the Paracel Islands.

Even this China hating media, as their mission is to smear, demonize and make China look bad, notwithstanding their bias, would narrate how the Chinese pulverized the Vietnamese.
However daydreaming Vietnamese like their Supa Powa counterparts, would delude themselves with imagined victories.
Fair enough, you stay on your ship.
If Vietnam is so great, go take back some land from China or give the world some technology breakthroughs.
As East Asians, Vietnamese are no pushover, but certainly not at parity with China. Remember how the Chinese easily beat off the Vietnamese trying to muscle in at the Paracel Islands.

Even this China hating media, as their mission is to smear, demonize and make China look bad, notwithstanding their bias, would narrate how the Chinese pulverized the Vietnamese.
However daydreaming Vietnamese like their Supa Powa counterparts, would delude themselves with imagined victories.

Which Vietnamese people claim that Vietnam is on par with China here?

Only one Wumao shamelessly quoted from an anti-Vietnam news site ( Việt Tân ) and claimed it was a site from Vietnam.

And now, it begins to shift the topic from the 1979 war and territorial concessions to the issue of the 1974 naval war

It seems that Wumao's IQ is somehow not as high as it brags about.

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No Vietnamese person brags or claims that Vietnam won against China in 1974.

Vietnam Wiki admitted the defeat of the Republic of Vietnam Navy and affirmed that this was China's victory.

Vietnam YouTube channels all affirmed that it was a victory for China and a defeat for the Republic of Vietnam.

And now, a scum has made up the story : "However daydreaming Vietnamese like their Supa Powa counterparts, would delude themselves with imagined victories."

Shamelessness and lies are Wumao's nature.

FireShot Capture 4694 - Hải chiến Hoàng Sa 1974 – Wikipedia tiếng.png

Hải chiến hoàng sa Vn 1974.png
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Which Vietnamese people claim that Vietnam is on par with China here?

Only one Wumao shamelessly quoted from an anti-Vietnam news site ( Việt Tân ) and claimed it was a site from Vietnam.

And now, it begins to shift the topic from the 1979 war and territorial concessions to the issue of the 1974 naval war

It seems that Wumao's IQ is somehow not as high as it brags about.

Typical lack of class from a Vietnamese, using ad homenim when losing an argument. So those are not Vietnamese just because they don't support your cause. Simply prove what they state are not true.
It is a Vietnamese publication as long as it is published by Vietnamese.

Vietnam ceding territories to China after LOSING the border conflict is not only held by so called anti-Vietnam elements.

Below MORE COPIUM by Vietnamese.
Vietnam - China Borders Hotspots
Thus, there is no way that Vietnam has "ceded" Ải Nam Quan to China as many people speculate based on their non-objective feelings or information of no legal validity."

I repeat, Vietnam is no walkover.
BUT many people( Vietnamese) knew Vietnam CEDED DEFEAT as should be like in the Paracel Islands total defeat.
Go take more COPIUM.
There's like literally no proof of J-16 having the same "capability" as the F-15EX.

If you looking for the closest comparison is with another 5th gen fighter.

If you want quality weapons but also "free of strings" look up the Turkish stealth fighter programme. Not to mention also cheap with the Lira being the way it is.
J-16 is irrelevant. Like all other Su-27 derivatives China makes, it is not for export.
Let's see how many times the shameless wumao lied in this thread?

1. It says Vietnam cedes Ai Nam Quan and Ban Goc Waterfall
Spam tin giả 2.png

A. The truth is that Ải Nam Quan was first built in the Han Dynasty and its name is "雍雞關". Historically, it has never been Vietnamese territory, how does Vietnam cede territory it doesn't have?
Edit: Vietnam has never captured it and controlled it, so Vietnam cannot cede what it does not have (because in reality the Nam Quan Pass was under China's control at all times).
Ải Nam Quan.png

Ải Nam Quan baike.png

B. With "Thác Bản Gốc". Its division is based on the Franco-Qing convention 1892
Pháp thanh công ước.png

2. It says that Viet Tan is a news site from Vietnam
Indo 1.png

Vietnam page.png

- Viettan.org is a website created by Vietnamese exiles abroad, whose political stance is against the Vietnamese regime. How does an American news website become a news site from Vietnam?

How does a news site created by Vietnamese people living in the US who love the three-striped flag become a website from Vietnam with a red flag with yellow stars?
Việt Tân cờ 1.jpg

3. Wumao talks about the 1974 war and claims that Vietnam always brags about its imaginary victory?
Wu mao nói dối.png

While it is true that wikis, youtubers and many Vietnamese media channels all admit that China won.
FireShot Capture 4694 - Hải chiến Hoàng Sa 1974 – Wikipedia tiếng.png

Hải chiến hoàng sa Vn 1974.png


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Let's see how many times the shameless wumao lied in this thread?

1. It says Vietnam cedes Ai Nam Quan and Ban Goc Waterfall
View attachment 951291

A. The truth is that Ải Nam Quan was first built in the Han Dynasty and its name is "雍雞關". Historically, it has never been Vietnamese territory, how does Vietnam cede territory it doesn't have?
View attachment 951294

B. With "Thác Bản Gốc". Its division is based on the Franco-Qing convention 1892
View attachment 951293

2. It says that Viet Tan is a news site from Vietnam
View attachment 951296

View attachment 951301

- Viettan.org is a website created by Vietnamese exiles abroad, whose political stance is against the Vietnamese regime. How does an American news website become a news site from Vietnam?

How does a news site created by Vietnamese people living in the US who love the three-striped flag become a website from Vietnam with a red flag with yellow stars?
View attachment 951297

3. Wumao talks about the 1974 war and claims that Vietnam always brags about its imaginary victory?
View attachment 951300

While it is true that wikis, youtubers and many Vietnamese media channels all admit that China won.
View attachment 951298

View attachment 951299

END - This 50 cent monkey ate too much bat meat and drank too much Sanlu milk. LOL
It is not your territory after losing it.
Must have learned it from SURRENDER MODI, "China did not intrude into Indian territory", but only after China took it back from the Indians.

At least you are right that China is only taking back territory from Thieves who stole land from China when China was weak.
China still needs to recover all those South China Sea islands STOLEN BY VIETNAM.
Vietnam should relinquish all territories STOLEN FROM CHINA under their THIEVING FRENCH MASTERS.
Vietnamese are an occupied people, by the Chinese, French, Japanese and most recently by the Americans.
While China was briefly occupied, they continued fighting, whereas Vietnam opened their arms and legs to welcome their assailants.

Wonder where they got their INDIAN COPIUM.
It may be too much AGENT ORANGE, courtesy of the Americans that Vietnam now is BEGGING for favors, notwithstanding how many Vietnamese the Americans SLAUGHTERED.
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At least you are right that China is only taking back territory from Thieves who stole land from China when China was weak
Your logic is that before the war, Nam Quan Pass belonged to Vietnam, but after the war, Vietnam ceded it to China.
  • But the truth is that before the war, Nam Quan Pass belonged to China and Vietnam had no right to manage, own, control and use it.
  • The Thác Bản Gốc was a disputed area before the war, but after the war it was divided according to the map and the Franco-Chinese agreement
If Vietnam really cedes its territory, then Vietnam will lose all of Thác Bản Gốc.
With Nam Quan Pass. Vietnam does not lose it, because Vietnam has never owned it.

The scenario you want to talk about is that Vietnam owned both the Thác Bản Gốc and Nam Quan Pass before the war, that will never happen.

Simple example: You have a house, you own that house. One day, you want to hit your neighbor, you need a good reason. You declare to everyone that the greedy neighbor is taking over your house, so you can defend yourself by attacking the neighbor. After finishing the fight, you declare that the neighbor has given/returned the house to you. (in fact the neighbor never touched it or lived in that house)

This is also true for Vietnam and China.

Vietnam has never claimed possession of the Nam Quan Pass and has never had actual control of the Nam Quan Pass.
There are no thieves here, but for the reason of beating someone, you need to slander the opponent as a thief first. After beating, you get back what you never lost.


It is not your territory after losing it.
Must have learned it from SURRENDER MODI, "China did not intrude into Indian territory", but only after China took it back from the Indians.

At least you are right that China is only taking back territory from Thieves who stole land from China when China was weak.
China still needs to recover all those South China Sea islands STOLEN BY VIETNAM.
Vietnam should relinquish all territories STOLEN FROM CHINA under their THIEVING FRENCH MASTERS.
Vietnamese are an occupied people, by the Chinese, French, Japanese and most recently by the Americans.
While China was briefly occupied, they continued fighting, whereas Vietnam opened their arms and legs to welcome their assailants.

The Russians occupied more than 1 million square kilometers of northern China's territory, massacred and plundered the Chinese people for hundreds of years, and looted many Chinese artifacts and relics.

To be fair, China should reclaim the territories it lost from its father Russia.

Ah-Q's slave mentality makes them tend to want to bully weaker nations but will be as gentle as puppies towards the Russians even though Russia has historically been a country that devastated China as severely as the Japanese.

Wonder where they got their INDIAN COPIUM.
It may be too much AGENT ORANGE, courtesy of the Americans that Vietnam now is BEGGING for favors, notwithstanding how many Vietnamese the Americans SLAUGHTERED.
Vietnam does not import....
China is on another level.
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China is on another level.

View attachment 951310
Funny that you from Vietnam of "TUNNEL RATS" fame would call others "monkeys".
Typical pygmy Vietnamese TUNNEL RAT, good at playing hide and seek in rat holes until the Chinese snuff out the oxygen in their RAT HOLES.

I thought only Indians and Pakistanis were at each others' throats; the East Asians go for the jugular.

At least, we South Asians can say we war for the fun.
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